


Bug #90271

Updated by Georg Ringer over 4 years ago


 When we edit pages, we have a problem to display the default language flag. 

 For examples, we have 3 langs : 
 - 0 / EN 
 - 1 / FR 
 - 2 / DE 

 We have an editor, a redactor, who can only edit contents in FR & DE. 
 When he edit the page properties in FR, we see the missing icon instead of the flag of the default language. 
 If we allow him the EN language (uid=0), everything is alright. 

 Made some few tests to find a problem in the class : @typo3\sysext\backend\Classes\Form\FieldWizard\OtherLanguageContent.php - function render()@ 
 We have this line : @$html[] =     $iconFactory->getIcon($this->data['systemLanguageRows'][0]['flagIconIdentifier'], Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render();@ 

 But, in our case, this is the $this->data['systemLanguageRows'] array : 
    -1 => array(4 items) 
       uid => -1 (integer) 
       title => 'Toutes les langues' (18 chars) 
       iso => 'DEF' (3 chars) 
       flagIconIdentifier => 'flags-multiple' (14 chars) 
    1 => array(4 items) 
       uid => 1 (integer) 
       title => 'Français' (9 chars) 
       iso => 'fr' (2 chars) 
       flagIconIdentifier => 'flags-fr' (8 chars) 
    2 => array(4 items) 
       uid => 2 (integer) 
       title => 'Deutsch' (7 chars) 
       iso => 'de' (2 chars) 
       flagIconIdentifier => 'flags-de' (8 chars) 

 So $this->data['systemLanguageRows'][0] will return an error.
