----------------- [tsref:->stdWrap] ----------------- Add new property before "csConv": Property: replacement Data type: Numeric array of replacement actions / -> replacementAction Description: Performs an ordered search/replace on the current content with the possibility to use regular expressions. Example: 20 = TEXT 20 { value = There_is_a_cat,_a_dog_and_a_tiger_in_da_hood!_Yeah! stdWrap.replacement { 10.search = _ 10.replace.char = 32 20.search = in da hood 20.replace = around the block 30.search = #a (Cat|Dog|Tiger)#i 30.replace = an animal 30.useRegExp = 1 } } --------------------------- [tsref:->replacementAction] --------------------------- Add this new type. Property: Data type: Description: search string / stdWrap Defines the needle to be used to search in the given content. This can also be used as regular expression. Examples: * 10.search = needle * 20.search = /(cat|dog)/i replace string / stdWrap Defines the replacement to be used to exchange a found needle. This can also be used as regular expression. Examples: * 10.replace = replaced * 20.replace = \1 was replaced useRegExp boolean / stdWrap Defines whether preg_replace() should be used instead of str_replace().