


Bug #99162

Updated by Sybille Peters 3 months ago

If a root or extension TypoScript template is modified and saved, the entire page cache is flushed. Apparently even pages in other site (in multi-site installation) and redirects cache is flushed. Even 


 * to check look at cache entries in DB, e.g. 

 select id,identifier,FROM_UNIXTIME(expires) from cache_pages; 

 * in dev environment use X-TYPO3-Debug-Cache to check if just page loaded from cache 


 curl -I http://t3coredev13/autogenerated-239/subpage 
 X-TYPO3-Debug-Cache: Cached page generated 09-08-23 13:49. Expires 10-08-23 13:49 


 1. flush entire cache 
 2. load a constant is changed. page in FE or via CURL 
 3. look at cache entries and check X-TYPO3-Debug-Cache HTTP header 
 4. edit and save a TypoScript record in different site (in multi-site installation) 
 5. check cache again 


 select id,identifier,FROM_UNIXTIME(expires) from cache_pages; 
 | id | identifier                                           | FROM_UNIXTIME(expires) | 
 |    1 | redirects_aa0b2df6a8e4384ef665c2ccc69ff2733a7a2b98 | 2023-08-09 14:52:03      | 
 |    2 | redirects_df58248c414f342c81e056b40bee12d17a08bf61 | 2023-08-09 14:52:03      | 
 |    3 | 239_62fbe8f8b6f1723e5eff1cbd89e0acd2360b30d0         | 2023-08-10 13:52:03      | 


 h2. Affected versions after: 


 *Affected versions* 

 Not a new issue, was this way was since v11 at least, reproducible in v13 

 h2. Possible solutions 

 1. change the behaviour if possible (e.g. flush only cache entries affected by the change, e.g. on subpages) change) 
 2. Make it possible to override this if behaviour will not be changed, make administrators aware that entire cache will be flushed after editing entries 

 h2. Usecases 

 We use a sitepackage to manage TypoScript, but sometimes specific changes need to be made for just one page, * a) e.g. for powermail configuration. It is not possible to do by saying this without flushing entire cache, in the flash message which has a negative impact appears on performance save 
 * b) mentioning this somewhere in the documentation, e.g. 

