


Feature #21688 » 12758-dbal_v3.diff

Administrator Admin, 2009-11-29 19:09

View differences:

class.ux_t3lib_sqlparser.php (working copy)
// Find "modifier", eg. "NOT or !"
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['modifier'] = trim($this->nextPart($parseString, '^(!|NOT[[:space:]]+)'));
// Support calculated value only for:
// - "&" (boolean AND)
// - "+" (addition)
// - "-" (substraction)
// - "*" (multiplication)
// - "/" (division)
// - "%" (modulo)
$calcOperators = '&|\+|-|\*|\/|%';
// See if condition is EXISTS with a subquery
if (preg_match('/^EXISTS[[:space:]]*[(]/', $parseString)) {
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['func']['type'] = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^(EXISTS)');
$this->nextPart($parseString, '^([(])');
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['func']['subquery'] = $this->parseSELECT($parseString);
// Seek to new position in parseString after parsing of the subquery
$parseString = $stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['func']['subquery']['parseString'];
if (!$this->nextPart($parseString, '^([)])')) {
return 'No ) parenthesis at end of subquery';
} else {
// Fieldname:
if ($fieldName = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^([[:alnum:]._]+)([[:space:]]+|' . $calcOperators . '|<=|>=|<|>|=|!=|IS)')) {
// Parse field name into field and table:
$tableField = explode('.', $fieldName, 2);
if (count($tableField) == 2) {
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['table'] = $tableField[0];
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['field'] = $tableField[1];
} else {
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['table'] = '';
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['field'] = $tableField[0];
} else {
return $this->parseError('No field name found as expected in parseWhereClause()', $parseString);
// See if the value is calculated:
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['calc'] = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^(' . $calcOperators . ')');
if (strlen($stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['calc'])) {
// Finding value for calculation:
$calc_value = $this->getValue($parseString);
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['calc_value'] = $calc_value;
if (count($calc_value) == 1 && is_string($calc_value[0])) {
// Value is a field, store it to allow DBAL to post-process it (quoting, remapping)
$tableField = explode('.', $calc_value[0], 2);
// Support calculated value only for:
// - "&" (boolean AND)
// - "+" (addition)
// - "-" (substraction)
// - "*" (multiplication)
// - "/" (division)
// - "%" (modulo)
$calcOperators = '&|\+|-|\*|\/|%';
// Fieldname:
if ($fieldName = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^([[:alnum:]._]+)([[:space:]]+|' . $calcOperators . '|<=|>=|<|>|=|!=|IS)')) {
// Parse field name into field and table:
$tableField = explode('.', $fieldName, 2);
if (count($tableField) == 2) {
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['calc_table'] = $tableField[0];
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['calc_field'] = $tableField[1];
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['table'] = $tableField[0];
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['field'] = $tableField[1];
} else {
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['calc_table'] = '';
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['calc_field'] = $tableField[0];
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['table'] = '';
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['field'] = $tableField[0];
} else {
return $this->parseError('No field name found as expected in parseWhereClause()', $parseString);
// Find "comparator":
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['comparator'] = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^(<=|>=|<|>|=|!=|NOT[[:space:]]+IN|IN|NOT[[:space:]]+LIKE|LIKE|IS[[:space:]]+NOT|IS)');
if (strlen($stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['comparator'])) {
if (preg_match('/^CONCAT[[:space:]]*\(/', $parseString)) {
$this->nextPart($parseString, '^(CONCAT[[:space:]]?[(])');
$values = array(
'operator' => 'CONCAT',
'args' => array(),
$cnt = 0;
while ($fieldName = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^([[:alnum:]._]+)')) {
// Parse field name into field and table:
$tableField = explode('.', $fieldName, 2);
// See if the value is calculated:
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['calc'] = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^(' . $calcOperators . ')');
if (strlen($stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['calc'])) {
// Finding value for calculation:
$calc_value = $this->getValue($parseString);
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['calc_value'] = $calc_value;
if (count($calc_value) == 1 && is_string($calc_value[0])) {
// Value is a field, store it to allow DBAL to post-process it (quoting, remapping)
$tableField = explode('.', $calc_value[0], 2);
if (count($tableField) == 2) {
$values['args'][$cnt]['table'] = $tableField[0];
$values['args'][$cnt]['field'] = $tableField[1];
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['calc_table'] = $tableField[0];
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['calc_field'] = $tableField[1];
} else {
$values['args'][$cnt]['table'] = '';
$values['args'][$cnt]['field'] = $tableField[0];
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['calc_table'] = '';
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['calc_field'] = $tableField[0];
// Looking for comma:
$this->nextPart($parseString, '^(,)');
// Look for ending parenthesis:
$this->nextPart($parseString, '([)])');
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['value'] = $values;
} else if (t3lib_div::inList('IN,NOT IN', $stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['comparator']) && preg_match('/^[(][[:space:]]*SELECT[[:space:]]+/', $parseString)) {
$this->nextPart($parseString, '^([(])');
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['subquery'] = $this->parseSELECT($parseString);
// Seek to new position in parseString after parsing of the subquery
$parseString = $stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['subquery']['parseString'];
if (!$this->nextPart($parseString, '^([)])')) {
return 'No ) parenthesis at end of subquery';
// Find "comparator":
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['comparator'] = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^(<=|>=|<|>|=|!=|NOT[[:space:]]+IN|IN|NOT[[:space:]]+LIKE|LIKE|IS[[:space:]]+NOT|IS)');
if (strlen($stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['comparator'])) {
if (preg_match('/^CONCAT[[:space:]]*\(/', $parseString)) {
$this->nextPart($parseString, '^(CONCAT[[:space:]]?[(])');
$values = array(
'operator' => 'CONCAT',
'args' => array(),
$cnt = 0;
while ($fieldName = $this->nextPart($parseString, '^([[:alnum:]._]+)')) {
// Parse field name into field and table:
$tableField = explode('.', $fieldName, 2);
if (count($tableField) == 2) {
$values['args'][$cnt]['table'] = $tableField[0];
$values['args'][$cnt]['field'] = $tableField[1];
} else {
$values['args'][$cnt]['table'] = '';
$values['args'][$cnt]['field'] = $tableField[0];
// Looking for comma:
$this->nextPart($parseString, '^(,)');
// Look for ending parenthesis:
$this->nextPart($parseString, '([)])');
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['value'] = $values;
} else if (t3lib_div::inList('IN,NOT IN', $stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['comparator']) && preg_match('/^[(][[:space:]]*SELECT[[:space:]]+/', $parseString)) {
$this->nextPart($parseString, '^([(])');
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['subquery'] = $this->parseSELECT($parseString);
// Seek to new position in parseString after parsing of the subquery
$parseString = $stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['subquery']['parseString'];
if (!$this->nextPart($parseString, '^([)])')) {
return 'No ) parenthesis at end of subquery';
} else {
// Finding value for comparator:
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['value'] = $this->getValue($parseString, $stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['comparator']);
if ($this->parse_error) {
return $this->parse_error;
} else {
// Finding value for comparator:
$stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['value'] = $this->getValue($parseString, $stack[$level][$pnt[$level]]['comparator']);
if ($this->parse_error) {
return $this->parse_error;
// Finished, increase pointer:
return $stack[0];
// Checking if we are back to level 0 and we should still decrease level,
// meaning we were probably parsing a subquery and should return here:
if ($level === 0 && preg_match('/^[)]/', $parseString)) {
// Return the stacks lowest level:
return $stack[0];
// Checking if the current level is ended, in that case do stack management:
while ($this->nextPart($parseString,'^([)])')) {
$level--; // Decrease level:
// Look for sublevel:
if (is_array($v['sub'])) {
$output .= ' (' . trim($this->nativeCompileWhereClause($v['sub'])) . ')';
} elseif (isset($v['func'])) {
$output .= ' ' . trim($v['modifier']) . ' ' . $v['func']['type'] . ' (' . $this->compileSELECT($v['func']['subquery']) . ')';
} else {
// Set field/table with modifying prefix if any:
// Look for sublevel:
if (is_array($v['sub'])) {
$output .= ' (' . trim($this->compileWhereClause($v['sub'], $functionMapping)) . ')';
} elseif (isset($v['func'])) {
$output .= ' ' . trim($v['modifier']) . ' ' . $v['func']['type'] . ' (' . $this->compileSELECT($v['func']['subquery']) . ')';
} else {
// Set field/table with modifying prefix if any:
class.ux_t3lib_db.php (working copy)
// Look for sublevel:
if (is_array($where_clause[$k]['sub'])) {
$where_clause[$k]['sub'] = $this->_quoteWhereClause($where_clause[$k]['sub']);
} elseif (isset($v['func'])) {
$where_clause[$k]['func']['subquery'] = $this->quoteSELECTsubquery($v['func']['subquery']);
} else {
if ($where_clause[$k]['table'] != '') {
$where_clause[$k]['table'] = $this->quoteName($where_clause[$k]['table']);
// Look for sublevel (WHERE parts only)
if (is_array($sqlPartArray[$k]['sub'])) {
$this->map_sqlParts($sqlPartArray[$k]['sub'], $defaultTable); // Call recursively!
} elseif (isset($sqlPartArray[$k]['func'])) {
$subqueryDefaultTable = $sqlPartArray[$k]['func']['subquery']['FROM'][0]['table'];
$this->map_sqlParts($sqlPartArray[$k]['func']['subquery']['SELECT'], $subqueryDefaultTable);
$this->map_sqlParts($sqlPartArray[$k]['func']['subquery']['FROM'], $subqueryDefaultTable);
$this->map_sqlParts($sqlPartArray[$k]['func']['subquery']['WHERE'], $subqueryDefaultTable);
} else {
// For the field, look for table mapping (generic):
$t = $sqlPartArray[$k]['table'] ? $sqlPartArray[$k]['table'] : $defaultTable;
tests/sqlparser_general_testcase.php (working copy)
$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);
* @test
* @see
public function whereClauseSupportsExistsKeyword() {
$parseString = 'EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tx_crawler_queue WHERE tx_crawler_queue.process_id = tx_crawler_process.process_id AND tx_crawler_queue.exec_time = 0)';
$whereParts = $this->fixture->parseWhereClause($parseString);
$this->assertTrue(is_array($whereParts), $whereParts);
$this->assertTrue(empty($parseString), 'parseString is not empty');
* @test
* @see
public function existsClauseIsProperlyCompiled() {
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM tx_crawler_process WHERE active = 0 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tx_crawler_queue WHERE tx_crawler_queue.process_id = tx_crawler_process.process_id AND tx_crawler_queue.exec_time = 0)';
$expected = 'SELECT * FROM tx_crawler_process WHERE active = 0 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tx_crawler_queue WHERE tx_crawler_queue.process_id = tx_crawler_process.process_id AND tx_crawler_queue.exec_time = 0)';
$actual = $this->cleanSql($this->fixture->debug_testSQL($sql));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);
tests/db_oracle_testcase.php (working copy)
$expected .= ')';
$this->assertEquals($expected, $query);
* @test
* @see
public function existsWhereClauseIsProperlyQuoted() {
$query = $this->cleanSql($GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->SELECTquery(
'active = 0 AND NOT EXISTS (' .
'tx_crawler_queue.process_id = tx_crawler_process.process_id AND tx_crawler_queue.exec_time = 0)'
) .
$expected = 'SELECT * FROM "tx_crawler_process" WHERE "active" = 0 AND NOT EXISTS (';
$expected .= 'SELECT * FROM "tx_crawler_queue" WHERE "tx_crawler_queue"."process_id" = "tx_crawler_process"."process_id" AND "tx_crawler_queue"."exec_time" = 0';
$expected .= ')';
$this->assertEquals($expected, $query);
* @test
* @see
public function subqueryIsRemappedForExistsWhereClause() {
$selectFields = '*';
$fromTables = 'tx_crawler_process';
$whereClause = 'active = 0 AND NOT EXISTS (' .
'tx_crawler_queue.process_id = tx_crawler_process.process_id AND tx_crawler_queue.exec_time = 0'
) .
$groupBy = '';
$orderBy = '';
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->_callRef('map_remapSELECTQueryParts', $selectFields, $fromTables, $whereClause, $groupBy, $orderBy);
$query = $this->cleanSql($GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->SELECTquery($selectFields, $fromTables, $whereClause, $groupBy, $orderBy));
$expected = 'SELECT * FROM "tx_crawler_ps" WHERE "is_active" = 0 AND NOT EXISTS (';
$expected .= 'SELECT * FROM "tx_crawler_queue" WHERE "tx_crawler_queue"."process_id" = "tx_crawler_ps"."ps_id" AND "tx_crawler_queue"."exec_time" = 0';
$expected .= ')';
$this->assertEquals($expected, $query);