


Bug #100975

Updated by Rémy DANIEL 11 months ago

I can see this error in logs when a LinkValidator scheduler task is executed : for the first time, only if the configurion emailTemplateName was left empty when the task was created. 
 The error does not happen after the 1st time because the missing configuration is automatically fixed and the task saved. 

 [ERROR] Warning: Undefined property: 

 It's weird because $logger should be available, thanks the trait of the abstract class. 

 Maybe the serialization/unserialization of the task unsets $logger (see unsetScheduler method in AbstractTask ?).  

 Note: the error may occur for the first time only if the configuration emailTemplateName was left empty when the task was created. The missing configuration is automatically fixed and the task saved. 

 Note 2: I have no backtrace of the error 
