//config.no_cache = 1 config.doctype = html5 //config.doctype = xhtml_strict config.baseURL = http://demo.com config.absRefPrefix = / //config.metaCharset = utf-8 //config.renderCharset = utf-8 config.admPanel = 0 config.debug = 0 config.htmlTag_langKey = ru_RU config.spamProtectEmailAddresses = 2 config.spamProtectEmailAddresses_atSubst = @ config.spamProtectEmailAddresses_lastDotSubst = . config { sys_language_mode = content_fallback //sys_language_overlay = hideNonTranslated locale_all = ru_RU.UTF-8 language = ru linkVars = L headerComment = Programmed by Alexander Borodinov aka MERCER in TYPO3 CMS additionalHeaders = Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8 // minifyJS = 1 // minifyCSS = 1 compressJs = 1 compressCss = 1 tx_realurl_enable = 1 // xhtml_cleaning = all // xmlprologue = none htmlTag_setParams = none // Remove automated HTML comments disablePrefixComment = 1 } // [globalVar = TSFE:id = 5] // config.baseURL = https://demo.com // [end] [globalVar = TSFE:id = 138] plugin.tx_felogin_pi1 > [end] //tt_content.stdWrap.innerWrap > lib.backend_layout = TEXT lib.backend_layout { data = levelfield:-1,backend_layout_next_level,slide override.field = backend_layout } page = PAGE page.typeNum = 0 /* page.meta.keywords = keywords page.meta.description = description */ page.meta.keywords.data = levelfield : -1 , keywords , slide page.meta.description.data = levelfield : -1 , description , slide page.meta.viewport = width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1 page.10 = FLUIDTEMPLATE page.10 { format = html file = fileadmin/templates/layouts/main_layout.html partialRootPath = fileadmin/templates/partials/ layoutRootPath = fileadmin/templates/layouts/ variables { backendLayout < lib.backend_layout //backendLayout < .file content_main < styles.content.get content_main.select.where = colPos = 0 SearchCol < styles.content.get SearchCol.select.where = colPos = 1 DocsCol < styles.content.get DocsCol.select.where = colPos = 2 InfoCol < styles.content.get InfoCol.select.where = colPos = 3 foot1 < styles.content.get foot1.select.where = colPos = 4 foot2 < styles.content.get foot2.select.where = colPos = 5 foot3 < styles.content.get foot3.select.where = colPos = 6 foot4 < styles.content.get foot4.select.where = colPos = 7 } } page.10.file.stdWrap.cObject = CASE page.10.file.stdWrap.cObject { key.data = levelfield:-1, backend_layout_next_level, slide key.override.field = backend_layout default = TEXT default.value = fileadmin/templates/template_with_side.html 2 = TEXT 2.value = fileadmin/templates/template_with_side.html 3 = TEXT 3.value = fileadmin/templates/template_subpages.html 5 = TEXT 5.value = fileadmin/templates/template_subpages_ssl.html } page.headerData.10 = TEXT page.headerData.10.value ( ) page.headerData.10.wrap = | page.includeCSS { file1 = fileadmin/templates/css/reset.css file2 = fileadmin/templates/css/style.css file3 = fileadmin/templates/css/common.css file4 = fileadmin/templates/css/nivo-slider.css //file5 = fileadmin/templates/css/jQui/jquery-ui.min.css //file6 = fileadmin/templates/css/jQui/jquery-ui.structure.min.css //file7 = fileadmin/templates/css/jQui/jquery-ui.theme.min.css } page.includeJS { // file1 = EXT:newscalendar/res/jquery.ajax.js } page.includeJSFooter { // file1 = fileadmin/templates/js/jquery.min.js file2 = fileadmin/templates/js/supersubs.js file3 = fileadmin/templates/js/superfish.js file4 = fileadmin/templates/js/jquery.tools.min.js file5 = fileadmin/templates/js/menuscript.js file6 = fileadmin/templates/js/jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js file7 = fileadmin/templates/js/nivoslider.js file8 = fileadmin/templates/js/jQui/jquery-ui.min.js } lib.content_menu= HMENU lib.content_menu { 1=TMENU 1{ noBlur=1 expAll = 1 ACT = 1 CUR = 1 // wrap= NO=1 NO { // wrap= wrapItemAndSub=
  • |
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    ) wrap = | } lib.ke_search = RECORDS lib.ke_search { source = 5 tables = tt_content } lib.DocsCol = RECORDS lib.DocsCol { source = 12, 123, 164 tables = tt_content } lib.InfoCol = RECORDS lib.InfoCol { source = 179, 176, 126 tables = tt_content } lib.mainHeader = TEXT lib.mainHeader { value = {$tmplConfig.mainHeaderText} typolink.parameter = {$tmplConfig.pids.home} } lib.desc = TEXT lib.desc.value = {$tmplConfig.subHeader} lib.foot1 = RECORDS lib.foot1 { source = 11 tables = tt_content } lib.foot2 = RECORDS lib.foot2 { source = 13 tables = tt_content } /* lib.foot3 = TEXT lib.foot3.value = lib.foot3.typolink.parameter = */ lib.foot3 = COA lib.foot3 { 10 = TEXT 10 { value = typolink.parameter = } 20 = RECORDS 20 { source = 147 tables = tt_content } } lib.foot4 = RECORDS lib.foot4 { source = 33 tables = tt_content } lib.breadcrumb = HMENU lib.breadcrumb { special = rootline special.range = 0|-1 includeNotInMenu = 1 wrap =

    you are here:   |

    1 = TMENU 1 { CUR = 1 noBlur = 1 NO { linkWrap = | >>  |*||*| | ATagTitle.field = abstract // title // description ATagParams = class="mytopnav" } CUR { ATagTitle.field = abstract // title // description ATagParams = class="mytopnav" linkWrap = | >>  |*||*| | doNotLinkIt = 1 } } } [globalVar = GP:L=1] config { sys_language_uid = 1 language = en locale_all = en_EN } [global] /* lib.langMenu = HMENU lib.langMenu { special = language special.value = 0,1 special.normalWhenNoLanguage = 0 1 = TMENU 1 { # Normal link to language that exists: NO = 1 NO.allWrap = |*| | <> |*| | NO.linkWrap = | NO.stdWrap.setCurrent = Ru || En NO.stdWrap.current = 1 # Current language selected: ACT < .NO ACT.linkWrap = | # Language that is NOT available: USERDEF1 < .NO USERDEF1.linkWrap = | USERDEF1.doNotLinkIt = 1 } } */ lib.date = TEXT lib.date { data = date:U strftime = %A, %e %B %Y } lib.copyright = COA lib.copyright { 10 = TEXT 10.value= ©  20 = TEXT 20.value = 2013 20.wrap = |- 20.if { value.data = date:U value.strftime = %Y isLessThan= 2013 } 30 = TEXT 30 { data = date:U strftime =%Y wrap= |   } 40 = TEXT 40 { value = demo string typolink.parameter = 1 } } plugin.tx_kesearch_pi1._LOCAL_LANG { ru { # This work searchbox_default_value = search... reset_button = reset submit = go } } plugin.tx_keuserregister { userDataPID = 137 defaultUsergroup = 3 # send email to admin after sucessful double-opt-in? # (set to "1" to activate this feature) adminMailAfterConfirmation = 1 # send email to admin after changed userdata adminMailAfterEdit = 1 adminMailAddress = email@com.com adminConfirmationEnabled = 1 } plugin.tx_newscalendar_pi1 { calendar.loadJQuery = 0 file.jsJQueryTooltip = fileadmin/templates/js/jquery.bt.min.js file.jsNewscalendar = EXT:newscalendar/res/class.newscalendar2.js } plugin.tx_imagecycle_pi1 { cycle.ttnews.image { imageLinkWrap > imageLinkWrap = 1 imageLinkWrap.enable = 1 imageLinkWrap { JSwindow = 0 directImageLink = 1 linkParams.ATagParams.dataWrap = class="t3colorbox" data-rel="cbox{field:uid}" } } }