


Bug #90228

Updated by Mario Lubenka over 4 years ago

According to documentation it is possible to force a url scheme (like https) as below: 

 page.1 = TEXT 
 page.1.typolink.parameter = 2 
 page.1.typolink.returnLast = url 
 page.1.typolink.forceAbsoluteUrl = 1 
 page.1.typolink.forceAbsoluteUrl.scheme = https 

 However the generated URL still only has the http protocol. 

 Looking into the PageUrlBuilder the corresponding line @$url = $this->forceAbsoluteUrl($url, $conf);@ is only run for access-restricted pages. 

 Applying that to all urls by moving it down a line works for the scheme. 
 However the RegEx that is used seems to miss out on the / between base url and path. 
 So instead of "" it generates "https://mypage.sitehome". 

 This RegEx seems to work better: @#^(?:([a-z]+)(://)([^/]*)(/?))?(.*)$#@ ("see RegEx in action": 

 I only tested this for TYPO3 9.5.13. Might affect 8.7 as well.
