


Bug #17058 ยป 0005098.patch

Administrator Admin, 2007-03-01 09:28

View differences:

t3lib/class.t3lib_tceforms_inline.php (Arbeitskopie)
// if relations are required to be unique, get the uids that have already been used on the foreign side of the relation
if ($config['foreign_unique']) {
// If unique *and* selector, the should both be the same - get config:
// If uniqueness *and* selector are set, they should point to the same field - so, get the configuration of one:
$selConfig = $this->getPossibleRecordsSelectorConfig($config, $config['foreign_unique']);
// Get the used unique ids:
$uniqueIds = $this->getUniqueIds($recordList, $config, $selConfig['type']=='groupdb');
'table' => $config['foreign_table'],
'elTable' => $selConfig['table'], // element/record table (one step down in hierarchy)
'field' => $config['foreign_unique'],
'selector' => $selConfig['PA'] && $selConfig['type'] ? $selConfig['type'] : false,
'selector' => $selConfig['selector'],
'possible' => $this->getPossibleRecordsFlat($possibleRecords),
$PA = false;
$type = false;
$table = false;
$selector = false;
if ($field) {
$PA = array();
$type = $this->getPossibleRecordsSelectorType($config);
// Return table on this level:
$table = $type == 'select' ? $config['foreign_table'] : $config['allowed'];
// Return type of the selector if foreign_selector is defined and points to the same field as in $field:
if ($foreign_selector && $foreign_selector == $field && $type) {
$selector = $type;
return array(
'PA' => $PA,
'type' => $type,
'table' => $table
'table' => $table,
'selector' => $selector,