



Feature #76028


(Re)-Add possibility to add custom images to the "new content element wizard"

Added by Klaus Moser about 8 years ago. Updated almost 8 years ago.

Should have
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A really, really good feature was deprecated by commit 77bf6762d2e6c3c897d025153a37c6dce6ad60c9. We used small sized screenshots of content elements in the new content element wizard to show editors the appearance of different content elements. Those images where much more meaningfull than little 32x32 icons.

This is really a great drawback that makes the backend less editor friendly.

Please add a feature to be able to add custom images to the new content element wizard again.

Actions #1

Updated by Wouter Wolters about 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs Feedback

Please have a look in the new Icon API. We replaced the whole IconUtility with a new API.

For some details see

Actions #2

Updated by Klaus Moser about 8 years ago

As far as i understand the icons are now limited to three different sizes (small, default, large).

We used to have custom sized images for our content elements in nearly all our Typo3 instances. A tiny screenshot of a specialized content element make its function and appearance much more clear than an abstract icon, especially if you have plenty of content elements.

A possible solution would be implementing a hook to render a custom icon if an optional configuration exists and proceed with the the Icon API if not. Maybe someting like this:

if (isset($wInfo['iconProvider']) && !empty($wInfo['iconProvider'])) {
  $params = array('wInfo' => $wInfo);
  $icon = GeneralUtility::callUserFunction($wInfo['iconProvider'], $params, $this);

if (empty($icon)) {
  $icon = $this->moduleTemplate->getIconFactory()->getIcon($wInfo['iconIdentifier'])->render();


if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['NewContentElementController']['IconProviders'])) {
  $params = array('wInfo' => $wInfo);
  foreach($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['NewContentElementController']['IconProviders'] as $funcRef) {
    $icon = GeneralUtility::callUserFunction($funcRef, $params, $this);
    if (!empty(icon)) break;

if (empty($icon)) {
  $icon = $this->moduleTemplate->getIconFactory()->getIcon($wInfo['iconIdentifier'])->render();

This way a custom class could scan for a specific prefix or identifier to meet special demands.

Implementing an own IconFactory would be a hard task as this would also need an own Icon class that accepts other dimensions as the three default ones (Exception in setSize()).
And i can not foresee which impacts this appoach will have.

Another (ugly) approach would be xclassing the NewContentElementController class in our Typo3s what i really would like to avoid.

Actions #3

Updated by Frank Nägler about 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to Rejected

Thank you for your report.

One of the main goals in CMS 7 and the new IconAPI was to streamline the backend and create a valid and streamlined look & feel.
Especially the IconAPI was created to have defined and controlled environment for the next development steps.
The "New content element wizard" will be completely refactored in the next step. It will get a new look & feel, the currently own view will be removed and integrated in a new way.

So I am sorry, but I have to reject your issue.
Thank you for your understanding.

Actions #4

Updated by Klaus Moser about 8 years ago

Ok. I hope that "streamlining" dosn't mean reducing funtionality in favor of a common design. This therm always makes me shiver because this often means "Function follows Design" what is pretty awful.

Is there any way to use decent images instead of icons for content elements? I do not think our customers will accept that without reistance.

Actions #5

Updated by Stephan Bauer almost 8 years ago

Please re-add the possiblity to use larger images as Klaus remarked.
It is very user friendly.
Also I don't think it is a good idea to remove an option in this version and refactor it in the next version.


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