Bug #85692
Updated by Feeela no-lastname-given over 6 years ago
When I create links to actions in the backend using the Fluid view-helper @Link\ActionViewHelper@, the @pageType@ is ignored. *CURRENT BEHAVIOR:* I want to create a custom CSV download, which does not match any views presented in the backend. To prevent TYPO3 from writing its BE HTML header and footer into the CSV file, I created a custom page type for CSV files according to this documentation: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/ExtbaseFluidBook/8-Fluid/2-using-different-output-formats.html using @disableAllHeaderCode = 1@. But when I create links to Extbase extbase actions in the backend, the @pageType@ parameter is ignored. This is even mentioned in a code comment at the teh method @UriBuilder::buildBackendUri()@: <pre> The settings pageUid, pageType, noCache, useCacheHash & linkAccessRestrictedPages will be ignored in the backend. </pre> (see: @\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Web\Routing\UriBuilder.php::buildBackendUri()@) This is not further explained, there is no documentation on it and from my point of view, this does not make any sense. *EXPECTED BEHAVIOR:* A) The @pageType@ should not be suppressed at any point. OR B) If ignoring @pageType@ has some meaning, the documentation should clearly point out how to create other output-formats for the backend than HTML.