# 4.5.11 2012-01-24 * Bug #18545: vague error message: "File not written to disk! Write permission error in filesystem?" * Bug #22328: wrong md5-hash of md5.js, frontend-, backend-login * Bug #28007: TCEmain::clear_cacheCmd relies on active BE_USER * Bug #30209: Problem creating links inside a table * Bug #31579: Copied MS Word content becomes broken after saving and opening text content element * Bug #31763: htmlArea RTE : Adding link problem with IE * Bug #31771: Wrong "targetDomain" in tslib_cObj::typolink with sys_domain records and different url sheme * Bug #32263: HTML entity   is inserted before and after HTML Tags * Bug #32301: htmlArea RTE: maxWidth of magic image is not working as expected * Bug #32448: Module menu link wrap * Feature #32753: Usability: Copy the task actions (Add task / Execute selected tasks) to the top of the backend module * Bug #32768: Reports are called twice * Bug #32874: Not possible to add a link in table fields or unnumbered lists when using IE8 * Bug #32970: Minor typo in Install Tool