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2526 Query SELECT sorting_foreign FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_local FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT title FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT description FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT alternative FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT link FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT uid_local FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid_local FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_file_reference (hidden,sorting_foreign,table_local,sorting,pid,sys_language_uid,l10n_parent,l10n_diffsource,uid_local,uid_foreign,tablenames,fieldname,title,description,alternative,link,crdate,cruser_id,tstamp,t3ver_stage) VALUES 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uid=0 2526 Query SELECT description FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT alternative FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT link FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT uid_local FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid_local FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_file_reference (hidden,sorting_foreign,table_local,sorting,pid,sys_language_uid,l10n_parent,l10n_diffsource,uid_local,uid_foreign,tablenames,fieldname,title,description,alternative,link,crdate,cruser_id,tstamp,t3ver_stage) VALUES ('0','10','sys_file','128','9','','','a:7:{s:5:\"title\";N;s:11:\"alternative\";N;s:4:\"link\";N;s:11:\"description\";N;s:9:\"uid_local\";N;s:6:\"hidden\";N;s:16:\"sys_language_uid\";N;}','1','2','tt_content','image','title',NULL,'alt text','','1398849230','1','1398849230','0') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=14 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='sys_file_reference' AND recuid=14 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=14 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=14 LIMIT 1 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_refindex (tablename,recuid,field,flexpointer,softref_key,softref_id,sorting,deleted,workspace,ref_table,ref_uid,ref_string,hash) VALUES ('sys_file_reference','14','uid_local','','','','0','0','0','sys_file','1','','8b76cd8da4e64d9f6d8b28d7c35e443d') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','1','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was inserted on page \'%s\' (%s)','a:4:{i:0;s:2:\"14\";i:1;s:21:\"sys_file_reference:14\";i:2;s:15:\"Test 6 (copy 1)\";i:3;s:1:\"9\";}','sys_file_reference','14','','1398849230','9','NEW5360becea3aff','0') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE ref_table='_FILE' AND ref_string LIKE '%/RTEmagic%' AND softref_key='images' AND tablename='sys_file_reference' AND recuid=14 ORDER BY sorting DESC 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE l10n_parent='2' AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND (sys_file_reference.t3ver_state <= 0 OR sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid = 0) AND t3ver_oid=0 2526 Query SELECT uid,pid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=3 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages WHERE uid=7 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=3 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT sorting,pid,uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE pid=9 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 ORDER BY sorting ASC LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages WHERE uid=9 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query SELECT hidden FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT sys_language_uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l10n_parent FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l10n_diffsource FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT uid_local FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT uid_foreign FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT tablenames FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT fieldname FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT sorting_foreign FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_local FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT title FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT description FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT alternative FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT link FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT uid_local FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid_local FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_file_reference (hidden,sorting_foreign,table_local,sorting,pid,sys_language_uid,l10n_parent,l10n_diffsource,uid_local,uid_foreign,tablenames,fieldname,title,description,alternative,link,crdate,cruser_id,tstamp,t3ver_stage) VALUES ('0','10','sys_file','64','9','','','a:7:{s:5:\"title\";N;s:11:\"alternative\";N;s:4:\"link\";N;s:11:\"description\";N;s:9:\"uid_local\";N;s:6:\"hidden\";N;s:16:\"sys_language_uid\";N;}','1','3','tt_content','image','title',NULL,'alt text','','1398849230','1','1398849230','0') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=15 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='sys_file_reference' AND recuid=15 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=15 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=15 LIMIT 1 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_refindex (tablename,recuid,field,flexpointer,softref_key,softref_id,sorting,deleted,workspace,ref_table,ref_uid,ref_string,hash) VALUES ('sys_file_reference','15','uid_local','','','','0','0','0','sys_file','1','','915d93c328002ddc5cccbea9d002dc2f') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','1','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was inserted on page \'%s\' (%s)','a:4:{i:0;s:2:\"15\";i:1;s:21:\"sys_file_reference:15\";i:2;s:15:\"Test 6 (copy 1)\";i:3;s:1:\"9\";}','sys_file_reference','15','','1398849230','9','NEW5360becea6ca3','0') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE ref_table='_FILE' AND ref_string LIKE '%/RTEmagic%' AND softref_key='images' AND tablename='sys_file_reference' AND recuid=15 ORDER BY sorting DESC 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE l10n_parent='3' AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND (sys_file_reference.t3ver_state <= 0 OR sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid = 0) AND t3ver_oid=0 2526 Query SELECT uid,pid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=4 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages WHERE uid=7 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=4 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT sorting,pid,uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE pid=9 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 ORDER BY sorting ASC LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages WHERE uid=9 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query SELECT hidden FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT sys_language_uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l10n_parent FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l10n_diffsource FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT uid_local FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT uid_foreign FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT tablenames FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT fieldname FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT sorting_foreign FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_local FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT title FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT description FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT alternative FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT link FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT uid_local FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid_local FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_file_reference (hidden,sorting_foreign,table_local,sorting,pid,sys_language_uid,l10n_parent,l10n_diffsource,uid_local,uid_foreign,tablenames,fieldname,title,description,alternative,link,crdate,cruser_id,tstamp,t3ver_stage) VALUES ('0','10','sys_file','32','9','','','a:7:{s:5:\"title\";N;s:11:\"alternative\";N;s:4:\"link\";N;s:11:\"description\";N;s:9:\"uid_local\";N;s:6:\"hidden\";N;s:16:\"sys_language_uid\";N;}','1','4','tt_content','image','title',NULL,'alt text','','1398849230','1','1398849230','0') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=16 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='sys_file_reference' AND recuid=16 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=16 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=16 LIMIT 1 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_refindex (tablename,recuid,field,flexpointer,softref_key,softref_id,sorting,deleted,workspace,ref_table,ref_uid,ref_string,hash) VALUES ('sys_file_reference','16','uid_local','','','','0','0','0','sys_file','1','','116f87de9e275b44dd9d4d5da60c613b') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','1','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was inserted on page \'%s\' (%s)','a:4:{i:0;s:2:\"16\";i:1;s:21:\"sys_file_reference:16\";i:2;s:15:\"Test 6 (copy 1)\";i:3;s:1:\"9\";}','sys_file_reference','16','','1398849230','9','NEW5360becea9ea5','0') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE ref_table='_FILE' AND ref_string LIKE '%/RTEmagic%' AND softref_key='images' AND tablename='sys_file_reference' AND recuid=16 ORDER BY sorting DESC 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE l10n_parent='4' AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND (sys_file_reference.t3ver_state <= 0 OR sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid = 0) AND t3ver_oid=0 2526 Query SELECT uid,pid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=5 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages WHERE uid=7 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=5 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT sorting,pid,uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE pid=9 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 ORDER BY sorting ASC LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages WHERE uid=9 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query SELECT hidden FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT sys_language_uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l10n_parent FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l10n_diffsource FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT uid_local FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT uid_foreign FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT tablenames FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT fieldname FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT sorting_foreign FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_local FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT title FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT description FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT alternative FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT link FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT uid_local FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid_local FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_file_reference (hidden,sorting_foreign,table_local,sorting,pid,sys_language_uid,l10n_parent,l10n_diffsource,uid_local,uid_foreign,tablenames,fieldname,title,description,alternative,link,crdate,cruser_id,tstamp,t3ver_stage) VALUES ('0','10','sys_file','16','9','','','a:7:{s:5:\"title\";N;s:11:\"alternative\";N;s:4:\"link\";N;s:11:\"description\";N;s:9:\"uid_local\";N;s:6:\"hidden\";N;s:16:\"sys_language_uid\";N;}','1','5','tt_content','image','title',NULL,'alt text','','1398849230','1','1398849230','0') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=17 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='sys_file_reference' AND recuid=17 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=17 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=17 LIMIT 1 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_refindex (tablename,recuid,field,flexpointer,softref_key,softref_id,sorting,deleted,workspace,ref_table,ref_uid,ref_string,hash) VALUES ('sys_file_reference','17','uid_local','','','','0','0','0','sys_file','1','','1cb212d4536ebd560145eb97a6f5d86c') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','1','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was inserted on page \'%s\' (%s)','a:4:{i:0;s:2:\"17\";i:1;s:21:\"sys_file_reference:17\";i:2;s:15:\"Test 6 (copy 1)\";i:3;s:1:\"9\";}','sys_file_reference','17','','1398849230','9','NEW5360becead09f','0') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE ref_table='_FILE' AND ref_string LIKE '%/RTEmagic%' AND softref_key='images' AND tablename='sys_file_reference' AND recuid=17 ORDER BY sorting DESC 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE l10n_parent='5' AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND (sys_file_reference.t3ver_state <= 0 OR sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid = 0) AND t3ver_oid=0 2526 Query SELECT uid,pid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=6 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages WHERE uid=7 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=6 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT sorting,pid,uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE pid=9 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 ORDER BY sorting ASC LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages WHERE uid=9 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query SELECT hidden FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT sys_language_uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l10n_parent FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l10n_diffsource FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT uid_local FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT uid_foreign FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT tablenames FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT fieldname FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT sorting_foreign FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_local FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT title FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT description FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT alternative FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT link FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT uid_local FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid_local FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=0 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_file_reference (hidden,sorting_foreign,table_local,sorting,pid,sys_language_uid,l10n_parent,l10n_diffsource,uid_local,uid_foreign,tablenames,fieldname,title,description,alternative,link,crdate,cruser_id,tstamp,t3ver_stage) VALUES ('0','10','sys_file','8','9','','','a:7:{s:5:\"title\";N;s:11:\"alternative\";N;s:4:\"link\";N;s:11:\"description\";N;s:9:\"uid_local\";N;s:6:\"hidden\";N;s:16:\"sys_language_uid\";N;}','1','6','tt_content','image','title',NULL,'alt text','','1398849230','1','1398849230','0') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=18 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='sys_file_reference' AND recuid=18 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=18 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=18 LIMIT 1 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_refindex (tablename,recuid,field,flexpointer,softref_key,softref_id,sorting,deleted,workspace,ref_table,ref_uid,ref_string,hash) VALUES ('sys_file_reference','18','uid_local','','','','0','0','0','sys_file','1','','5c42c9fbce081e034404e6354d62f968') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','1','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was inserted on page \'%s\' (%s)','a:4:{i:0;s:2:\"18\";i:1;s:21:\"sys_file_reference:18\";i:2;s:15:\"Test 6 (copy 1)\";i:3;s:1:\"9\";}','sys_file_reference','18','','1398849230','9','NEW5360beceb0423','0') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE ref_table='_FILE' AND ref_string LIKE '%/RTEmagic%' AND softref_key='images' AND tablename='sys_file_reference' AND recuid=18 ORDER BY sorting DESC 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE l10n_parent='6' AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND (sys_file_reference.t3ver_state <= 0 OR sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid = 0) AND t3ver_oid=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_storage WHERE pid=7 AND sys_file_storage.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_filemounts WHERE pid=7 AND sys_filemounts.deleted=0 ORDER BY sorting DESC 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_history WHERE pid=7 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_language WHERE pid=7 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_log WHERE pid=7 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_news WHERE pid=7 AND sys_news.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM backend_layout WHERE pid=7 AND backend_layout.deleted=0 ORDER BY sorting DESC 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM fe_groups WHERE pid=7 AND fe_groups.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM fe_users WHERE pid=7 AND fe_users.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages_language_overlay WHERE pid=7 AND pages_language_overlay.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_domain WHERE pid=7 ORDER BY sorting DESC 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_template WHERE pid=7 AND sys_template.deleted=0 ORDER BY sorting DESC 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE pid=7 AND tt_content.deleted=0 ORDER BY sorting DESC 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=10 2526 Query SELECT uid,pid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=10 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages WHERE uid=7 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=10 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=10 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=10 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=10 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=10 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT content FROM cf_cache_hash WHERE identifier = '5b4f1286d06897f0fafa9b561dffa44a' AND cf_cache_hash.expires >= 1398849230 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT content FROM cf_cache_hash WHERE identifier = 'cfcd208495d565ef66e7dff9f98764da' AND cf_cache_hash.expires >= 1398849230 LIMIT 1 2526 Query DELETE FROM cf_cache_hash WHERE identifier = 'cfcd208495d565ef66e7dff9f98764da' 2526 Query DELETE FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE identifier = 'cfcd208495d565ef66e7dff9f98764da' 2526 Query INSERT INTO cf_cache_hash (identifier,expires,content) VALUES ('cfcd208495d565ef66e7dff9f98764da','2145909600','s:28:\"Line 1: Invalid document end\";') 2526 Query INSERT INTO cf_cache_hash_tags (identifier, tag) VALUES ('cfcd208495d565ef66e7dff9f98764da', 'ident_ident_xml2array') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_category_record_mm WHERE uid_foreign=10 AND ( tablenames='tt_content' ) AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='categories' ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT sorting,pid,uid FROM tt_content WHERE pid=9 AND tt_content.deleted=0 ORDER BY sorting ASC LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages WHERE uid=9 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query SELECT hidden FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT CType FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header_position FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT bodytext FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagewidth FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imageorient FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagecaption FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagecols FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imageborder FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT media FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT layout FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT cols FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT records FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT pages FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT starttime FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT endtime FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT colPos FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT subheader FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT spaceBefore FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT spaceAfter FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT fe_group FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header_link FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagecaption_position FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_link FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_zoom FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_noRows FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_effects FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_compression FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT altText FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT titleText FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT longdescURL FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header_layout FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT menu_type FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT list_type FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_border FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_cellspacing FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_cellpadding FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_bgColor FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT select_key FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT sectionIndex FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT linkToTop FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT file_collections FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT filelink_size FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT filelink_sorting FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT target FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT section_frame FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT date FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT multimedia FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_frames FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT recursive FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imageheight FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT rte_enabled FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT sys_language_uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT tx_impexp_origuid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT pi_flexform FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_title FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_bypass FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_bypass_text FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l18n_parent FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l18n_diffsource FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT selected_categories FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT category_field FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT categories FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query INSERT INTO tt_content (CType,starttime,endtime,layout,colPos,date,header_position,header_layout,imagewidth,imageheight,imageorient,imagecols,imagecaption_position,cols,recursive,menu_type,list_type,table_bgColor,table_border,table_cellspacing,table_cellpadding,target,spaceBefore,spaceAfter,section_frame,sectionIndex,accessibility_title,accessibility_bypass_text,sorting,pid,t3_origuid,hidden,header,bodytext,imagecaption,imageborder,records,pages,subheader,fe_group,header_link,image_link,image_zoom,image_noRows,image_effects,image_compression,altText,titleText,longdescURL,select_key,linkToTop,file_collections,filelink_size,filelink_sorting,multimedia,image_frames,rte_enabled,sys_language_uid,tx_impexp_origuid,pi_flexform,accessibility_bypass,l18n_parent,l18n_diffsource,selected_categories,category_field,categories,crdate,cruser_id,tstamp,t3ver_stage) VALUES ('html','0','0','0','0','0','','0','0','0','0','2','','0','0','0','','0','0','0','0','','0','0','0','1','','','256','9','10','0',' (copy 3)','',NULL,'0','','','','','',NULL,'0','0','0','0',NULL,NULL,NULL,'','0','','0','','','0','0','','0',NULL,'0','','a:1:{s:6:\"hidden\";N;}','','','0','1398849230','1','1398849230','0') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=21 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=21 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=21 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=21 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=21 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=21 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=21 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=21 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','1','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was inserted on page \'%s\' (%s)','a:4:{i:0;s:9:\" (copy 3)\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:21\";i:2;s:15:\"Test 6 (copy 1)\";i:3;s:1:\"9\";}','tt_content','21','','1398849230','9','NEW5360beceb4109','0') 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=21 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query UPDATE tt_content SET image='0' WHERE uid=21 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=21 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=21 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=21 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=21 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=21 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=21 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=21 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=21 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','2','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was updated. (Online).','a:2:{i:0;s:9:\" (copy 3)\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:21\";}','tt_content','21','','1398849230','9','','0') 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=21 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query UPDATE tt_content SET media='0' WHERE uid=21 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=21 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=21 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=21 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=21 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=21 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=21 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=21 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=21 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','2','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was updated. (Online).','a:2:{i:0;s:9:\" (copy 3)\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:21\";}','tt_content','21','','1398849230','9','','0') 2526 Query SELECT uid_local, tablenames FROM sys_category_record_mm WHERE uid_foreign=21 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='categories' ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=21 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=21 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=21 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=21 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=21 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=21 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=21 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE ref_table='_FILE' AND ref_string LIKE '%/RTEmagic%' AND softref_key='images' AND tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=21 ORDER BY sorting DESC 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE l18n_parent='10' AND tt_content.deleted=0 AND (tt_content.t3ver_state <= 0 OR tt_content.t3ver_wsid = 0) AND t3ver_oid=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=3 2526 Query SELECT uid,pid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=3 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages WHERE uid=7 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=3 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=3 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=3 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=3 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=3 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_category_record_mm WHERE uid_foreign=3 AND ( tablenames='tt_content' ) AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='categories' ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT sorting,pid,uid FROM tt_content WHERE pid=9 AND tt_content.deleted=0 ORDER BY sorting ASC LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages WHERE uid=9 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query SELECT hidden FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT CType FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header_position FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT bodytext FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagewidth FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imageorient FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagecaption FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagecols FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imageborder FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT media FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT layout FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT cols FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT records FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT pages FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT starttime FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT endtime FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT colPos FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT subheader FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT spaceBefore FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT spaceAfter FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT fe_group FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header_link FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagecaption_position FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_link FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_zoom FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_noRows FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_effects FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_compression FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT altText FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT titleText FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT longdescURL FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header_layout FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT menu_type FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT list_type FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_border FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_cellspacing FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_cellpadding FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_bgColor FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT select_key FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT sectionIndex FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT linkToTop FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT file_collections FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT filelink_size FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT filelink_sorting FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT target FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT section_frame FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT date FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT multimedia FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_frames FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT recursive FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imageheight FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT rte_enabled FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT sys_language_uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT tx_impexp_origuid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT pi_flexform FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_title FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_bypass FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_bypass_text FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l18n_parent FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l18n_diffsource FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT selected_categories FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT category_field FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT categories FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query INSERT INTO tt_content (CType,starttime,endtime,layout,colPos,date,header_position,header_layout,imagewidth,imageheight,imageorient,imagecols,imagecaption_position,cols,recursive,menu_type,list_type,table_bgColor,table_border,table_cellspacing,table_cellpadding,target,spaceBefore,spaceAfter,section_frame,sectionIndex,accessibility_title,accessibility_bypass_text,sorting,pid,t3_origuid,hidden,header,bodytext,imagecaption,imageborder,records,pages,subheader,fe_group,header_link,image_link,image_zoom,image_noRows,image_effects,image_compression,altText,titleText,longdescURL,select_key,linkToTop,file_collections,filelink_size,filelink_sorting,multimedia,image_frames,rte_enabled,sys_language_uid,tx_impexp_origuid,pi_flexform,accessibility_bypass,l18n_parent,l18n_diffsource,selected_categories,category_field,categories,crdate,cruser_id,tstamp,t3ver_stage) VALUES ('textpic','0','0','0','0','0','','0','0','0','17','2','','0','0','0','','0','0','0','0','','0','0','0','1','','','128','9','3','0','test + image (copy 2)','bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla \r\nbla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla ',NULL,'0','','','','','',NULL,'0','0','0','0',NULL,NULL,NULL,'','0','','0','','','0','0','','0',NULL,'0','','a:1:{s:6:\"hidden\";N;}','','','0','1398849230','1','1398849230','0') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=22 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=22 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=22 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=22 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=22 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=22 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=22 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=22 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','1','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was inserted on page \'%s\' (%s)','a:4:{i:0;s:21:\"test + image (copy 2)\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:22\";i:2;s:15:\"Test 6 (copy 1)\";i:3;s:1:\"9\";}','tt_content','22','','1398849230','9','NEW5360becec2295','0') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=15 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid,pid,missing,type,storage,identifier,identifier_hash,extension,mime_type,name,sha1,size,creation_date,modification_date,folder_hash FROM sys_file WHERE uid=1 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_storage WHERE 1=1 AND sys_file_storage.hidden=0 AND sys_file_storage.deleted=0 ORDER BY name 2526 Query SELECT content FROM cf_cache_hash WHERE identifier = '6d8757dc9521a026e695ab23d18b0455' AND cf_cache_hash.expires >= 1398849230 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=22 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query UPDATE sys_file_reference SET fieldname='image',uid_foreign='22',tablenames='tt_content',sorting_foreign='1' WHERE uid=15 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='sys_file_reference' AND recuid=15 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=15 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=15 LIMIT 1 2526 Query UPDATE tt_content SET image='1' WHERE uid=22 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=22 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=22 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=22 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=22 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=22 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=22 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT uid,t3ver_oid,t3ver_state FROM sys_file_reference WHERE pid=-1 AND t3ver_oid IN (15) AND t3ver_wsid=0 ORDER BY t3ver_state DESC 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=22 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=22 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_refindex (tablename,recuid,field,flexpointer,softref_key,softref_id,sorting,deleted,workspace,ref_table,ref_uid,ref_string,hash) VALUES ('tt_content','22','image','','','','0','0','0','sys_file_reference','15','','a4faece27f4009cbfddba5c1edc8f868') 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','2','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was updated. (Online).','a:2:{i:0;s:21:\"test + image (copy 2)\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:22\";}','tt_content','22','','1398849230','9','','0') 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=22 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query UPDATE tt_content SET media='0' WHERE uid=22 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=22 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=22 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=22 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=22 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=22 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=22 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT uid,t3ver_oid,t3ver_state FROM sys_file_reference WHERE pid=-1 AND t3ver_oid IN (15) AND t3ver_wsid=0 ORDER BY t3ver_state DESC 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=22 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=22 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','2','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was updated. (Online).','a:2:{i:0;s:21:\"test + image (copy 2)\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:22\";}','tt_content','22','','1398849230','9','','0') 2526 Query SELECT uid_local, tablenames FROM sys_category_record_mm WHERE uid_foreign=22 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='categories' ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=22 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=22 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=22 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=22 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=22 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT uid,t3ver_oid,t3ver_state FROM sys_file_reference WHERE pid=-1 AND t3ver_oid IN (15) AND t3ver_wsid=0 ORDER BY t3ver_state DESC 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=22 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=22 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE ref_table='_FILE' AND ref_string LIKE '%/RTEmagic%' AND softref_key='images' AND tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=22 ORDER BY sorting DESC 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE l18n_parent='3' AND tt_content.deleted=0 AND (tt_content.t3ver_state <= 0 OR tt_content.t3ver_wsid = 0) AND t3ver_oid=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=9 2526 Query SELECT uid,pid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=9 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages WHERE uid=7 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=9 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=9 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=9 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=9 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=9 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_category_record_mm WHERE uid_foreign=9 AND ( tablenames='tt_content' ) AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='categories' ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT sorting,pid,uid FROM tt_content WHERE pid=9 AND tt_content.deleted=0 ORDER BY sorting ASC LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages WHERE uid=9 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query SELECT hidden FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT CType FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header_position FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT bodytext FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagewidth FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imageorient FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagecaption FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagecols FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imageborder FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT media FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT layout FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT cols FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT records FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT pages FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT starttime FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT endtime FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT colPos FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT subheader FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT spaceBefore FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT spaceAfter FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT fe_group FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header_link FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagecaption_position FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_link FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_zoom FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_noRows FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_effects FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_compression FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT altText FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT titleText FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT longdescURL FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header_layout FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT menu_type FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT list_type FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_border FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_cellspacing FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_cellpadding FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_bgColor FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT select_key FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT sectionIndex FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT linkToTop FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT file_collections FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT filelink_size FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT filelink_sorting FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT target FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT section_frame FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT date FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT multimedia FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_frames FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT recursive FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imageheight FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT rte_enabled FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT sys_language_uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT tx_impexp_origuid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT pi_flexform FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_title FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_bypass FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_bypass_text FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l18n_parent FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l18n_diffsource FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT selected_categories FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT category_field FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT categories FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query INSERT INTO tt_content (CType,starttime,endtime,layout,colPos,date,header_position,header_layout,imagewidth,imageheight,imageorient,imagecols,imagecaption_position,cols,recursive,menu_type,list_type,table_bgColor,table_border,table_cellspacing,table_cellpadding,target,spaceBefore,spaceAfter,section_frame,sectionIndex,accessibility_title,accessibility_bypass_text,sorting,pid,t3_origuid,hidden,header,bodytext,imagecaption,imageborder,records,pages,subheader,fe_group,header_link,image_link,image_zoom,image_noRows,image_effects,image_compression,altText,titleText,longdescURL,select_key,linkToTop,file_collections,filelink_size,filelink_sorting,multimedia,image_frames,rte_enabled,sys_language_uid,tx_impexp_origuid,pi_flexform,accessibility_bypass,l18n_parent,l18n_diffsource,selected_categories,category_field,categories,crdate,cruser_id,tstamp,t3ver_stage) VALUES ('html','0','0','0','0','0','','0','0','0','0','2','','0','0','0','','0','0','0','0','','0','0','0','1','','','64','9','9','0',' (copy 2)','',NULL,'0','','','','','',NULL,'0','0','0','0',NULL,NULL,NULL,'','0','','0','','','0','0','','0',NULL,'0','','a:1:{s:6:\"hidden\";N;}','','','0','1398849230','1','1398849230','0') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=23 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=23 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=23 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=23 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=23 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=23 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=23 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=23 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','1','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was inserted on page \'%s\' (%s)','a:4:{i:0;s:9:\" (copy 2)\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:23\";i:2;s:15:\"Test 6 (copy 1)\";i:3;s:1:\"9\";}','tt_content','23','','1398849230','9','NEW5360beced2531','0') 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=23 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query UPDATE tt_content SET image='0' WHERE uid=23 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=23 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=23 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=23 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=23 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=23 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=23 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=23 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=23 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','2','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was updated. (Online).','a:2:{i:0;s:9:\" (copy 2)\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:23\";}','tt_content','23','','1398849230','9','','0') 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=23 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query UPDATE tt_content SET media='0' WHERE uid=23 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=23 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=23 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=23 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=23 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=23 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=23 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=23 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=23 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','2','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was updated. (Online).','a:2:{i:0;s:9:\" (copy 2)\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:23\";}','tt_content','23','','1398849230','9','','0') 2526 Query SELECT uid_local, tablenames FROM sys_category_record_mm WHERE uid_foreign=23 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='categories' ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=23 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=23 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=23 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=23 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=23 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=23 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=23 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE ref_table='_FILE' AND ref_string LIKE '%/RTEmagic%' AND softref_key='images' AND tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=23 ORDER BY sorting DESC 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE l18n_parent='9' AND tt_content.deleted=0 AND (tt_content.t3ver_state <= 0 OR tt_content.t3ver_wsid = 0) AND t3ver_oid=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=2 2526 Query SELECT uid,pid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=2 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages WHERE uid=7 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=2 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=2 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=2 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=2 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=2 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_category_record_mm WHERE uid_foreign=2 AND ( tablenames='tt_content' ) AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='categories' ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT sorting,pid,uid FROM tt_content WHERE pid=9 AND tt_content.deleted=0 ORDER BY sorting ASC LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages WHERE uid=9 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query SELECT hidden FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT CType FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header_position FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT bodytext FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagewidth FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imageorient FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagecaption FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagecols FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imageborder FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT media FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT layout FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT cols FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT records FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT pages FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT starttime FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT endtime FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT colPos FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT subheader FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT spaceBefore FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT spaceAfter FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT fe_group FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header_link FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagecaption_position FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_link FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_zoom FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_noRows FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_effects FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_compression FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT altText FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT titleText FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT longdescURL FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header_layout FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT menu_type FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT list_type FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_border FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_cellspacing FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_cellpadding FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_bgColor FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT select_key FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT sectionIndex FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT linkToTop FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT file_collections FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT filelink_size FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT filelink_sorting FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT target FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT section_frame FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT date FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT multimedia FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_frames FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT recursive FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imageheight FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT rte_enabled FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT sys_language_uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT tx_impexp_origuid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT pi_flexform FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_title FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_bypass FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_bypass_text FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l18n_parent FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l18n_diffsource FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT selected_categories FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT category_field FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT categories FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query INSERT INTO tt_content (CType,starttime,endtime,layout,colPos,date,header_position,header_layout,imagewidth,imageheight,imageorient,imagecols,imagecaption_position,cols,recursive,menu_type,list_type,table_bgColor,table_border,table_cellspacing,table_cellpadding,target,spaceBefore,spaceAfter,section_frame,sectionIndex,accessibility_title,accessibility_bypass_text,sorting,pid,t3_origuid,hidden,header,bodytext,imagecaption,imageborder,records,pages,subheader,fe_group,header_link,image_link,image_zoom,image_noRows,image_effects,image_compression,altText,titleText,longdescURL,select_key,linkToTop,file_collections,filelink_size,filelink_sorting,multimedia,image_frames,rte_enabled,sys_language_uid,tx_impexp_origuid,pi_flexform,accessibility_bypass,l18n_parent,l18n_diffsource,selected_categories,category_field,categories,crdate,cruser_id,tstamp,t3ver_stage) VALUES ('textpic','0','0','0','0','0','','0','0','0','17','2','','0','0','0','','0','0','0','0','','0','0','0','1','','','32','9','2','0','test + image (copy 1)','bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla \r\nbla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla ',NULL,'0','','','','','',NULL,'0','0','0','0',NULL,NULL,NULL,'','0','','0','','','0','0','','0',NULL,'0','','a:1:{s:6:\"hidden\";N;}','','','0','1398849230','1','1398849230','0') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=24 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=24 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=24 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=24 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=24 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=24 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=24 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=24 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','1','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was inserted on page \'%s\' (%s)','a:4:{i:0;s:21:\"test + image (copy 1)\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:24\";i:2;s:15:\"Test 6 (copy 1)\";i:3;s:1:\"9\";}','tt_content','24','','1398849230','9','NEW5360becede7c0','0') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=14 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=24 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query UPDATE sys_file_reference SET fieldname='image',uid_foreign='24',tablenames='tt_content',sorting_foreign='1' WHERE uid=14 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='sys_file_reference' AND recuid=14 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=14 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=14 LIMIT 1 2526 Query UPDATE tt_content SET image='1' WHERE uid=24 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=24 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=24 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=24 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=24 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=24 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=24 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT uid,t3ver_oid,t3ver_state FROM sys_file_reference WHERE pid=-1 AND t3ver_oid IN (14) AND t3ver_wsid=0 ORDER BY t3ver_state DESC 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=24 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=24 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_refindex (tablename,recuid,field,flexpointer,softref_key,softref_id,sorting,deleted,workspace,ref_table,ref_uid,ref_string,hash) VALUES ('tt_content','24','image','','','','0','0','0','sys_file_reference','14','','084a5f52c95ccce73b6f240665125164') 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','2','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was updated. (Online).','a:2:{i:0;s:21:\"test + image (copy 1)\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:24\";}','tt_content','24','','1398849230','9','','0') 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=24 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query UPDATE tt_content SET media='0' WHERE uid=24 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=24 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=24 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=24 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=24 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=24 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=24 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT uid,t3ver_oid,t3ver_state FROM sys_file_reference WHERE pid=-1 AND t3ver_oid IN (14) AND t3ver_wsid=0 ORDER BY t3ver_state DESC 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=24 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=24 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','2','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was updated. (Online).','a:2:{i:0;s:21:\"test + image (copy 1)\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:24\";}','tt_content','24','','1398849230','9','','0') 2526 Query SELECT uid_local, tablenames FROM sys_category_record_mm WHERE uid_foreign=24 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='categories' ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=24 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=24 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=24 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=24 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=24 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT uid,t3ver_oid,t3ver_state FROM sys_file_reference WHERE pid=-1 AND t3ver_oid IN (14) AND t3ver_wsid=0 ORDER BY t3ver_state DESC 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=24 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=24 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE ref_table='_FILE' AND ref_string LIKE '%/RTEmagic%' AND softref_key='images' AND tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=24 ORDER BY sorting DESC 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE l18n_parent='2' AND tt_content.deleted=0 AND (tt_content.t3ver_state <= 0 OR tt_content.t3ver_wsid = 0) AND t3ver_oid=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=6 2526 Query SELECT uid,pid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=6 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages WHERE uid=7 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=6 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=6 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=6 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=6 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=6 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_category_record_mm WHERE uid_foreign=6 AND ( tablenames='tt_content' ) AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='categories' ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT sorting,pid,uid FROM tt_content WHERE pid=9 AND tt_content.deleted=0 ORDER BY sorting ASC LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages WHERE uid=9 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query SELECT hidden FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT CType FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header_position FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT bodytext FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagewidth FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imageorient FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagecaption FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagecols FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imageborder FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT media FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT layout FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT cols FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT records FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT pages FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT starttime FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT endtime FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT colPos FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT subheader FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT spaceBefore FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT spaceAfter FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT fe_group FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header_link FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagecaption_position FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_link FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_zoom FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_noRows FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_effects FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_compression FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT altText FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT titleText FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT longdescURL FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header_layout FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT menu_type FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT list_type FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_border FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_cellspacing FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_cellpadding FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_bgColor FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT select_key FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT sectionIndex FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT linkToTop FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT file_collections FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT filelink_size FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT filelink_sorting FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT target FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT section_frame FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT date FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT multimedia FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_frames FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT recursive FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imageheight FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT rte_enabled FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT sys_language_uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT tx_impexp_origuid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT pi_flexform FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_title FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_bypass FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_bypass_text FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l18n_parent FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l18n_diffsource FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT selected_categories FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT category_field FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT categories FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query INSERT INTO tt_content (CType,starttime,endtime,layout,colPos,date,header_position,header_layout,imagewidth,imageheight,imageorient,imagecols,imagecaption_position,cols,recursive,menu_type,list_type,table_bgColor,table_border,table_cellspacing,table_cellpadding,target,spaceBefore,spaceAfter,section_frame,sectionIndex,accessibility_title,accessibility_bypass_text,sorting,pid,t3_origuid,hidden,header,bodytext,imagecaption,imageborder,records,pages,subheader,fe_group,header_link,image_link,image_zoom,image_noRows,image_effects,image_compression,altText,titleText,longdescURL,select_key,linkToTop,file_collections,filelink_size,filelink_sorting,multimedia,image_frames,rte_enabled,sys_language_uid,tx_impexp_origuid,pi_flexform,accessibility_bypass,l18n_parent,l18n_diffsource,selected_categories,category_field,categories,crdate,cruser_id,tstamp,t3ver_stage) VALUES ('textpic','0','0','0','2','0','','0','0','0','17','2','','0','0','0','','0','0','0','0','','0','0','0','1','','','16','9','6','0','test + image (copy 5)','bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla \r\nbla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla ',NULL,'0','','','','','',NULL,'0','0','0','0',NULL,NULL,NULL,'','0','','0','','','0','0','','0',NULL,'0','','a:1:{s:6:\"hidden\";N;}','','','0','1398849230','1','1398849230','0') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=25 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=25 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=25 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=25 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=25 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=25 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=25 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=25 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','1','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was inserted on page \'%s\' (%s)','a:4:{i:0;s:21:\"test + image (copy 5)\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:25\";i:2;s:15:\"Test 6 (copy 1)\";i:3;s:1:\"9\";}','tt_content','25','','1398849230','9','NEW5360beceeb9c3','0') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=18 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=25 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query UPDATE sys_file_reference SET fieldname='image',uid_foreign='25',tablenames='tt_content',sorting_foreign='1' WHERE uid=18 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='sys_file_reference' AND recuid=18 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=18 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=18 LIMIT 1 2526 Query UPDATE tt_content SET image='1' WHERE uid=25 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=25 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=25 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=25 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=25 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=25 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=25 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 140430 11:13:51 2526 Query SELECT uid,t3ver_oid,t3ver_state FROM sys_file_reference WHERE pid=-1 AND t3ver_oid IN (18) AND t3ver_wsid=0 ORDER BY t3ver_state DESC 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=25 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=25 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_refindex (tablename,recuid,field,flexpointer,softref_key,softref_id,sorting,deleted,workspace,ref_table,ref_uid,ref_string,hash) VALUES ('tt_content','25','image','','','','0','0','0','sys_file_reference','18','','bfc91b05e268c85a916a495b3feb0fc6') 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','2','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was updated. (Online).','a:2:{i:0;s:21:\"test + image (copy 5)\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:25\";}','tt_content','25','','1398849230','9','','0') 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=25 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query UPDATE tt_content SET media='0' WHERE uid=25 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=25 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=25 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=25 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=25 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=25 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=25 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT uid,t3ver_oid,t3ver_state FROM sys_file_reference WHERE pid=-1 AND t3ver_oid IN (18) AND t3ver_wsid=0 ORDER BY t3ver_state DESC 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=25 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=25 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','2','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was updated. (Online).','a:2:{i:0;s:21:\"test + image (copy 5)\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:25\";}','tt_content','25','','1398849230','9','','0') 2526 Query SELECT uid_local, tablenames FROM sys_category_record_mm WHERE uid_foreign=25 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='categories' ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=25 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=25 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=25 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=25 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=25 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT uid,t3ver_oid,t3ver_state FROM sys_file_reference WHERE pid=-1 AND t3ver_oid IN (18) AND t3ver_wsid=0 ORDER BY t3ver_state DESC 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=25 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=25 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE ref_table='_FILE' AND ref_string LIKE '%/RTEmagic%' AND softref_key='images' AND tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=25 ORDER BY sorting DESC 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE l18n_parent='6' AND tt_content.deleted=0 AND (tt_content.t3ver_state <= 0 OR tt_content.t3ver_wsid = 0) AND t3ver_oid=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=5 2526 Query SELECT uid,pid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=5 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages WHERE uid=7 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=5 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=5 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=5 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=5 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=5 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_category_record_mm WHERE uid_foreign=5 AND ( tablenames='tt_content' ) AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='categories' ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT sorting,pid,uid FROM tt_content WHERE pid=9 AND tt_content.deleted=0 ORDER BY sorting ASC LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages WHERE uid=9 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query SELECT hidden FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT CType FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header_position FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT bodytext FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagewidth FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imageorient FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagecaption FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagecols FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imageborder FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT media FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT layout FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT cols FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT records FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT pages FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT starttime FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT endtime FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT colPos FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT subheader FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT spaceBefore FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT spaceAfter FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT fe_group FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header_link FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagecaption_position FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_link FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_zoom FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_noRows FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_effects FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_compression FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT altText FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT titleText FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT longdescURL FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header_layout FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT menu_type FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT list_type FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_border FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_cellspacing FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_cellpadding FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_bgColor FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT select_key FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT sectionIndex FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT linkToTop FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT file_collections FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT filelink_size FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT filelink_sorting FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT target FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT section_frame FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT date FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT multimedia FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_frames FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT recursive FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imageheight FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT rte_enabled FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT sys_language_uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT tx_impexp_origuid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT pi_flexform FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_title FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_bypass FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_bypass_text FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l18n_parent FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l18n_diffsource FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT selected_categories FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT category_field FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT categories FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query INSERT INTO tt_content (CType,starttime,endtime,layout,colPos,date,header_position,header_layout,imagewidth,imageheight,imageorient,imagecols,imagecaption_position,cols,recursive,menu_type,list_type,table_bgColor,table_border,table_cellspacing,table_cellpadding,target,spaceBefore,spaceAfter,section_frame,sectionIndex,accessibility_title,accessibility_bypass_text,sorting,pid,t3_origuid,hidden,header,bodytext,imagecaption,imageborder,records,pages,subheader,fe_group,header_link,image_link,image_zoom,image_noRows,image_effects,image_compression,altText,titleText,longdescURL,select_key,linkToTop,file_collections,filelink_size,filelink_sorting,multimedia,image_frames,rte_enabled,sys_language_uid,tx_impexp_origuid,pi_flexform,accessibility_bypass,l18n_parent,l18n_diffsource,selected_categories,category_field,categories,crdate,cruser_id,tstamp,t3ver_stage) VALUES ('textpic','0','0','0','2','0','','0','0','0','17','2','','0','0','0','','0','0','0','0','','0','0','0','1','','','8','9','5','0','test + image (copy 4)','bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla \r\nbla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla ',NULL,'0','','','','','',NULL,'0','0','0','0',NULL,NULL,NULL,'','0','','0','','','0','0','','0',NULL,'0','','a:1:{s:6:\"hidden\";N;}','','','0','1398849230','1','1398849230','0') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=26 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=26 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=26 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=26 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=26 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=26 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=26 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=26 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','1','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was inserted on page \'%s\' (%s)','a:4:{i:0;s:21:\"test + image (copy 4)\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:26\";i:2;s:15:\"Test 6 (copy 1)\";i:3;s:1:\"9\";}','tt_content','26','','1398849230','9','NEW5360becf048be','0') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=17 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=26 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query UPDATE sys_file_reference SET fieldname='image',uid_foreign='26',tablenames='tt_content',sorting_foreign='1' WHERE uid=17 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='sys_file_reference' AND recuid=17 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=17 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=17 LIMIT 1 2526 Query UPDATE tt_content SET image='1' WHERE uid=26 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=26 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=26 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=26 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=26 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=26 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=26 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT uid,t3ver_oid,t3ver_state FROM sys_file_reference WHERE pid=-1 AND t3ver_oid IN (17) AND t3ver_wsid=0 ORDER BY t3ver_state DESC 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=26 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=26 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_refindex (tablename,recuid,field,flexpointer,softref_key,softref_id,sorting,deleted,workspace,ref_table,ref_uid,ref_string,hash) VALUES ('tt_content','26','image','','','','0','0','0','sys_file_reference','17','','4a69cd26fbf55e2a0d39c29df58ebf2b') 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','2','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was updated. (Online).','a:2:{i:0;s:21:\"test + image (copy 4)\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:26\";}','tt_content','26','','1398849230','9','','0') 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=26 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query UPDATE tt_content SET media='0' WHERE uid=26 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=26 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=26 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=26 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=26 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=26 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=26 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT uid,t3ver_oid,t3ver_state FROM sys_file_reference WHERE pid=-1 AND t3ver_oid IN (17) AND t3ver_wsid=0 ORDER BY t3ver_state DESC 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=26 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=26 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','2','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was updated. (Online).','a:2:{i:0;s:21:\"test + image (copy 4)\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:26\";}','tt_content','26','','1398849230','9','','0') 2526 Query SELECT uid_local, tablenames FROM sys_category_record_mm WHERE uid_foreign=26 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='categories' ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=26 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=26 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=26 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=26 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=26 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT uid,t3ver_oid,t3ver_state FROM sys_file_reference WHERE pid=-1 AND t3ver_oid IN (17) AND t3ver_wsid=0 ORDER BY t3ver_state DESC 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=26 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=26 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE ref_table='_FILE' AND ref_string LIKE '%/RTEmagic%' AND softref_key='images' AND tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=26 ORDER BY sorting DESC 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE l18n_parent='5' AND tt_content.deleted=0 AND (tt_content.t3ver_state <= 0 OR tt_content.t3ver_wsid = 0) AND t3ver_oid=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=4 2526 Query SELECT uid,pid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=4 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages WHERE uid=7 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=4 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=4 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=4 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=4 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=4 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_category_record_mm WHERE uid_foreign=4 AND ( tablenames='tt_content' ) AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='categories' ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT sorting,pid,uid FROM tt_content WHERE pid=9 AND tt_content.deleted=0 ORDER BY sorting ASC LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages WHERE uid=9 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query SELECT hidden FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT CType FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header_position FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT bodytext FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagewidth FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imageorient FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagecaption FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagecols FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imageborder FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT media FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT layout FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT cols FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT records FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT pages FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT starttime FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT endtime FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT colPos FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT subheader FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT spaceBefore FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT spaceAfter FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT fe_group FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header_link FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagecaption_position FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_link FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_zoom FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_noRows FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_effects FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_compression FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT altText FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT titleText FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT longdescURL FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header_layout FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT menu_type FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT list_type FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_border FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_cellspacing FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_cellpadding FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_bgColor FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT select_key FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT sectionIndex FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT linkToTop FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT file_collections FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT filelink_size FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT filelink_sorting FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT target FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT section_frame FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT date FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT multimedia FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_frames FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT recursive FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imageheight FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT rte_enabled FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT sys_language_uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT tx_impexp_origuid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT pi_flexform FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_title FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_bypass FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_bypass_text FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l18n_parent FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l18n_diffsource FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT selected_categories FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT category_field FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT categories FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query INSERT INTO tt_content (CType,starttime,endtime,layout,colPos,date,header_position,header_layout,imagewidth,imageheight,imageorient,imagecols,imagecaption_position,cols,recursive,menu_type,list_type,table_bgColor,table_border,table_cellspacing,table_cellpadding,target,spaceBefore,spaceAfter,section_frame,sectionIndex,accessibility_title,accessibility_bypass_text,sorting,pid,t3_origuid,hidden,header,bodytext,imagecaption,imageborder,records,pages,subheader,fe_group,header_link,image_link,image_zoom,image_noRows,image_effects,image_compression,altText,titleText,longdescURL,select_key,linkToTop,file_collections,filelink_size,filelink_sorting,multimedia,image_frames,rte_enabled,sys_language_uid,tx_impexp_origuid,pi_flexform,accessibility_bypass,l18n_parent,l18n_diffsource,selected_categories,category_field,categories,crdate,cruser_id,tstamp,t3ver_stage) VALUES ('textpic','0','0','0','2','0','','0','0','0','17','2','','0','0','0','','0','0','0','0','','0','0','0','1','','','4','9','4','0','test + image (copy 3)','bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla \r\nbla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla ',NULL,'0','','','','','',NULL,'0','0','0','0',NULL,NULL,NULL,'','0','','0','','','0','0','','0',NULL,'0','','a:1:{s:6:\"hidden\";N;}','','','0','1398849230','1','1398849230','0') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=27 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=27 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=27 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=27 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=27 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=27 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=27 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=27 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','1','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was inserted on page \'%s\' (%s)','a:4:{i:0;s:21:\"test + image (copy 3)\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:27\";i:2;s:15:\"Test 6 (copy 1)\";i:3;s:1:\"9\";}','tt_content','27','','1398849230','9','NEW5360becf11a5f','0') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=16 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=27 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query UPDATE sys_file_reference SET fieldname='image',uid_foreign='27',tablenames='tt_content',sorting_foreign='1' WHERE uid=16 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='sys_file_reference' AND recuid=16 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=16 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=16 LIMIT 1 2526 Query UPDATE tt_content SET image='1' WHERE uid=27 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=27 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=27 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=27 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=27 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=27 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=27 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT uid,t3ver_oid,t3ver_state FROM sys_file_reference WHERE pid=-1 AND t3ver_oid IN (16) AND t3ver_wsid=0 ORDER BY t3ver_state DESC 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=27 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=27 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_refindex (tablename,recuid,field,flexpointer,softref_key,softref_id,sorting,deleted,workspace,ref_table,ref_uid,ref_string,hash) VALUES ('tt_content','27','image','','','','0','0','0','sys_file_reference','16','','85be90fb829d213abe8de6baa24786b1') 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','2','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was updated. (Online).','a:2:{i:0;s:21:\"test + image (copy 3)\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:27\";}','tt_content','27','','1398849230','9','','0') 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=27 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query UPDATE tt_content SET media='0' WHERE uid=27 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=27 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=27 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=27 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=27 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=27 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=27 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT uid,t3ver_oid,t3ver_state FROM sys_file_reference WHERE pid=-1 AND t3ver_oid IN (16) AND t3ver_wsid=0 ORDER BY t3ver_state DESC 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=27 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=27 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','2','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was updated. (Online).','a:2:{i:0;s:21:\"test + image (copy 3)\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:27\";}','tt_content','27','','1398849230','9','','0') 2526 Query SELECT uid_local, tablenames FROM sys_category_record_mm WHERE uid_foreign=27 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='categories' ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=27 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=27 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=27 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=27 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=27 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT uid,t3ver_oid,t3ver_state FROM sys_file_reference WHERE pid=-1 AND t3ver_oid IN (16) AND t3ver_wsid=0 ORDER BY t3ver_state DESC 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=27 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=27 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE ref_table='_FILE' AND ref_string LIKE '%/RTEmagic%' AND softref_key='images' AND tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=27 ORDER BY sorting DESC 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE l18n_parent='4' AND tt_content.deleted=0 AND (tt_content.t3ver_state <= 0 OR tt_content.t3ver_wsid = 0) AND t3ver_oid=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=7 2526 Query SELECT uid,pid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=7 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages WHERE uid=7 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=7 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=7 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=7 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=7 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=7 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_category_record_mm WHERE uid_foreign=7 AND ( tablenames='tt_content' ) AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='categories' ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT sorting,pid,uid FROM tt_content WHERE pid=9 AND tt_content.deleted=0 ORDER BY sorting ASC LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages WHERE uid=9 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query SELECT hidden FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT CType FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header_position FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT bodytext FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagewidth FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imageorient FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagecaption FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagecols FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imageborder FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT media FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT layout FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT cols FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT records FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT pages FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT starttime FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT endtime FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT colPos FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT subheader FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT spaceBefore FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT spaceAfter FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT fe_group FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header_link FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imagecaption_position FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_link FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_zoom FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_noRows FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_effects FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_compression FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT altText FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT titleText FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT longdescURL FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT header_layout FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT menu_type FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT list_type FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_border FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_cellspacing FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_cellpadding FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT table_bgColor FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT select_key FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT sectionIndex FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT linkToTop FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT file_collections FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT filelink_size FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT filelink_sorting FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT target FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT section_frame FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT date FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT multimedia FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT image_frames FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT recursive FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT imageheight FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT rte_enabled FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT sys_language_uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT tx_impexp_origuid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT pi_flexform FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_title FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_bypass FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_bypass_text FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l18n_parent FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l18n_diffsource FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT selected_categories FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT category_field FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT categories FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query INSERT INTO tt_content 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('html','0','0','0','1','0','','0','0','0','0','2','','0','0','0','','0','0','0','0','','0','0','0','1','','','2','9','7','0','','',NULL,'0','','','','','',NULL,'0','0','0','0',NULL,NULL,NULL,'','0','','0','','','0','0','','0',NULL,'0','','a:16:{s:5:\"CType\";N;s:6:\"colPos\";N;s:16:\"sys_language_uid\";N;s:6:\"header\";N;s:8:\"bodytext\";N;s:6:\"layout\";N;s:11:\"spaceBefore\";N;s:10:\"spaceAfter\";N;s:13:\"section_frame\";N;s:6:\"hidden\";N;s:12:\"sectionIndex\";N;s:9:\"linkToTop\";N;s:9:\"starttime\";N;s:7:\"endtime\";N;s:8:\"fe_group\";N;s:10:\"categories\";N;}','','','0','1398849230','1','1398849230','0') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=28 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=28 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=28 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=28 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=28 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference 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fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','1','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was inserted on page \'%s\' (%s)','a:4:{i:0;s:9:\" (copy 1)\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:29\";i:2;s:15:\"Test 6 (copy 1)\";i:3;s:1:\"9\";}','tt_content','29','','1398849230','9','NEW5360becf2a7f7','0') 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=29 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query UPDATE tt_content SET image='0' WHERE uid=29 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=29 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=29 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=29 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=29 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=29 AND 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(Online).','a:2:{i:0;s:9:\" (copy 1)\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:29\";}','tt_content','29','','1398849230','9','','0') 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=29 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query UPDATE tt_content SET media='0' WHERE uid=29 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=29 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=29 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=29 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=29 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=29 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=29 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=29 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=29 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','2','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was updated. (Online).','a:2:{i:0;s:9:\" (copy 1)\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:29\";}','tt_content','29','','1398849230','9','','0') 2526 Query SELECT uid_local, tablenames FROM sys_category_record_mm WHERE uid_foreign=29 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='categories' ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=29 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=29 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=29 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=29 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=29 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=29 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=29 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE ref_table='_FILE' AND ref_string LIKE '%/RTEmagic%' AND softref_key='images' AND tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=29 ORDER BY sorting DESC 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE l18n_parent='8' AND tt_content.deleted=0 AND (tt_content.t3ver_state <= 0 OR tt_content.t3ver_wsid = 0) AND t3ver_oid=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=1 2526 Query SELECT uid,pid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=1 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM pages WHERE uid=7 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=1 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=1 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=1 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' 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rte_enabled FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT sys_language_uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT tx_impexp_origuid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT pi_flexform FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_title FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_bypass FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT accessibility_bypass_text FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l18n_parent FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT l18n_diffsource FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT selected_categories FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT category_field FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query SELECT categories FROM tt_content WHERE uid=0 2526 Query INSERT INTO tt_content 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bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla \r\nbla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla ',NULL,'0','','','','','',NULL,'0','0','0','0',NULL,NULL,NULL,'','0','','0','','','0','0','','0',NULL,'0','','a:1:{s:6:\"colPos\";N;}','','','0','1398849230','1','1398849230','0') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=30 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=30 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=30 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=30 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=30 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=30 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=30 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=30 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','1','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was inserted on page \'%s\' (%s)','a:4:{i:0;s:12:\"test + image\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:30\";i:2;s:15:\"Test 6 (copy 1)\";i:3;s:1:\"9\";}','tt_content','30','','1398849230','9','NEW5360becf366fc','0') 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=13 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=30 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query UPDATE sys_file_reference SET fieldname='image',uid_foreign='30',tablenames='tt_content',sorting_foreign='1' WHERE uid=13 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='sys_file_reference' AND recuid=13 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=13 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=13 LIMIT 1 2526 Query UPDATE tt_content SET image='1' WHERE uid=30 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=30 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=30 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=30 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=30 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=30 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=30 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT uid,t3ver_oid,t3ver_state FROM sys_file_reference WHERE pid=-1 AND t3ver_oid IN (13) AND t3ver_wsid=0 ORDER BY t3ver_state DESC 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=30 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=30 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_refindex (tablename,recuid,field,flexpointer,softref_key,softref_id,sorting,deleted,workspace,ref_table,ref_uid,ref_string,hash) VALUES ('tt_content','30','image','','','','0','0','0','sys_file_reference','13','','66acf739cdb9eff1b3b3856a07aed86d') 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','2','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was updated. (Online).','a:2:{i:0;s:12:\"test + image\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:30\";}','tt_content','30','','1398849230','9','','0') 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=30 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query UPDATE tt_content SET media='0' WHERE uid=30 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=30 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=30 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=30 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=30 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=30 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=30 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT uid,t3ver_oid,t3ver_state FROM sys_file_reference WHERE pid=-1 AND t3ver_oid IN (13) AND t3ver_wsid=0 ORDER BY t3ver_state DESC 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=30 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=30 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query INSERT INTO sys_log (userid,type,action,error,details_nr,details,log_data,tablename,recuid,IP,tstamp,event_pid,NEWid,workspace) VALUES ('1','1','2','0','10','Record \'%s\' (%s) was updated. (Online).','a:2:{i:0;s:12:\"test + image\";i:1;s:13:\"tt_content:30\";}','tt_content','30','','1398849230','9','','0') 2526 Query SELECT uid_local, tablenames FROM sys_category_record_mm WHERE uid_foreign=30 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='categories' ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=30 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=30 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=30 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=30 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=30 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='image' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT uid,t3ver_oid,t3ver_state FROM sys_file_reference WHERE pid=-1 AND t3ver_oid IN (13) AND t3ver_wsid=0 ORDER BY t3ver_state DESC 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=30 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid_foreign=30 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 AND tablenames='tt_content' AND fieldname='media' AND sys_file_reference.t3ver_wsid IN (0,0) AND sys_file_reference.pid<>-1 ORDER BY sorting_foreign 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE ref_table='_FILE' AND ref_string LIKE '%/RTEmagic%' AND softref_key='images' AND tablename='tt_content' AND recuid=30 ORDER BY sorting DESC 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE l18n_parent='1' AND tt_content.deleted=0 AND (tt_content.t3ver_state <= 0 OR tt_content.t3ver_wsid = 0) AND t3ver_oid=0 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tx_extensionmanager_domain_model_extension WHERE pid=7 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tx_extensionmanager_domain_model_repository WHERE pid=7 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_note WHERE pid=7 AND sys_note.deleted=0 ORDER BY sorting DESC 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tx_rsaauth_keys WHERE pid=7 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM tx_rtehtmlarea_acronym WHERE pid=7 AND tx_rtehtmlarea_acronym.deleted=0 ORDER BY sorting DESC 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM pages WHERE uid=7 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM pages WHERE uid=9 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=10 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=21 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=10 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=21 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=3 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=22 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query UPDATE sys_file_reference SET fieldname='image',uid_foreign='22' WHERE uid=15 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='sys_file_reference' AND recuid=15 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=15 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=15 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=3 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=22 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=9 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=23 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=9 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=23 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=2 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=24 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query UPDATE sys_file_reference SET fieldname='image',uid_foreign='24' WHERE uid=14 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='sys_file_reference' AND recuid=14 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=14 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=14 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=2 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=24 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=6 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=25 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query UPDATE sys_file_reference SET fieldname='image',uid_foreign='25' WHERE uid=18 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='sys_file_reference' AND recuid=18 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=18 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=18 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=6 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=25 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=5 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=26 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query UPDATE sys_file_reference SET fieldname='image',uid_foreign='26' WHERE uid=17 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='sys_file_reference' AND recuid=17 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=17 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=17 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=5 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=26 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=4 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=27 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query UPDATE sys_file_reference SET fieldname='image',uid_foreign='27' WHERE uid=16 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='sys_file_reference' AND recuid=16 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=16 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=16 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=4 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=27 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=7 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=28 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=7 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=28 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=8 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=29 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=8 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=29 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=1 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=30 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query UPDATE sys_file_reference SET fieldname='image',uid_foreign='30' WHERE uid=13 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_refindex WHERE tablename='sys_file_reference' AND recuid=13 2526 Query SELECT uid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=13 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=13 LIMIT 1 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=1 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid,t3ver_oid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=30 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT A.pid AS pid, B.uid AS uid FROM pages A, pages B WHERE A.uid=9 AND B.pid=A.pid AND B.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=13 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=13 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=14 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=14 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=15 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=15 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=16 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=16 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=17 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=17 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=18 AND sys_file_reference.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid FROM sys_file_reference WHERE uid=18 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=21 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=21 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=22 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=22 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=23 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=23 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=24 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=24 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=25 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=25 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=26 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=26 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=27 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=27 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=28 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=28 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=29 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=29 2526 Query SELECT * FROM tt_content WHERE uid=30 AND tt_content.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT pid FROM tt_content WHERE uid=30 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'pageId_1' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'pageId_1' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'pageId_1' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'pageId_1' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'pageId_2' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'pageId_2' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'pageId_2' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'pageId_2' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'pageId_3' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'pageId_3' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'pageId_3' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'pageId_3' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'pageId_4' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'pageId_4' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'pageId_4' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'pageId_4' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'pageId_5' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'pageId_5' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'pageId_5' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'pageId_5' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'pageId_6' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'pageId_6' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'pageId_6' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'pageId_6' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'pageId_7' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'pageId_7' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'pageId_7' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'pageId_7' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'pageId_9' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'pageId_9' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'pageId_9' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'pageId_9' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'pageId_0' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'pageId_0' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'pageId_0' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'pageId_0' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'pages' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'pages' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'pages' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'pages' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'pages_9' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'pages_9' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'pages_9' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'pages_9' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference_13' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference_13' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference_13' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference_13' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference_14' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference_14' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference_14' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference_14' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference_15' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference_15' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference_15' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference_15' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference_16' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference_16' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference_16' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference_16' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference_17' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference_17' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference_17' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference_17' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference_18' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference_18' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference_18' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'sys_file_reference_18' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'tt_content' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'tt_content' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'tt_content' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'tt_content' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'tt_content_21' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'tt_content_21' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'tt_content_21' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'tt_content_21' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'tt_content_22' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'tt_content_22' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'tt_content_22' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'tt_content_22' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'tt_content_23' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'tt_content_23' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'tt_content_23' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'tt_content_23' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'tt_content_24' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'tt_content_24' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'tt_content_24' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'tt_content_24' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'tt_content_25' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'tt_content_25' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'tt_content_25' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'tt_content_25' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'tt_content_26' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'tt_content_26' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'tt_content_26' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'tt_content_26' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'tt_content_27' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'tt_content_27' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'tt_content_27' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'tt_content_27' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'tt_content_28' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'tt_content_28' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'tt_content_28' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'tt_content_28' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'tt_content_29' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'tt_content_29' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'tt_content_29' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'tt_content_29' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_hash_tags WHERE cf_cache_hash_tags.tag = 'tt_content_30' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pages_tags WHERE cf_cache_pages_tags.tag = 'tt_content_30' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_pagesection_tags WHERE cf_cache_pagesection_tags.tag = 'tt_content_30' 2526 Query SELECT DISTINCT identifier FROM cf_cache_rootline_tags WHERE cf_cache_rootline_tags.tag = 'tt_content_30' 2526 Query SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=9 AND pages.deleted=0 2526 Query SELECT * FROM sys_lockedrecords WHERE sys_lockedrecords.userid<>1 2526 Quit