


Bug #94713

Updated by Tizian Schmidlin almost 3 years ago

Hello there, 

 we ran into a weird issue on a system we recently updated to TYPO3 10. 

 We use HMENU to build the language navigation, as this part was not rebuilt during the update. 

 The configuration looks like this: 
 {{collapse(Show typoscript,Hide typoscript) 

 <pre><code class="typoscript"> 
 lib.langNav = HMENU 
 lib.langNav { 
	 special = language 
	 special.value = {$lang.uids_for_langNav} 
	 stdWrap.wrap = <h2 class="hidden">{$TEXT.titleLangnav}</h2><div class="langNavContainer"><ul id="langNav">|</ul></div><hr class="hidden" /> 

	 addQueryString = 1 
	 addQueryString.method = GET 
	 addQueryString.exclude = FE,tx_srfeuserregister_pi1,MAX_FILE_SIZE,user,pass,L 

	 1 = TMENU 
	 1 { 
		 NO = 1 
		 NO { 
			 allWrap = <li class="first">|</li>|*|<li>|</li>|*|<li>|</li> 
			 stdWrap.cObject = TEXT 
			 stdWrap.cObject.value =    {$lang.titles_for_langNav_new} 
			 ATagTitle = {$TEXT.titleLang} 
			 ATagParams = title="{$lang.titles_for_langNav_new}" 

		 ACT < .NO 
		 ACT { 
			 allWrap = <li class="first act"><span>|</span></li>|*|<li class="act"><span>|</span></li>|*|<li class="act"><span>|</span></li> 
			 ATagParams = class="act" 
			 doNotLinkIt = 1 

		 # Wenn es keine Übersetztung gibt 
		 USERDEF1 < .NO 
		 USERDEF1 { 
			 doNotLinkIt = 1 
			 allWrap = <li class="first noLink"><span>|</span></li class="noLink">|*|<li><span>|</span></li>|*|<li class="noLink"><span>|</span></li> 


 What happens is, that if I (it posted too quickly, I'll add any parameter to the page URL, the page would load as usally, when I then switch the language, the parameter stays. Excluding *any* parameter solves this *but* this is ignored with the L parameter. Additionally, the language navigation is cached with this parameter *until the next time the cache is stale*, which means lots and lots of links with a L=X parameter attached to them through the site. 

 Luckily, the L parameter does not affect the rendering of the content, as this is properly managed via the language that is detected in the URL (e.g. @/de/@, @/fr/@, ...) *but* other HMENU items on the page, that are also told to ignore the L parameter do not follow this rule and simply append the parameter when building the URL. 

 This is how the main menu is built: 
 {{collapse(Show typoscript,Hide typoscript) 

 <pre><code class="typoscript"> 

 lib.navBarMenu = HMENU 
 lib.navBarMenu { 
	 wrap ( 
		 <nav><hr class="hidden" /> 
		 <h2 class="hidden">{$TEXT.titleMainnav}</h2> 
		 <span class="stick stick-l"></span> 
		 <span class="stick "></span> 
		 <ul id="mainNav" class="hidden-xs hidden-sm nav navbar-nav ">|</ul></nav> 
	 1 = TMENU 
	 1 { 	  
		 expAll = 1 
		 noBlur = 1 
		 NO = 1 
		 NO { 
			 typolink.addQueryString = 0 
			 stdWrap.cObject = TEXT 
			 stdWrap.cObject.field = title 
			 # configure hidden navtitle-div which is used for level2 (see below) 
			 stdWrap.postCObject = TEXT 
			 stdWrap.postCObject { 
				 wrap = <div class="hidden navtitle">|</div> 
				 field = title 
				 override.cObject = TEXT 
				 override.cObject { 
					 field = nav_title 
					 if.isTrue.field = nav_title 
			 wrapItemAndSub = <li>|</li> |*| <li>|</li> |*| <li class="ipsearch">|</li> 
			 stdWrap.dataWrap.stdWrap.cObject = COA 
			 stdWrap.dataWrap.stdWrap.cObject { 
				 10 = TEXT 
				 10.value = <span class="hidden-sm">|</span> 
				 20 = TEXT 
				 20.field = subtitle // title 
				 20.wrap = <span class="hidden-md hidden-lg">|</span> 
			 ATagParams = class="level1link" |*| class="level1link" |*| class="level1link" 
			 ATagTitle { 
				 field = title 
				 //stdWrap.override.cObject = TEXT 
				 //stdWrap.override.cObject.field = nav_title 
				 //stdWrap.override.if.isTrue.field = nav_title 
		 IFSUB = 1 
		 IFSUB < .NO 
		 IFSUB { 
			 wrapItemAndSub = <li class="dropdown "><span class="nav-icon"></span>|</li> |*| <li class="dropdown "><span class="nav-icon"></span>|</li> |*| <li class="dropdown    ipsearch"><span class="nav-icon"></span>|</li> 
			 wrapItemAndSub.insertData = 1 
			 ATagBeforeWrap = 1 
			 ATagParams = class="dropdown-toggle" |*| class="dropdown-toggle" |*| class="dropdown-toggle" 
		 # Copy properties of normal to active state, and then add a CSS class for styling 
		 ACTIFSUB = 1 
			 wrapItemAndSub = <li class="dropdown active "><span class="nav-icon"></span>|</li> |*| <li class="dropdown active "><span class="nav-icon"></span>|</li> |*| <li class="dropdown active ipsearch "><span class="nav-icon"></span>|</li> 
		 CURIFSUB = 1 
			 wrapItemAndSub = <li class="dropdown active "><span class="nav-icon"></span>|</li> |*| <li class="dropdown active "><span class="nav-icon"></span>|</li> |*| <li class="dropdown active ipsearch "><span class="nav-icon"></span>|</li> 
		 # Copy properties of normal to active state, and then add a CSS class for styling 
		 ACT = 1 
		 ACT < .NO 
		 ACT { 
			 wrapItemAndSub = <li class="active">|</li> |*| <li class="active">|</li> |*| <li class="active ipsearch">|</li>  
		 # Copy properties of normal to current state, and then add a CSS class for styling 
		 CUR = 1 
		 CUR < .NO 
		 CUR { 
			 wrapItemAndSub = <li class="active">|</li> |*| <li class="active">|</li> |*| <li class="active ipsearch">|</li> 
	 2 = TMENU 
	 2 { 
		 wrap = <div class="megaMenu dropdown-menu"><ul class="subNav menuCol">|</ul></div> 
		 # configure overview l1-overview link 
		 stdWrap.preCObject = TEXT 
		 stdWrap.preCObject.value ( 
			 <li class="overview"></li> 

		 expAll = 1 
		 noBlur = 1 
		 NO = 1 
		 NO { 
			 wrapItemAndSub = <li class="level2 noSub">|</li> 
			 ATagParams = class="level2link" 
			 ATagTitle.field = title 
		 ACT = 1 
		 ACT { 
			 wrapItemAndSub = <li class="level2 noSub">|</li> 
			 ATagParams = class="level2link" 
			 ATagTitle.field = title 
		 CUR = 1 
		 CUR { 
			 wrapItemAndSub = <li class="level2 noSub">|</li> 
			 ATagParams = class="level2link" 
			 ATagTitle.field = title 
		 IFSUB = 1 
		 IFSUB { 
			 wrapItemAndSub = <li class="level2">|</li> 
			 ATagParams = class="level2link" 
			 stdWrap.wrap > 
		 ACTIFSUB = 1 
			 wrapItemAndSub = <li class="level2">|</li> 
			 ATagParams = class="level2link act" 
			 stdWrap.wrap > 
		 CURIFSUB = 1 
			 wrapItemAndSub = <li class="level2">|</li> 
			 ATagParams = class="level2link cur" 
			 stdWrap.wrap > 
		 SPC = 1 
		 SPC { 
		   doNotShowLink = 1 
		   allWrap =    </ul> | <ul class="subNav menuCol"> 
	 3 < .2 
	 3 { 
		 stdWrap.preCObject > 
		 wrap = <div class="sub-menu-col"><ul class="subNav ">|</ul></div> 
		 NO = 1 
		 NO { 
			 wrapItemAndSub = <li class="level2"><div class="">|</div></li> 
			 ATagParams = class="level3link" 
			 ATagTitle.field = title 
		 ACT = 1 
		 ACT { 
			 wrapItemAndSub = <li class="level2"><div class="">|</div></li> 
			 ATagParams = class="level3link act" 
			 ATagTitle.field = title 
		 CUR = 1 
		 CUR { 
			 wrapItemAndSub = <li class="level2"><div class="">|</div></li> 
			 ATagParams = class="level3link cur" 
			 ATagTitle.field = title 
		 IFSUB > 


 The @lib.navBarMenu.1.NO.typolink.addQueryString = 0@ works for every other parameter that I can throw at the URL but the @L@-parameter is always appended. 

 I guess this is a bug in how HMENU builds it's URLs with typolink and just does not check for typolink.addQueryString (but it should, "according to the documentation": 

 I'll try to look into it myself and provide a patch if I come around but maybe somebody else already knows how to solve this differently, in which case I'll be happy with it, too. description now)
