


Feature #97389

Updated by Torben Hansen over 1 year ago

Evaluate password policy for mode (either FE or BE) in TCA type=password for the configured Password Policy. 

 Example TCA for @be_users@ 

 $GLOBALS['TCA']['be_users']['columns']['password'] = [ 
     'config' => [ 
         'type' => 'password', 
         'size' => 20, 
         'required' => true, 

         // could be the default behavior when omitted for `type=password` in DataHandler, 
         'passwordPolicy' => 'default', 

         'fieldControl' => [ 
             // checks requirements of `passwordPolicy`, visualized matches & mismatches 
             'passwordPolicyValidation' => true, 

             // just concerns the entropy of a password, independent of `passwordPolicy` 
             'passwordStrengthMeter' => true, 

             // uses aspects of `passwordPolicy` and shows a visual generator 
             // (e.g. user can select amount of digits, amount of special chars, ...) 
             'passwordGenerator' => true, 

 Example TCA for @sys_reaction@ 

 $GLOBALS['TCA']['sys_reaction']['columns']['token'] = [ 
     'config' => [ 
         'type' => 'password', 
         'size' => 20, 
         'required' => true, 

         'passwordPolicy' => 'token', 

         'fieldControl' => [ 
             // checks requirements of `passwordPolicy`, visualized matches & mismatches 
             'passwordPolicyValidation' => true, 

             // just concerns the entropy of a password, independent of `passwordPolicy` 
             'passwordStrengthMeter' => true, 

             // uses aspects of `passwordPolicy` and shows a visual generator 
             // (e.g. user can select amount of digits, amount of special chars, ...) 
             'passwordGenerator' => [ 
                 'controls' => false, 
                 'randomValue' => true, 
                 'convert' => ['hex', 'base64'], 

 For the latter, we need to add an additional global password policy named @token@ as shown below: 

 'token' => [ 
     'validators' => [ 
         \TYPO3\CMS\Core\PasswordPolicy\Validator\CorePasswordValidator::class => [ 
             'options' => [ 
                 'minimumLength' => 40, 
             'excludeActions' => [], 
