


Bug #87223

Updated by Philipp Seiler over 5 years ago

* Use Backend as a non-admin BE-User. 
 * This backend user has a root page as the DB-Mount (webmount). 
 * This root page has some subpages. 
 * The root page is translated into any different language. 

 * Translate any subpage. 
 * Edit/save any subpage. 
 * In _\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Authentication\BackendUserAuthentication_ the method _isInWebMount_ checks if the page being edited is in any allowed webmount. 
 * At first, all webmounts from the user permissions are retrieved. Note that ONLY the root language version UIDs of selected webmounts are found! 
 * Within that method, _BackendUtility::BEgetRootLine_ returns the rootline up to the root page. 
 * If a page of the rootline is within the users lists of webmounts, the record can be edited. 

 *This is OK.* 

 h1. Translated root page cannot be edited/saved 

 * Root page is also translated. 
 * Edit root page with the BE-User: *Attempt to modify record 'Home' (pages:123) without permission. Or non-existing page.* 
 * Again the method _isInWebMount_ checks if the page can be edited. 
 * Again the allowed webmounts of the user are retrieved. Again ONLY the root language version UID of selected webmounts are found! 
 * Rootline only returns one element, as we are already on the root page. The returned page is the translated root page! 
 * That translated root page however has a different UID than defined in the webmounts! The webmount UID is that of the root language version. 
 * Therefore no valid webmount is found. 

 *When checking for permissions, translated pages need to be taken into account!* 

 h1. Workaround 

 Adjust _\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Authentication\BackendUserAuthentication::isInWebMount()_ _BackendUserAuthentication_ method _fetchGroupData()_ so that it selects translated webroots are also selected. webmounts as well. 

 <pre>$wM = $this->returnWebmounts(); <pre>foreach ($webmounts as $idx => $mountPointUid) { 
	 // If the mount ID is NOT found among selected pages, unset it: 
	 if ($mountPointUid > 0 && !isset($MProws[$mountPointUid])) { 
 $rL = BackendUtility::BEgetRootLine($id, ' AND ' . $readPerms); } 

 // Fix bug with UID Select translations of translated webmount not taken into account webmounts 
 $wM $queryBuilder->resetQueryParts(); 

 $translatedWebmounts = $this->addTranslatedWebmounts($wM); $queryBuilder->select('uid') 
	 $queryBuilder->expr()->in('l10n_parent', $webmounts) 

 foreach ($rL ($translatedWebmounts as $v) $translatedWebmount) { 
	 if ($v['uid'] && in_array($v['uid'], $wM)) { 
		 return $v['uid']; 
	 $webmounts[] = $translatedWebmount; 

 // Implode mounts in the end. 
 }</pre> $this->groupData['webmounts'] = implode(',', $webmounts);</pre>
