


Task #95820

Updated by Sybille Peters over 2 years ago

Looking for correct terms for something like @t3://page?uid=123@, @t3://file?uid=344@,    the @t3://something@ format which will be formed into URLs by TYPO3 internally. 


 * the t3://* expression in general 
 * a page URI with t3://page?uid=UID 
 * a file URI with t3://page?uid=UID 

 h2. Suggested names 

 * TYPO3 URI (see core variable) 
 * t3 URI 
 * t3-URI 
 * linkhandler URI (Stefan) 
 * typolink string ? -typolink string- (is not a link, is URI) 
 * internal -link- -internal link- internal URI (see section on link / URL / URI) 
 * ... 

 h2. Reasons for naming 

 * if we use t3 in the name, it might be more intuitive we are talking about the t3:// format. (If we use other words like "linkhandler" URI or "internal URI", it is more vague 
 * "internal URI" - there may be further differentiation necessary because we sometimes can have several things in one field, e.g. a page ID by itself, a t3:// URI, etc. If we call t3:// URIs "internal URI"s, isn't a page ID also an "internal URL"? Shouldn't t3-URI be a subset of "internal URI" instead? 

 h2. Goal 

 Consistency in core, documentation etc. 

 h2. Information 

 h3. "Link" vs. "URL" vs. "URI" 

 * URI, not URL, see comments by Benni 

 > It's not a URL it's a URI 
 > And the URI has a scheme that references a target within the current TYPO3 installation. 

 * URI, not link  

 * @<a href="t3://page?uid=123">text</a>@ is a link 
 * @t3://page?uid=123@ is an URI 
 * @ is an URL (and also an URI) 

 > URL's are a subset of URI's 

 h2. Occurances 

 How is this currently already used? Have not done excessive search.  

 I found this: 
  $isTypo3Uri = new Behavior\RegExpAttrValue('#^t3://#'); 

 h2. Resources 

 Already existing glossaries: 

 * the official writing guide: 
 * Writing Documentation in Styleguide for Documentation: 
 * Crowdin: 

 Discussion in coredev 

 * "Slack":
