


Bug #86230

Updated by Georg Tiefenbrunn almost 6 years ago

Assume you import a TS file in a template (sys_template) and made a typo in the path or renamed a folder: 

 <INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE:EXT:myext/Configuration/TypoScript/Sites/non-existing/setup.typoscript"> 

 BE and FE will still work. Module 'Template Tools' will show a warning: 
 > Warning : File "EXT:myext/Configuration/TypoScript/Sites/non-existing/setup.typoscript" was not found. 

 Now No switch to the new @import syntax and hit the save button: 

 @import 'EXT:myext/Configuration/TypoScript/Sites/non-existing/setup.typoscript' 

 The template record is successfully saved and the edit form of the template is displayed again. But any other action in BE and FE will now throw an InvalidArgumentException 'The "/var/www/.../non-existing" directory does not exist. in Finder.php line 547'. 
