


Task #96729

Updated by Oliver Hader over 2 years ago

TYPO3 auto generates database columns from TCA configuration. 
 A typical use case is to have the two columns @l10n_parent@ and @sys_language_uid@. l10n_parent sys_language_uid. Some core tables like tt_content create a an language index based on these two fields (within its @ext_tables.sql@ ). ext_tables.sql). 

 Those columns are auto generated, while the index is not. The developer needs to define the index inside ext_tables.sql. 

 TYPO3 list modules queries translations which slows down the module if a huge amount of records exists in total. The index removes the performance issue. 

 Therefore it would be cool to auto generate the index if both fields (TCA: @languageField@ languageField and @transOrigPointerField@ ) transOrigPointerField) are configured.
