


Feature #93247

Updated by Jan Kornblum over 3 years ago

Options for "Textmedia" set by "Media Adjustments" should be modernized. In my opinion "imagewidth" and "imageheight" don't make sense any longer in times of responsive websites. Instead, two new options should be added: 

 1. text_media_ratio text_media_aspectratio 
 Pallete "Media Adjustments" should get an additional select box "text_media_ratio". "text_media_aspectratio". Using this, an editor can select values like 1:1, 2:1, 1:2 for the aspectratio between text and media (affecting imageorient "in text" and "besides text"). 

 2. media_aspectratio 
 Pallete "Media Adjustments" should get an additional select box "media_aspectratio". Using this, an editor can select values like 2:1, 4:3, 1:1, 3:4, 1:2 (like sys_file_reference crop variants) for the aspectratio of all assigned media elements (including youtube!). This way a content elements different media files (image, video, youtube) could be rendered with the same aspectratio easily. 

 For both, fluid_styled_content css should be extended to deliver the additional styles. For "media_aspectratio", youtube and vimeo iframe embeds should be scaled using "padding-bottom" hack to be repsonsive per default. 

 Plase contact me for a live demo.
