


Bug #88205

Updated by Moritz Ngo about 5 years ago

This issue occurs when serving video files from a non publicly accessible FileStorage. 
 <code class="php">\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceStorage::getPublicUrl()</code> will generate an URL like this: 

 When serving video files via a publicly accessible FileStorage the FAL can use "normal" URL, e.g.: 

 iOS devices will check if the server supports byte-range requests when downloading/streaming video files, please have look into the documentation: 

 Normal Web-Servers (like Apache and nginx) usually don't have any issues with byte-range requests. 
 Unfortunately the FAL can't handle byte-range requests. 

 I'll suggest that this feature/bug will be handled in <code class="php">\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceStorage::dumpFileContents()</code>. 
 I'm not sure if this is the proper place for that. 

 I could reconstruct this issue in TYPO3 CMS 8 and 9 (other versions haven't been be tested yet).
