


Bug #78741

Updated by Frank Nägler over 7 years ago

Adding file references to a translated page currently fails due to double overlaying of the pages record. 
 Add a check to resolve the references directly, if the page has already been overlayed, should solves the problem. 

 To reproduce this bug, you can use the following TypoScript: 


 temp.listItem = FILES 
 temp.listItem { 
    references { 
       table = pages 
       fieldName = navigation_icon media 

    maxItems = 1 
    renderObj = COA 
    renderObj { 
       10 = IMAGE 
       10 { 
          params = class="img-circle" 
          file { 
    = file:current:uid 
             treatIdAsReference = 1 
             width = 40 
             height = 40 

       20 = TEXT 
       20.field = nav_title // title 

       stdWrap.typolink { 
          parameter.field = uid 

 lib.navigationSecondLevel = HMENU 
 lib.navigationSecondLevel { 
    special = directory 
    special.value.current = 1 
    1 = TMENU 
    1 { 
       noBlur = 1 
       wrap = <ul class="list-unstyled">|</ul> 
       expAll = 1 
       NO = 1 
       NO.ATagTitle.field = nav_title // title 
       NO.stdWrap.cObject < temp.listItem 
       NO.doNotLinkIt = 1 
       NO.wrapItemAndSub = <li>|</li> 

 This TypoScript generates a menu with an icon/image resolved from the media field. 
 This works well for the default language, but not for any translated page. 

 *The field navigation_icon is not translatable, it is set only in the default language*
