


Bug #94596

Updated by Sybille Peters almost 3 years ago

Currently, I have a problem because I am not sure if my simulate time settings are active and how to deactivate them.  

 With "Usergroup" I can explicitly select a blank option on the top and deactivate it. With "simulate time" there is no such option and I am unsure how to deactivate it. 

 In addition to this, no matter what I select for the date, the date looks greyed out. 

 Also, when I select a usergroup, there used to be GET-Parameters in the URL. This is no longer the case and I am unsure if this is actually working. I can test it, but I am currently trying to figure out something else and all this is making it really difficult. 

 This may be browser thing because the browser may display the form fields differently, but IMHO this should be well usable in any browser and there should be a clear indication if the simulation is on - *maybe even with an additional warning on top if any simulation is activated* . 

 I already had several problems with this with people reporting bugs and overlooking that they had activated the usergroup simulation or myself trying to find out how cache flushing works etc. 

 Apart from some things actually being buggy or being not sure if they are working correctly, see #91225. 


 h2. Screenshots 

 With chromium browser, after selecting a date: 


 (date looks greyed out to me, time does not) 
