


Bug #22033 » sprite_api_v5.patch

Administrator Admin, 2010-05-01 07:42

View differences:

t3lib/config_default.php (Arbeitskopie)
'ExtDirect::route' => 't3lib/extjs/class.t3lib_extjs_extdirectrouter.php:t3lib_extjs_ExtDirectRouter->route',
'XCLASS' => array(), // See 'Inside TYPO3' document for more information.
'spriteIconRecordOverlayPriorities' => array('hidden', 'starttime', 'endtime', 'futureendtime', 'fe_group', 'protectedSection'),
'spriteIconRecordOverlayMapping' => array(
'hidden' => 'status-overlay-hidden',
'fe_group' => 'status-overlay-access-restricted',
'starttime' => 'status-overlay-scheduled-start',
'endtime' => 'status-overlay-scheduled-end',
'futureendtime' => 'status-overlay-scheduled-future-end',
'readonly' => 'status-overlay-locked',
'deleted' => 'status-overlay-deleted',
'missing' => 'status-overlay-missing',
'translated' => 'status-overlay-translated',
'protectedSection' => 'status-overlay-includes-subpages',
'FE' => array( // Configuration for the TypoScript frontend (FE). Nothing here relates to the administration backend!
'png_to_gif' => FALSE, // Boolean. Enables conversion back to gif of all png-files generated in the frontend libraries. Notice that this leaves an increased number of temporary files in typo3temp/
t3lib/stddb/tables.php (Arbeitskopie)
'prependAtCopy' => 'LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_general.php:LGL.prependAtCopy',
'cruser_id' => 'cruser_id',
'editlock' => 'editlock',
'useColumnsForDefaultValues' => 'doktype'
'useColumnsForDefaultValues' => 'doktype',
'typeicon_column' => 'doktype',
'typeicon_classes' => array(
'1' => 'apps-pagetree-page-default',
'1-hideinmenu' => 'apps-pagetree-page-default-hideinmenu',
'3' => 'apps-pagetree-page-shortcut-external',
'3-hideinmenu' => 'apps-pagetree-page-shortcut-external-hideinmenu',
'4' => 'apps-pagetree-page-shortcut',
'4-hideinmenu' => 'apps-pagetree-page-shortcut-hideinmenu',
'6' => 'apps-pagetree-page-backend-user',
'6-hideinmenu' => 'apps-pagetree-page-backend-user-hideinmenu',
'7' => 'apps-pagetree-page-mountpoint',
'7-hideinmenu' => 'apps-pagetree-page-mountpoint-hideinmenu',
'199' => 'apps-pagetree-spacer',
'199-hideinmenu' => 'apps-pagetree-spacer-hideinmenu',
'254' => 'apps-pagetree-folder-default',
'254-hideinmenu' => 'apps-pagetree-folder-default-hideinmenu',
'255' => 'apps-pagetree-dust-bin',
'255-hideinmenu' => 'apps-pagetree-dust-bin-hideinmenu',
'typeicons' => array(
'1' => 'pages.gif',
'254' => 'sysf.gif',
'255' => 'recycler.gif',
'interface' => array(
'showRecordFieldList' => 'doktype,title',
'default' => 'default.gif'
t3lib/class.t3lib_iconworks.php (Arbeitskopie)
final class t3lib_iconWorks {
public static $fileSpriteIconClasses = array(
'htm' => 'mimetype-text-htm',
'html' => 'mimetype-text-htm',
'css' => 'mimetype-text-css',
'js' => 'mimetype-text-js',
'csv' => 'mimetype-text-csv',
'xml' => 'mimetype-text-xml',
'php' => 'mimetype-text-php',
'php6' => 'mimetype-text-php',
'php5' => 'mimetype-text-php',
'php4' => 'mimetype-text-php',
'php3' => 'mimetype-text-php',
'inc' => 'mimetype-text-php',
'ts' => 'mimetype-text-ts',
'txt' => 'mimetype-text-text',
'class' => 'mimetype-text-text',
'tmpl' => 'mimetype-text-text',
'jpg' => 'mimetype-media-image-jpg',
'jpeg' => 'mimetype-media-image-jpg',
'gif' => 'mimetype-media-image-gif',
'png' => 'mimetype-media-image-png',
'bmp' => 'mimetype-media-image-bmp',
'tif' => 'mimetype-media-image',
'tga' => 'mimetype-media-image',
'psd' => 'mimetype-media-image',
'eps' => 'mimetype-media-image',
'avi' => 'mimetype-media-video-avi',
'mpg' => 'mimetype-media-video',
'mpeg' => 'mimetype-media-video',
'mov' => 'mimetype-media-video',
'wav' => 'mimetype-media-audio',
'mp3' => 'mimetype-media-audio',
'mid' => 'mimetype-media-audio',
'swf' => 'mimetype-media-flash',
'swa' => 'mimetype-media-flash',
'exe' => 'mimetype-executable-executable',
'com' => 'mimetype-executable-executable',
't3x' => 'mimetype-compressed-t3x',
't3d' => 'mimetype-compressed-t3d',
'zip' => 'mimetype-compressed-compressed',
'tgz' => 'mimetype-compressed-compressed',
'gz' => 'mimetype-compressed-compressed',
'pdf' => 'mimetype-word-pdf',
'doc' => 'mimetype-word-word',
'sxw' => 'mimetype-word-word',
'rtf' => 'mimetype-word-word',
'xls' => 'mimetype-spreadsheet-spreadsheet',
'sxc' => 'mimetype-spreadsheet-spreadsheet',
'ttf' => 'mimetype-font-font',
'ppt' => 'mimetype-presentation-presentation',
'mount' => 'apps-filetree-mount',
'folder' => 'apps-filetree-folder-default',
'default' => 'mimetype-other-other'
* Returns an icon image tag, 18x16 pixels, based on input information.
* This function is recommended to use in your backend modules.
@ImageGif($im, $path);
* The Sprite Icon API helps you to quickly get the HTML for any icon you want
* this is typically wrapped in a <span> tag with corresponding CSS classes that
* will be responsible for the
* There are three ways to use this API:
* 1) for any given TCA record
* $spriteIconHtml = t3lib_iconWorks::getSpriteIconForRecord('pages', $row);
* 2) for any given file
* $spriteIconHtml = t3lib_iconWorks::getSpriteIconForFile('myimage.png');
* 3) for any other icon you know the name
* $spriteIconHtml = t3lib_iconWorks::getSpriteIcon('actions-document-open');
* This generic method is used throughout the TYPO3 Backend to show icons in any variation which are not
* bound to any file type (see getSpriteIconForFile) or database record (see getSpriteIconForRecord)
* Generates a HTML tag with proper CSS classes. The TYPO3 skin has defined these CSS classes
* already to have a pre-defined background image, and the correct background-position to show
* the necessary icon.
* @param string $iconName the name of the icon to fetch
* @param array $options an associative array with additional options and attributes for the tag. by default, the key is the name of the attribute, and the value is the parameter string that is set. However, there are some additional special reserved keywords that can be used as keys: "html" (which is the HTML that will be inside the icon HTML tag), "tagName" (which is an alternative tagName than "span"), and "class" (additional class names that will be merged with the sprite icon CSS classes)
* @param array $overlays an associative array with the icon-name as key, and the options for this overlay as an array again (see the parameter $options again)
* @return string the full HTML tag (usually a <span>)
* @access public
public static function getSpriteIcon($iconName, $options = array(), $overlays = array()) {
$innerHtml = (isset($options['html']) ? $options['html'] : '');
$tagName = (isset($options['tagName']) ? $options['tagName'] : 'span');
// deal with the overlays
if (count($overlays)) {
foreach ($overlays as $overlayIconName => $overlayOptions) {
$overlayOptions['html'] = $innerHtml;
$overlayOptions['class'] = (isset($overlayOptions['class']) ? $overlayOptions['class'] . ' ': '') . 't3-icon-overlay';
$innerHtml = self::getSpriteIcon($overlayIconName, $overlayOptions);
// create the CSS class
$options['class'] = self::getSpriteIconClasses($iconName) . (isset($options['class']) ? ' ' . $options['class'] : '');
return self::buildSpriteHtmlIconTag($options, $innerHtml, $tagName);
* This method is used throughout the TYPO3 Backend to show icons for a file type
* Generates a HTML tag with proper CSS classes. The TYPO3 skin has defined these CSS classes
* already to have a pre-defined background image, and the correct background-position to show
* the necessary icon.
* @param string $fileExtension the name of the icon to fetch, can be a file extension or one of the special keywords "folder" or "mount"
* @param array $options an associative array with additional options and attributes for the tag. by default, the key is the name of the attribute, and the value is the parameter string that is set. However, there are some additional special reserved keywords that can be used as keys: "html" (which is the HTML that will be inside the icon HTML tag), "tagName" (which is an alternative tagName than "span"), and "class" (additional class names that will be merged with the sprite icon CSS classes)
* @return string the full HTML tag (usually a <span>)
* @access public
public static function getSpriteIconForFile($fileExtension, $options = array()) {
$innerHtml = (isset($options['html']) ? $options['html'] : '');
$tagName = (isset($options['tagName']) ? $options['tagName'] : 'span');
// create the CSS class
$options['class'] = self::mapFileExtensionToSpriteIconClass($fileExtension) . (isset($options['class']) ? ' ' . $options['class'] : '');
return self::buildSpriteHtmlIconTag($options, $innerHtml, $tagName);
* Generates the spriteicon name for a given path or fileExtension
* usually called from getSpriteIconForFile
* @param string fileExtension can be jpg, gif etc, but also be 'mount' or 'folder', but can also be a full path which will be resolved then
* @return string the string of the CSS class, see t3lib_iconworks::$fileSpriteIconClasses
public static function mapFileExtensionToSpriteIconClass($fileExtension) {
// if the file is a whole file with name etc (mainly, if it has a "." or a "/"),
// then it is checked whether it is a valid directory
if (strpos($fileExtension, '.') !== FALSE || strpos($fileExtension, '/') !== FALSE) {
// check if it is a directory
$filePath = dirname(t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('SCRIPT_FILENAME')) . '/' . $GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'] . $fileExtension;
$path = t3lib_div::resolveBackPath($filePath);
if (is_dir($path) || substr($fileExtension, -1) === '/' || substr($fileExtension, -1) === '\\') {
$fileExtension = 'folder';
} else if (($pos = strrpos($fileExtension, '.')) !== FALSE) {
$fileExtension = strtolower(substr($fileExtension, $pos + 1));
} else {
$fileExtension = 'default';
// if the file extension is not valid
// then use the default one
if (!isset(self::$fileSpriteIconClasses[$fileExtension])) {
$fileExtension = 'default';
$iconName = self::$fileSpriteIconClasses[$fileExtension];
return self::getSpriteIconClasses($iconName);
* This method is used throughout the TYPO3 Backend to show icons for a DB record
* Generates a HTML tag with proper CSS classes. The TYPO3 skin has defined these CSS classes
* already to have a pre-defined background image, and the correct background-position to show
* the necessary icon.
* @param string $table the TCA table name
* @param array $row the DB record of the TCA table
* @param array $options an associative array with additional options and attributes for the tag. by default, the key is the name of the attribute, and the value is the parameter string that is set. However, there are some additional special reserved keywords that can be used as keys: "html" (which is the HTML that will be inside the icon HTML tag), "tagName" (which is an alternative tagName than "span"), and "class" (additional class names that will be merged with the sprite icon CSS classes)
* @return string the full HTML tag (usually a <span>)
* @access public
public static function getSpriteIconForRecord($table, $row, $options = array()) {
$innerHtml = (isset($options['html']) ? $options['html'] : '');
$tagName = (isset($options['tagName']) ? $options['tagName'] : 'span');
// overlay this record icon with the status of the row
$overlaySpriteIconName = self::mapRecordOverlayToSpriteIconName($table, $row);
if ($overlaySpriteIconName) {
$overlayOptions = array(
'html' => $innerHtml,
'class' => 't3-icon-overlay'
$innerHtml = self::getSpriteIcon($overlaySpriteIconName, $overlayOptions);
// fetch the name for the CSS class, based on the $row
$options['class'] = self::mapRecordTypeToSpriteIconClass($table, $row) . (isset($options['class']) ? ' ' . $options['class'] : '');
return self::buildSpriteHtmlIconTag($options, $innerHtml, $tagName);
* this helper functions looks up the column that is used for the type of
* the chosen TCA table. And then fetches the corresponding class
* based on the chosen iconsprite class in this TCA
* The TCA looks up
* - [ctrl][typeicon_column]
* -
* This method solely takes care of the type of this record, not any
* statuses, used for overlays.
* see t3lib/stddb/tables.php for an example with the TCA table "pages"
* @param string $table the TCA table
* @param array $row the selected record
* @return string the CSS class for the sprite icon of that DB record
* @access private
protected static function mapRecordTypeToSpriteIconClass($table, $row) {
$column = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['typeicon_column'];
$recordType = $row[$column];
// workaround to give nav_hide pages a complete different icon
// although it's not a separate doctype
if ($table === 'pages' && $row['nav_hide']) {
$recordType .= '-hideinmenu';
$iconName = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['typeicon_classes'][$recordType];
return self::getSpriteIconClasses(($iconName ? $iconName : 'status-status-icon-missing'));
* this helper functions checks if the DB record ($row) has any special status
* based on the TCA settings like hidden, starttime etc, and then returns a specific
* Sprite icon class for the overlay of this DB record
* This method solely takes care of the overlay of this record, not any type
* Please note that this only returns one overlay, one status, that is prioritized
* by $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['spriteIconRecordOverlayPriorities']
* We wanted to not have these icons blown over by tons of overlays, so this is limited
* to just one.
* see t3lib/config_default.php for the default options, you will find
* $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['spriteIconRecordOverlayMapping'] that shows
* the list of CSS classes that will be used for the sprites, mapped to the statuses here
* @param string $table the TCA table
* @param array $row the selected record
* @return string the CSS class for the sprite icon of that DB record
* @access private
protected static function mapRecordOverlayToSpriteIconName($table, $row) {
$tcaCtrl = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl'];
// Calculate for a given record the actual visibility at the moment
$status = array(
'hidden' => FALSE,
'starttime' => FALSE,
'endtime' => FALSE,
'futureendtime' => FALSE,
'fe_group' => FALSE,
'deleted' => FALSE,
'protectedSection' => FALSE,
'nav_hide' => ($row['nav_hide'] ? TRUE : FALSE),
'noIconFound' => ($row['_NO_ICON_FOUND'] ? TRUE : FALSE),
// Icon state based on "enableFields":
if (is_array($tcaCtrl['enablecolumns'])) {
$enCols = $tcaCtrl['enablecolumns'];
// If "hidden" is enabled:
if ($tcaCtrl['enablecolumns']['disabled'] && $row[$tcaCtrl['enablecolumns']['disabled']]) {
$status['hidden'] = TRUE;
// If a "starttime" is set and higher than current time:
if ($tcaCtrl['enablecolumns']['starttime'] && $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME'] < intval($row[$tcaCtrl['enablecolumns']['starttime']])) {
$status['starttime'] = TRUE;
// If an "endtime" is set
if ($tcaCtrl['enablecolumns']['endtime']) {
if (intval($row[$tcaCtrl['enablecolumns']['endtime']]) > 0) {
if (intval($row[$tcaCtrl['enablecolumns']['endtime']]) < $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME']) {
// End-timing applies at this point.
$status['endtime'] = TRUE;
} else {
// End-timing WILL apply in the future for this element.
$status['futureendtime'] = TRUE;
// If a user-group field is set
if ($tcaCtrl['enablecolumns']['fe_group'] && $row[$tcaCtrl['enablecolumns']['fe_group']]) {
$status['fe_group'] = TRUE;
// If "deleted" flag is set (only when listing records which are also deleted!)
if ($row[$tcaCtrl['delete']]) {
$status['deleted'] = TRUE;
// Detecting extendToSubpages (for pages only)
if ($table == 'pages' && $row['extendToSubpages'] && ($status['hidden'] || $status['starttime'] || $status['endtime'] || $status['futureendtime'] || $status['fe_group'])) {
$status['protectedSection'] = TRUE;
// now only show the status with the highest priority
$priorities = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['spriteIconRecordOverlayPriorities'];
$iconName = '';
foreach ($priorities as $priority) {
if ($status[$priority]) {
$iconName = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['spriteIconRecordOverlayMapping'][$priority];
return $iconName;
* generic method to create the final CSS classes based on the sprite icon name
* with the base class and splits the name into parts
* is usually called by the methods that are responsible for fetching the names
* out of the file name, or the record type
* @param string $name iconname like 'actions-document-new'
* @return string a list of all CSS classes needed for the HTML tag
* @access public
public static function getSpriteIconClasses($iconName) {
$cssClasses = $baseCssClass = 't3-icon';
$parts = explode('-', $iconName);
if (count($parts) > 1) {
// will be something like "t3-icon-actions"
$cssClasses .= ' ' . ($baseCssClass . '-' . $parts[0]);
// will be something like "t3-icon-actions-document"
$cssClasses .= ' ' . ($baseCssClass . '-' . $parts[0] . '-' . $parts[1]);
// will be something like "t3-icon-document-new"
$cssClasses .= ' ' . ($baseCssClass . '-' . substr($iconName, strlen($parts[0]) + 1));
return $cssClasses;
* low level function that generates the HTML tag for the sprite icon
* is usually called by the three API classes (getSpriteIcon, getSpriteIconForFile, getSpriteIconForRecord)
* it does not care about classes or anything else, but just plainly builds the HTML tag
* @param array $tagAttributes an associative array of additional tagAttributes for the HTML tag
* @param string $innerHtml (optional) the content within the tag, a "&nbsp;" by default
* @param string $tagName (optional) the name of the HTML element that should be used (span by default)
protected static function buildSpriteHtmlIconTag($tagAttributes, $innerHtml = '&nbsp;', $tagName = 'span') {
$attributes = '';
foreach ($tagAttributes as $attribute => $value) {
$attributes .= ' ' . htmlspecialchars($attribute) . '="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '"';
return '<' . $tagName . $attributes . '>' . $innerHtml . '</' . $tagName . '>';
typo3/sysext/t3skin/ext_tables.php (Arbeitskopie)
$presetSkinImgs = is_array($TBE_STYLES['skinImg']) ?
$TBE_STYLES['skinImg'] :
$TBE_STYLES['skins'][$_EXTKEY]['stylesheetDirectories']['sprites'] = 'EXT:t3skin/stylesheets/sprites/';
* Setting up backend styles and colors
typo3/sysext/cms/ext_tables.php (Arbeitskopie)
'fe_group' => 'fe_group',
'typeicon_column' => 'CType',
'typeicon_classes' => array(
'header' => 'mimetypes-x-content-header',
'textpic' => 'mimetypes-x-content-text-picture',
'image' => 'mimetypes-x-content-image',
'bullets' => 'mimetypes-x-content-list-bullets',
'table' => 'mimetypes-x-content-table',
'splash' => 'mimetypes-x-content-splash',
'uploads' => 'mimetypes-x-content-uploads',
'multimedia' => 'mimetypes-x-content-multimedia',
'media' => 'mimetypes-x-content-multimedia',
'menu' => 'mimetypes-x-content-menu',
'list' => 'mimetypes-x-content-plugin',
'mailform' => 'mimetypes-x-content-form',
'search' => 'mimetypes-x-content-search',
'login' => 'mimetypes-x-content-login',
'shortcut' => 'mimetypes-x-content-link',
'script' => 'mimetypes-x-content-script',
'div' => 'mimetypes-x-content-divider',
'html' => 'mimetypes-x-content-html',
'text' => 'mimetypes-x-content-text',
'typeicons' => array (
'header' => 'tt_content_header.gif',
'textpic' => 'tt_content_textpic.gif',
'endtime' => 'endtime'
'typeicon_column' => 'root',
'typeicon_classes' => array(
'0' => 'mimetypes-x-content-template-extension',
'1' => 'mimetypes-x-content-template',
'typeicons' => array (
'0' => 'template_add.gif'