CSS Styled Content: Constants > styles.content.imgtext.linkWrap: Property: lightboxEnabled Datatype: string Description: If set, images will be rendered with a link to their big version and a specified css class and rel attribute to easily allow the use of lightboxes Default: 0 Property:lightboxCssClass Datatype: string Description: Which CSS class to use for lightbox links (only applicable if lightbox rendering is enabled) Default: lightbox Property: LightboxRelAttribute Datatype: string Description: Which rel="" attribute to use for lightbox links (only applicable if lightbox rendering is enabled) Default: lightbox[{field:uid}] TSRef: imageLinkWrap: Change datatype of JSwindow to "boolean / stdWrap" Add property: Property: directImageLink Datatype: boolean Description: If true, a link to the generated image file will be returned directly (showpic.php is not used) Add property: Property: linkParams Datatype: typolink Description: Allows the manipulation of the generated typolink if JSwindow is not used. Example: linkParams.ATagParams.dataWrap = class="{$styles.content.imgtext.linkWrap.lightboxCssClass}" rel="{$styles.content.imgtext.linkWrap.lightboxRelAttribute}"