


Bug #101962 » TcaFlexProcess.php

Kai Strecker, 2024-03-08 09:13


* This file is part of the TYPO3 CMS project.
* It is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License, either version 2
* of the License, or any later version.
* For the full copyright and license information, please read the
* LICENSE.txt file that was distributed with this source code.
* The TYPO3 project - inspiring people to share!

namespace TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form\FormDataProvider;

use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form\FormDataCompiler;
use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form\FormDataGroup\FlexFormSegment;
use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form\FormDataProviderInterface;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Authentication\BackendUserAuthentication;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;

* Process data structures and data values, calculate defaults.
* This is typically the last provider, executed after TcaFlexPrepare
class TcaFlexProcess implements FormDataProviderInterface
* Determine possible pageTsConfig overrides and apply them to ds.
* Determine available languages and sanitize ds for further processing. Then kick
* and validate further details like excluded fields. Finally for each possible
* value and ds, call FormDataCompiler with set FlexFormSegment group to resolve
* single field stuff like item processor functions.
* @throws \RuntimeException
* @return array
public function addData(array $result)
foreach ($result['processedTca']['columns'] as $fieldName => $fieldConfig) {
if (empty($fieldConfig['config']['type']) || $fieldConfig['config']['type'] !== 'flex') {
if (!isset($result['processedTca']['columns'][$fieldName]['config']['dataStructureIdentifier'])) {
throw new \RuntimeException(
'Data structure identifier must be set, typically by executing TcaFlexPrepare data provider before',
$this->scanForInvalidSectionContainerTca($result, $fieldName);
$dataStructureIdentifier = $result['processedTca']['columns'][$fieldName]['config']['dataStructureIdentifier'];
$simpleDataStructureIdentifier = $this->getSimplifiedDataStructureIdentifier($dataStructureIdentifier);
$pageTsConfigOfFlex = $this->getPageTsOfFlex($result, $fieldName, $simpleDataStructureIdentifier);
$result = $this->modifyOuterDataStructure($result, $fieldName, $pageTsConfigOfFlex);
$result = $this->removeExcludeFieldsFromDataStructure($result, $fieldName, $simpleDataStructureIdentifier);
$result = $this->removeDisabledFieldsFromDataStructure($result, $fieldName, $pageTsConfigOfFlex);
// A "normal" call opening a record: Process data structure and field values
// This is called for "new" container ajax request too, since display conditions from section container
// elements can access record values of other flex form sheets and we need their values then.
$result = $this->modifyDataStructureAndDataValuesByFlexFormSegmentGroup($result, $fieldName, $pageTsConfigOfFlex);
if (!empty($result['flexSectionContainerPreparation'])) {
// Create data and default values for a new section container, set by FormFlexAjaxController
$result = $this->prepareNewSectionContainer($result, $fieldName);

return $result;

* Some TCA combinations like inline or nesting a section into a section container is not
* supported and throws exceptions.
* @param array $result Result array
* @param string $fieldName Handled field name
* @throws \UnexpectedValueException
protected function scanForInvalidSectionContainerTca(array $result, string $fieldName)
$dataStructure = $result['processedTca']['columns'][$fieldName]['config']['ds'];
if (!isset($dataStructure['sheets']) || !is_array($dataStructure['sheets'])) {
foreach ($dataStructure['sheets'] as $dataStructureSheetName => $dataStructureSheetDefinition) {
if (!isset($dataStructureSheetDefinition['ROOT']['el']) || !is_array($dataStructureSheetDefinition['ROOT']['el'])) {
$dataStructureFields = $dataStructureSheetDefinition['ROOT']['el'];
foreach ($dataStructureFields as $dataStructureFieldName => $dataStructureFieldDefinition) {
if (isset($dataStructureFieldDefinition['type']) && $dataStructureFieldDefinition['type'] === 'array'
&& isset($dataStructureFieldDefinition['section']) && (string)$dataStructureFieldDefinition['section'] === '1'
) {
if (isset($dataStructureFieldDefinition['el']) && is_array($dataStructureFieldDefinition['el'])) {
foreach ($dataStructureFieldDefinition['el'] as $containerName => $containerConfiguration) {
if (isset($containerConfiguration['el']) && is_array($containerConfiguration['el'])) {
foreach ($containerConfiguration['el'] as $singleFieldName => $singleFieldConfiguration) {
// Nesting type=inline in container sections is not supported. Throw an exception if configured.
if (isset($singleFieldConfiguration['config']['type'])) {
if ($singleFieldConfiguration['config']['type'] === 'inline') {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
'Invalid flex form data structure on field name "' . $fieldName . '" with element "' . $singleFieldName . '"'
. ' in section container "' . $containerName . '": Nesting inline elements in flex form'
. ' sections is not allowed.',
if ($singleFieldConfiguration['config']['type'] === 'file') {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
'Invalid flex form data structure on field name "' . $fieldName . '" with element "' . $singleFieldName . '"'
. ' in section container "' . $containerName . '": Nesting file elements in flex form'
. ' sections is not allowed.',

// Nesting sections is not supported. Throw an exception if configured.
if (is_array($singleFieldConfiguration)
&& isset($singleFieldConfiguration['type']) && $singleFieldConfiguration['type'] === 'array'
&& isset($singleFieldConfiguration['section']) && (string)$singleFieldConfiguration['section'] === '1'
) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
'Invalid flex form data structure on field name "' . $fieldName . '" with element "' . $singleFieldName . '"'
. ' in section container "' . $containerName . '": Nesting sections in container elements'
. ' sections is not allowed.',

// Nesting type="select", type="category" and type="group" within section
// containers is not supported, the data storage can not deal with that and in
// general it is not supported to add a named reference to the anonymous section
// container structure.
if (isset($singleFieldConfiguration['config']['MM'])
&& in_array($singleFieldConfiguration['config']['type'] ?? '', ['select', 'category', 'group'], true)
) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
'Invalid flex form data structure on field name "' . $fieldName . '" with element "' . $singleFieldName . '"'
. ' in section container "' . $containerName . '": Nesting select, category and group elements in flex form'
. ' sections is not allowed with MM relations.',
} elseif (isset($dataStructureFieldDefinition['type']) xor isset($dataStructureFieldDefinition['section'])) {
// type without section is not ok
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
'Broken data structure on field name ' . $fieldName . '. section without type or vice versa is not allowed',

* Calculate a simplified (and wrong) data structure identifier.
* This is used to find pageTsConfig options of flex fields and exclude field definitions later, see methods below.
* If the data structure identifier is not type=tca based and if dataStructureKey is not as expected, fallback is "default"
* Example pi_flexform with ext:news in tt_content:
* * TCA config of pi_flexform ds_pointerfield is set to "list_type,CType"
* * list_type in databaseRow is "news_pi1"
* * CType in databaseRow is "list"
* * The resulting dataStructureIdentifier calculated by FlexFormTools is then:
* {"type":"tca","tableName":"tt_content","fieldName":"pi_flexform","dataStructureKey":"news_pi1,list"}
* * The resulting simpleDataStructureIdentifier is "news_pi1"
* * The pageTsConfig base path used for flex field overrides is "TCEFORM.tt_content.pi_flexform.news_pi1", a full
* example path disabling a field: "TCEFORM.tt_content.pi_flexform.news_pi1.sDEF.settings\.orderBy.disabled = 1"
* * The exclude path for be_user exclude rights is "tt_content:pi_flexform;news_pi1", a full example:
* tt_content:pi_flexform;news_pi1;sDEF;settings.orderBy
* Notes:
* This approach is obviously limited. It is not possible to override flex form DS via pageTsConfig for other complex
* or dynamically created data structure definitions. And worse, the fallback to "default" may lead to naming clashes
* if two different data structures have identical sheet and field names.
* Also, the exclude field handling is limited and it is not possible to respect 'exclude' fields in flex form
* data structures if the dataStructureIdentifier is based on type="record" or manipulated by a hook in FlexFormTools.
* All that can only be solved by changing the pageTsConfig syntax referencing flex fields, probably by involving the whole
* data structure identifier and going away from this "simple" approach. For exclude fields there is the additional
* issue that the special="exclude" code is based on guess work, to find possible data structures. If this area here is
* changed and a pageTsConfig syntax change is raised, it would probably be a good idea to solve the access restrictions
* area at the same time - see the related methods that deal with flex field handling for special="exclude" for
* more comments on this.
* Another limitation is that the current syntax in both pageTsConfig and exclude fields does not
* consider flex form section containers at all.
* @param string $dataStructureIdentifier
protected function getSimplifiedDataStructureIdentifier(string $dataStructureIdentifier): string
$identifierArray = json_decode($dataStructureIdentifier, true);
$simpleDataStructureIdentifier = 'default';
if (isset($identifierArray['type']) && $identifierArray['type'] === 'tca' && isset($identifierArray['dataStructureKey'])) {
$explodedKey = explode(',', $identifierArray['dataStructureKey']);
if (!empty($explodedKey[1]) && $explodedKey[1] !== 'list' && $explodedKey[1] !== '*') {
$simpleDataStructureIdentifier = $explodedKey[1];
} elseif (!empty($explodedKey[0]) && $explodedKey[0] !== 'list' && $explodedKey[0] !== '*') {
$simpleDataStructureIdentifier = $explodedKey[0];
return $simpleDataStructureIdentifier;

* Determine TCEFORM.aTable.aField.matchingIdentifier
* @param array $result Result array
* @param string $fieldName Handled field name
* @param string $flexIdentifier Determined identifier
* @return array Page TSconfig for this flex
protected function getPageTsOfFlex(array $result, $fieldName, $flexIdentifier)
$table = $result['tableName'];
$pageTs = [];
if (!empty($result['pageTsConfig']['TCEFORM.'][$table . '.'][$fieldName . '.'][$flexIdentifier . '.'])
&& is_array($result['pageTsConfig']['TCEFORM.'][$table . '.'][$fieldName . '.'][$flexIdentifier . '.'])) {
$pageTs = $result['pageTsConfig']['TCEFORM.'][$table . '.'][$fieldName . '.'][$flexIdentifier . '.'];
return $pageTs;

* Handle "outer" flex data structure changes like language and sheet
* description. Does not change "TCA" or values of single elements
* @param array $result Result array
* @param string $fieldName Current handle field name
* @param array $pageTsConfig Given pageTsConfig of this flex form
* @return array Modified item array
protected function modifyOuterDataStructure(array $result, $fieldName, $pageTsConfig)
$modifiedDataStructure = $result['processedTca']['columns'][$fieldName]['config']['ds'];

if (isset($modifiedDataStructure['sheets']) && is_array($modifiedDataStructure['sheets'])) {
// Handling multiple sheets
foreach ($modifiedDataStructure['sheets'] as $sheetName => $sheetStructure) {
if (isset($pageTsConfig[$sheetName . '.']) && is_array($pageTsConfig[$sheetName . '.'])) {
$pageTsOfSheet = $pageTsConfig[$sheetName . '.'];

// Remove whole sheet if disabled
if (!empty($pageTsOfSheet['disabled'])) {

// sheetTitle, sheetDescription, sheetShortDescr
$modifiedDataStructure['sheets'][$sheetName] = $this->modifySingleSheetInformation($sheetStructure, $pageTsOfSheet);

$result['processedTca']['columns'][$fieldName]['config']['ds'] = $modifiedDataStructure;

return $result;

* Removes fields from data structure the user has no access to
* @param array $result Result array
* @param string $fieldName Current handle field name
* @param string $flexIdentifier Determined identifier
* @return array Modified result
protected function removeExcludeFieldsFromDataStructure(array $result, $fieldName, $flexIdentifier)
$dataStructure = $result['processedTca']['columns'][$fieldName]['config']['ds'];
$backendUser = $this->getBackendUser();
if ($backendUser->isAdmin() || !isset($dataStructure['sheets']) || !is_array($dataStructure['sheets'])) {
return $result;

$userNonExcludeFields = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $backendUser->groupData['non_exclude_fields']);
$excludeFieldsPrefix = $result['tableName'] . ':' . $fieldName . ';' . $flexIdentifier . ';';
$nonExcludeFields = [];
foreach ($userNonExcludeFields as $userNonExcludeField) {
if (str_contains($userNonExcludeField, $excludeFieldsPrefix)) {
$exploded = explode(';', $userNonExcludeField);
$sheetName = $exploded[2];
$allowedFlexFieldName = $exploded[3];
$nonExcludeFields[$sheetName][$allowedFlexFieldName] = true;
foreach ($dataStructure['sheets'] as $sheetName => $sheetDefinition) {
if (!isset($sheetDefinition['ROOT']['el']) || !is_array($sheetDefinition['ROOT']['el'])) {
foreach ($sheetDefinition['ROOT']['el'] as $flexFieldName => $fieldDefinition) {
if (!empty($fieldDefinition['exclude']) && !isset($nonExcludeFields[$sheetName][$flexFieldName])) {

return $result;

* Remove fields from data structure that are disabled in pageTsConfig.
* @param array $result Result array
* @param string $fieldName Current handle field name
* @param array $pageTsConfig Given pageTsConfig of this flex form
* @return array Modified item array
protected function removeDisabledFieldsFromDataStructure(array $result, $fieldName, $pageTsConfig)
$dataStructure = $result['processedTca']['columns'][$fieldName]['config']['ds'];
if (!isset($dataStructure['sheets']) || !is_array($dataStructure['sheets'])) {
return $result;
foreach ($dataStructure['sheets'] as $sheetName => $sheetDefinition) {
if (!isset($sheetDefinition['ROOT']['el']) || !is_array($sheetDefinition['ROOT']['el'])
|| !isset($pageTsConfig[$sheetName . '.'])) {
foreach ($sheetDefinition['ROOT']['el'] as $flexFieldName => $fieldDefinition) {
if (!empty($pageTsConfig[$sheetName . '.'][$flexFieldName . '.']['disabled'])) {
return $result;

* Feed single flex field and data to FlexFormSegment FormData compiler and merge result.
* This one is nasty. Goal is to have processed TCA stuff in DS and also have validated / processed data values.
* Two main parts in this method:
* * Process values and TCA of existing section containers
* * Process TCA of "normal" fields
* @param array $result Result array
* @param string $fieldName Current handle field name
* @param array $pageTsConfig Given pageTsConfig of this flex form
* @return array Modified item array
* @throws \UnexpectedValueException
protected function modifyDataStructureAndDataValuesByFlexFormSegmentGroup(array $result, $fieldName, $pageTsConfig)
$dataStructure = $result['processedTca']['columns'][$fieldName]['config']['ds'];
$dataValues = $result['databaseRow'][$fieldName];
$tableName = $result['tableName'];

if (!isset($dataStructure['sheets']) || !is_array($dataStructure['sheets'])) {
return $result;

$formDataGroup = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FlexFormSegment::class);
$formDataCompiler = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FormDataCompiler::class);

foreach ($dataStructure['sheets'] as $dataStructureSheetName => $dataStructureSheetDefinition) {
if (!isset($dataStructureSheetDefinition['ROOT']['el']) || !is_array($dataStructureSheetDefinition['ROOT']['el'])) {
$dataStructureFields = $dataStructureSheetDefinition['ROOT']['el'];

// Prepare pageTsConfig of this sheet
$pageTsConfig['TCEFORM.'][$tableName . '.'] = [];
if (isset($pageTsConfig[$dataStructureSheetName . '.']) && is_array($pageTsConfig[$dataStructureSheetName . '.'])) {
$pageTsConfig['TCEFORM.'][$tableName . '.'] = $pageTsConfig[$dataStructureSheetName . '.'];

// List of "new" tca fields that have no value within the flexform, yet. Those will be compiled in one go later.
$tcaNewColumns = [];
// List of "edit" tca fields that have a value in flexform, already. Those will be compiled in one go later.
$tcaEditColumns = [];
// Contains the data values for the "edit" tca fields.
$tcaValueArray = [
'uid' => $result['databaseRow']['uid'],
// @WD_PATCH start
'sys_language_uid' => $result['databaseRow']['sys_language_uid'],
// @WD_PATCH end
foreach ($dataStructureFields as $dataStructureFieldName => $dataStructureFieldDefinition) {
if (isset($dataStructureFieldDefinition['type']) && $dataStructureFieldDefinition['type'] === 'array'
&& isset($dataStructureFieldDefinition['section']) && (string)$dataStructureFieldDefinition['section'] === '1'
) {
// Existing section containers. Prepare data values and create a unique data structure per container.
// This is important for instance for display conditions later enabling them to change ds per container instance.
// In the end, the data values in
// ['databaseRow']['aFieldName']['data']['aSheet']['lDEF']['aSectionField']['el']['aContainer']
// are prepared, and additionally, the processedTca data structure is changed and has a specific container
// name per container instance in
// ['processedTca']['columns']['aFieldName']['config']['ds']['sheets']['aSheet']['ROOT']['el']['aSectionField']['children']['aContainer']
if (isset($dataValues['data'][$dataStructureSheetName]['lDEF'][$dataStructureFieldName]['el'])
&& is_array($dataValues['data'][$dataStructureSheetName]['lDEF'][$dataStructureFieldName]['el'])
) {
$containerValueArray = $dataValues['data'][$dataStructureSheetName]['lDEF'][$dataStructureFieldName]['el'];
$containerDataStructuresPerContainer = [];
foreach ($containerValueArray as $aContainerIdentifier => $aContainerArray) {
if (is_array($aContainerArray)) {
foreach ($aContainerArray as $aContainerName => $aContainerElementArray) {
if ($aContainerName === '_TOGGLE') {
// Don't handle internal toggle state field
if (!isset($dataStructureFields[$dataStructureFieldName]['el'][$aContainerName])) {
// Container not defined in ds
$vanillaContainerDataStructure = $dataStructureFields[$dataStructureFieldName]['el'][$aContainerName];

$newColumns = [];
$editColumns = [];
$valueArray = [
'uid' => $result['databaseRow']['uid'],
// @WD_PATCH start
'sys_language_uid' => $result['databaseRow']['sys_language_uid'],
// @WD_PATCH end
foreach ($vanillaContainerDataStructure['el'] as $singleFieldName => $singleFieldConfiguration) {
// $singleFieldValueArray = ['data']['sSections']['lDEF']['section_1']['el']['1']['container_1']['el']['element_1']
$singleFieldValueArray = [];
if (isset($aContainerElementArray['el'][$singleFieldName])
&& is_array($aContainerElementArray['el'][$singleFieldName])
) {
$singleFieldValueArray = $aContainerElementArray['el'][$singleFieldName];

if (array_key_exists('vDEF', $singleFieldValueArray)) {
$valueArray[$singleFieldName] = $singleFieldValueArray['vDEF'];
} else {
$newColumns[$singleFieldName] = $singleFieldConfiguration;
$editColumns[$singleFieldName] = $singleFieldConfiguration;

$inputToFlexFormSegment = [
'request' => $result['request'],
'tableName' => $result['tableName'],
'command' => '',
// It is currently not possible to have pageTsConfig for section container
'pageTsConfig' => [],
'databaseRow' => $valueArray,
'processedTca' => [
// @WD_PATCH start
// 'ctrl' => [],
'ctrl' => $result['processedTca']['ctrl'],
// @WD_PATCH end
'columns' => [],
'selectTreeCompileItems' => $result['selectTreeCompileItems'],
'flexParentDatabaseRow' => $result['databaseRow'],
'effectivePid' => $result['effectivePid'],

if (!empty($newColumns)) {
// This is scenario "field has been added to data structure, but field value does not exist in value array yet"
// We want that stuff like TCA "default" values are then applied to those fields. What we do here is
// calling the data compiler with those "new" fields to fetch their values and set them in value array.
// Those fields are then compiled a second time in the "edit" phase to prepare their final TCA.
// This two-phase compiling is needed to ensure that for instance display conditions work with
// fields that may just have been added to the data structure but are not yet initialized as data value.
$inputToFlexFormSegment['command'] = 'new';
$inputToFlexFormSegment['processedTca']['columns'] = $newColumns;
$flexSegmentResult = $formDataCompiler->compile($inputToFlexFormSegment, $formDataGroup);
foreach ($newColumns as $singleFieldName => $_) {
// Set data value result to feed it to "edit" next
$valueArray[$singleFieldName] = $flexSegmentResult['databaseRow'][$singleFieldName];

if (!empty($editColumns)) {
$inputToFlexFormSegment['command'] = 'edit';
$inputToFlexFormSegment['processedTca']['columns'] = $editColumns;
$flexSegmentResult = $formDataCompiler->compile($inputToFlexFormSegment, $formDataGroup);
foreach ($editColumns as $singleFieldName => $_) {
= $flexSegmentResult['databaseRow'][$singleFieldName];
$containerDataStructuresPerContainer[$aContainerIdentifier] = $vanillaContainerDataStructure;
$containerDataStructuresPerContainer[$aContainerIdentifier]['el'] = $flexSegmentResult['processedTca']['columns'];
} // End of existing data value handling
// Set 'data structures per container' next to 'el' that contains vanilla data structures
[$dataStructureFieldName]['children'] = $containerDataStructuresPerContainer;
} else {
// Force the section data array to be an empty array if there are no existing containers
['data'][$dataStructureSheetName]['lDEF'][$dataStructureFieldName]['el'] = [];
// Force data structure array to be empty if there are no existing containers
[$dataStructureFieldName]['children'] = [];
} else {
// A "normal" TCA flex form element, no section
if (isset($dataValues['data'][$dataStructureSheetName]['lDEF'][$dataStructureFieldName])
&& array_key_exists('vDEF', $dataValues['data'][$dataStructureSheetName]['lDEF'][$dataStructureFieldName])
) {
$tcaEditColumns[$dataStructureFieldName] = $dataStructureFieldDefinition;
$tcaValueArray[$dataStructureFieldName] = $dataValues['data'][$dataStructureSheetName]['lDEF'][$dataStructureFieldName]['vDEF'];
} else {
$tcaNewColumns[$dataStructureFieldName] = $dataStructureFieldDefinition;
} // End of single element handling

// process the tca columns for the current sheet
$inputToFlexFormSegment = [
'request' => $result['request'],
'tableName' => $result['tableName'],
'command' => '',
'pageTsConfig' => $pageTsConfig,
'databaseRow' => $tcaValueArray,
'processedTca' => [
// @WD_PATCH start
// 'ctrl' => [],
'ctrl' => $result['processedTca']['ctrl'],
// @WD_PATCH end
'columns' => [],
'flexParentDatabaseRow' => $result['databaseRow'],
// Whether to compile TCA tree items - inherit from parent
'selectTreeCompileItems' => $result['selectTreeCompileItems'],
'effectivePid' => $result['effectivePid'],

if (!empty($tcaNewColumns)) {
// @todo: this has the same problem in scenario "a field was added later" as flex section container
$inputToFlexFormSegment['command'] = 'new';
$inputToFlexFormSegment['processedTca']['columns'] = $tcaNewColumns;
$flexSegmentResult = $formDataCompiler->compile($inputToFlexFormSegment, $formDataGroup);

foreach ($tcaNewColumns as $dataStructureFieldName => $_) {
// Set data value result
if (array_key_exists($dataStructureFieldName, $flexSegmentResult['databaseRow'])) {
= $flexSegmentResult['databaseRow'][$dataStructureFieldName];
// Set TCA structure result
= $flexSegmentResult['processedTca']['columns'][$dataStructureFieldName];

if (!empty($tcaEditColumns)) {
$inputToFlexFormSegment['command'] = 'edit';
$inputToFlexFormSegment['processedTca']['columns'] = $tcaEditColumns;
$flexSegmentResult = $formDataCompiler->compile($inputToFlexFormSegment, $formDataGroup);

foreach ($tcaEditColumns as $dataStructureFieldName => $_) {
// Set data value result
if (array_key_exists($dataStructureFieldName, $flexSegmentResult['databaseRow'])) {
= $flexSegmentResult['databaseRow'][$dataStructureFieldName];
// Set TCA structure result
= $flexSegmentResult['processedTca']['columns'][$dataStructureFieldName];

return $result;

* Prepare data structure and data values for a new section container.
* @param array $result Incoming result array
* @param string $fieldName The field name with this flex form
* @return array Modified result
protected function prepareNewSectionContainer(array $result, string $fieldName): array
$flexSectionContainerPreparation = $result['flexSectionContainerPreparation'];
$flexFormSheetName = $flexSectionContainerPreparation['flexFormSheetName'];
$flexFormFieldName = $flexSectionContainerPreparation['flexFormFieldName'];
$flexFormContainerName = $flexSectionContainerPreparation['flexFormContainerName'];
$flexFormContainerIdentifier = $flexSectionContainerPreparation['flexFormContainerIdentifier'];

$containerConfiguration = $result['processedTca']['columns'][$fieldName]['config']['ds']
['sheets'][$flexFormSheetName]['ROOT']['el'][$flexFormFieldName]['el'][$flexFormContainerName] ?? [];

if (isset($containerConfiguration['el']) && is_array($containerConfiguration['el'])) {
$formDataCompiler = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FormDataCompiler::class);
$inputToFlexFormSegment = [
'request' => $result['request'],
'tableName' => $result['tableName'],
'command' => 'new',
// It is currently not possible to have pageTsConfig for section container
'pageTsConfig' => [],
'databaseRow' => [
'uid' => $result['databaseRow']['uid'],
// @WD_PATCH start
'sys_language_uid' => $result['databaseRow']['sys_language_uid'],
// @WD_PATCH end
'processedTca' => [
// @WD_PATCH start
// 'ctrl' => [],
'ctrl' => $result['processedTca']['ctrl'],
// @WD_PATCH end
'columns' => $containerConfiguration['el'],
'selectTreeCompileItems' => $result['selectTreeCompileItems'],
'flexParentDatabaseRow' => $result['databaseRow'],
'effectivePid' => $result['effectivePid'],
$flexSegmentResult = $formDataCompiler->compile($inputToFlexFormSegment, GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FlexFormSegment::class));

foreach ($containerConfiguration['el'] as $singleFieldName => $singleFieldConfiguration) {
// Set 'data structures for this new container' to 'children'
= $containerConfiguration;
= $flexSegmentResult['processedTca']['columns'];
// Set calculated value - this especially contains "default values from TCA"
= $flexSegmentResult['databaseRow'][$singleFieldName];

return $result;

* Modify data structure of a single "sheet"
* Sets "secondary" data like sheet names and so on, but does NOT modify single elements
* @param array $dataStructure Given data structure
* @param array $pageTsOfSheet Page Ts config of given field
* @return array Modified data structure
protected function modifySingleSheetInformation(array $dataStructure, array $pageTsOfSheet)
// Return if no elements defined
if (!isset($dataStructure['ROOT']['el']) || !is_array($dataStructure['ROOT']['el'])) {
return $dataStructure;
// Rename sheet (tab)
if (!empty($pageTsOfSheet['sheetTitle'])) {
$dataStructure['ROOT']['sheetTitle'] = $pageTsOfSheet['sheetTitle'];
// Set sheet description (tab)
if (!empty($pageTsOfSheet['sheetDescription'])) {
$dataStructure['ROOT']['sheetDescription'] = $pageTsOfSheet['sheetDescription'];
// Set sheet short description (tab)
if (!empty($pageTsOfSheet['sheetShortDescr'])) {
$dataStructure['ROOT']['sheetShortDescr'] = $pageTsOfSheet['sheetShortDescr'];

return $dataStructure;

protected function getBackendUser(): BackendUserAuthentication
return $GLOBALS['BE_USER'];