


Bug #80043

Updated by Markus Klein over 7 years ago

The field "sha1" of table "sys_file" was a tinytext in 6.2 and is a CHAR in master. The key sha1 changed from "KEY sha1 (sha1(40))" to "KEY sha1 (sha1)". 

 In the update wizards: TYPO3 tries to first change the key and fails here because of field type not being allowed for the new key. 

 In the DB analyzer: The list of suggested changes offers the sha1 key update as well (preselect by default) and offers the field type change as well (not preselected). Following this "recommendation" fails here as well. 

 Possible solution: 
 Since the "Upgrade Wizard" Database analyser only create tables/columns/indexes 
 in must only take indexes into account that are primary keys - since other indexes 
 can rely on column updates which are required to be performed before the index 
 is created.
