


Feature #100195

Updated by Sybille Peters about 1 year ago

is a bit difficult to solve: 

 !!! If shortcut_mode != 0, the shortcut is not necessary. So we can't just make it a required field in this case. 
 !!! If we add a displayCond (see below) and make it reuqired, we can't switch from shortcut_mode = 0 to shortcut_mode != 0 and empty 'shortcut' (because due to the displayCond the form would be saved and this is prevented by the required) 

 1. shortcut should only be displayed if shortcut_mode=0 
 2. if displayed, shortcut should be required 
 3. ?? if a translation, empty shortcut seems to be ok as well (though other fields behave differently) 

 Thus, the following code cannot be used: 


     // condition: show shortcut if shortcut_mode = 0 
     $GLOBALS['TCA']['pages']['columns']['shortcut']['displayCond'] = 'FIELD:shortcut_mode:=:0'; 
     // override type "shortcut": make it a a required field 
     $GLOBALS['TCA']['pages']['types'][(string)\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Domain\Repository\PageRepository::DOKTYPE_SHORTCUT]['columnsOverrides'] = 
         'shortcut' => [ 
             'config' => [ 
                 'eval' => 'required', 

