


Bug #65828

Updated by Nicole Cordes about 9 years ago

 Currently the Extension manager will fail to calculate dependencies correctly, when a require statement with a composer compatible package name is used: 

 E.g. when I put  

 "require": { 
	 "typo3-ter/news": "*" 

 in the @composer.json@ of an extension that is based the @news@ extension, the Extension manager will throw an Exception, because he does not know the "typo3-ter/news" extension. 

 It is also not possible to just use 

 "require": { 
	 "news": "*" 

 because the composer does not know about this extension and will fail to build the correct requirements (see also #63605). 

 A possible solution would be to cut off the @typo3-ter@ prefix when the requirements are calculated. 
