


Epic #85006

Updated by Sybille Peters over 4 years ago

Falsely reported broken links are currently In order to have a main factor better overview of current tasks and make sure that makes link fixing with Linkvalidator tedious nothing is overlooked and annoying. Additionally, it destroys trust in linkvalidator (because errornous information side-effects are considered this Epic is displayed). 

 By *"falsely reported broken links"* we mean links that Linkvalidator shows created as broken but that are either not broken or that cannot be edited by the editor or some other reason why they are either irrelevant or cannot be fixed. 

 These are the main reasons container tasks for this: 

 * external link checking may fail. This means we will get false negatives (links that actually work but are evaluated as "broken" by linkvalidator). (We already improved here, but it still may happen) 
 * broken links are in some fields that are no longer relevant, e.g. in tt_content.bodytext all issues for content elements that do not use bodytext. This may happen if content type is changed (which may often happen on older sites) 
 * the editor has no permission to edit the field or the record 
 * editing the field has been configured away 
 * the improving broken link information is "stale", meaning, the broken link has already been fixed but handling.  

 This mostly concerns linkvalidator has not rechecked the field. 

 We already have several issues and open patches adressing these issues. Some of these can be solved with little effort. This EPIC serves to give an overview. rewrite.
