


Bug #21364 » 12347.diff

Administrator Admin, 2009-11-04 19:19

View differences:

typo3/sysext/install/mod/class.tx_install.php (working copy)
TYPO3 needs session support
//check for stripped phpDoc
$method = new ReflectionMethod('tx_install', 'check_mail');
if(strlen($method->getDocComment()) === 0) {
$this->message($ext, 'The PHP Doc comments are stripped from the PHP files',
'The system extension Extbase evaluates annotations in PHPdoc comments and thus requires eAccelerator not to strip away these parts. However, this is currently the only part in the TYPO3 Core (beside deprecation log and unit tests) - if Extbase is not used, recompiling eAccelerator is not required at all.
<br />If you use eAccelerator and don\'t want to get stripped the comments, please recompile it with the compile flag <br /><b>--with-eaccelerator-doc-comment-inclusion</b><br />See <a href="">the eAccelerator bugtracker</a> for more details.
', 0);