lexander Schnitzler [7:12 PM] And you cannot easily fix this Alexander Schnitzler [7:13 PM] No, go for a case sensitive system and inform people during installation that they have to adjust if needed. Mathias Schreiber [7:13 PM] just dropping in Anja Leichsenring [7:13 PM] thats what I say? Mathias Schreiber [7:13 PM] we all agree the info should be there that the FS is different from the FAL config, right? Mathias Schreiber [7:13 PM] the only question is *where* it should be, right? Anja Leichsenring [7:14 PM] and when Alexander Schnitzler [7:14 PM] Once during the initial installation please. Mathias Schreiber [7:14 PM] is that sufficient? Alexander Schnitzler [7:14 PM] With a possibility to change Alexander Schnitzler [7:14 PM] No, but it's the most important part imo Mathias Schreiber [7:15 PM] I mean think you'd install the site on your local laptop and move it to live by just making a tarball Alexander Schnitzler [7:15 PM] So people get in touch with the setting before the deployment and client complaints. (edited) Mathias Schreiber [7:15 PM] agreed Anja Leichsenring [7:16 PM] mostly educational reason you mean Mathias Schreiber [7:16 PM] how can one detect this? Alexander Schnitzler [7:16 PM] Anja's idea is good, add it permanently to the reports and/or install tool Anja Leichsenring [7:17 PM] somehow this check already exists, Mattes. Install Tool does it already Mathias Schreiber [7:17 PM] ok, cool Anja Leichsenring [7:17 PM] I think writing a file in some uppercases to system and look wether you can retrieve it :wink: Anja Leichsenring [7:18 PM] I know exactly my system is case insensitive, remember the login.js vs. Login.js affair? (edited) Mathias Schreiber [7:18 PM] that was your weird linux :wink: Anja Leichsenring [7:19 PM] ey! its not weird, only insensitive :stuck_out_tongue: Mathias Schreiber [7:20 PM] like I said.. weird Mathias Schreiber [7:20 PM] :simple_smile: Anja Leichsenring [7:20 PM] Alex, you know the drill. I hate to ask this of you, but please, can you create a ticket in forge? Please describe your use case. Alexander Schnitzler [7:21 PM] Ok, summary: - Default setting is "cs" - Detect different fs during installation and add possibility to adjust during the installation - Add a permanent check. Mathias Schreiber [7:21 PM] ahh, I trust in Alex' issue creating skills :wink: Anja Leichsenring [7:21 PM] but you talk about deployment, not installation, or am I wrong here? Alexander Schnitzler [7:21 PM] No, initial installation. Anja Leichsenring [7:22 PM] second installation, after initial setup somewhere else, correct? Alexander Schnitzler [7:22 PM] No, the first one. Anja Leichsenring [7:22 PM] oh, default .... got it. Sorry :simple_smile: Alexander Schnitzler [7:22 PM] I don't install my systems again on deplyoment. Anja Leichsenring [7:22 PM] That calls for an epic Alexander Schnitzler [7:22 PM] Do you? Anja Leichsenring [7:22 PM] no Anja Leichsenring [7:23 PM] thats why I wondered about your wording :simple_smile: Alexander Schnitzler [7:23 PM] I will create an issue and try to get that fixed. Anja Leichsenring [7:23 PM] but I only got that wrong Alexander Schnitzler [7:23 PM] But not before 2015 Alexander Schnitzler [7:23 PM] I am done Anja Leichsenring [7:23 PM] its fine, but please define the issue Anja Leichsenring [7:23 PM] I would even suggest to create an epic Anja Leichsenring [7:23 PM] that is more than one task Anja Leichsenring [7:24 PM] first is installation, default and changing the setting if needed Anja Leichsenring [7:24 PM] second ist the reports module entry Alexander Schnitzler [7:24 PM] yep, agreed Anja Leichsenring [7:24 PM] thanks a bunch.