*/ /** * [CLASS/FUNCTION INDEX of SCRIPT] * * * * 83: class t3lib_install * 112: function t3lib_install() * * SECTION: Writing to localconf.php * 136: function setValueInLocalconfFile(&$line_array, $variable, $value) * 186: function writeToLocalconf_control($inlines='') * 238: function checkForBadString($string) * 251: function slashValueForSingleDashes($value) * * SECTION: SQL * 276: function getFieldDefinitions_sqlContent($sqlContent) * 320: function getFieldDefinitions_sqlContent_parseTypes(&$total) * 367: function getFieldDefinitions_database() * 411: function getDatabaseExtra($FDsrc, $FDcomp, $onlyTableList='') * 456: function getUpdateSuggestions($diffArr,$keyList='extra,diff') * 557: function assembleFieldDefinition($row) * 586: function getStatementArray($sqlcode,$removeNonSQL=0,$query_regex='') * 626: function getCreateTables($statements, $insertCountFlag=0) * 650: function getTableInsertStatements($statements, $table) * 670: function performUpdateQueries($arr,$keyArr) * 686: function getListOfTables() * 702: function generateUpdateDatabaseForm_checkboxes($arr,$label,$checked=1,$iconDis=0,$currentValue=array(),$cVfullMsg=0) * * TOTAL FUNCTIONS: 17 * (This index is automatically created/updated by the extension "extdeveval") * */ require_once(PATH_t3lib.'class.t3lib_sqlparser.php'); /** * Class to setup values in localconf.php and verify the TYPO3 DB tables/fields * * @author Kasper Skaarhoj * @package TYPO3 * @subpackage t3lib */ class t3lib_install { // External, Static var $updateIdentity = ''; // Set to string which identifies the script using this class. var $deletedPrefixKey = 'zzz_deleted_'; // Prefix used for tables/fields when deleted/renamed. var $dbUpdateCheckboxPrefix = 'TYPO3_INSTALL[database_update]'; // Prefix for checkbox fields when updating database. var $localconf_addLinesOnly = 0; // If this is set, modifications to localconf.php is done by adding new lines to the array only. If unset, existing values are recognized and changed. var $localconf_editPointToken = 'INSTALL SCRIPT EDIT POINT TOKEN - all lines after this points may be changed by the install script!'; // If set and addLinesOnly is disabled, lines will be change only if they are after this token (on a single line!) in the file var $allowUpdateLocalConf = 0; // If true, this class will allow the user to update the localconf.php file. Is set true in the init.php file. var $backPath = '../'; // Backpath (used for icons etc.) var $multiplySize = 1; // Multiplier of SQL field size (for char, varchar and text fields) // Internal, dynamic: var $setLocalconf = 0; // Used to indicate that a value is change in the line-array of localconf and that it should be written. var $messages = array(); // Used to set (error)messages from the executing functions like mail-sending, writing Localconf and such var $touchedLine = 0; // updated with line in localconf.php file that was changed. /** * Constructor function * * @return void */ function t3lib_install() { if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['multiplyDBfieldSize']>= 1 && $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['multiplyDBfieldSize']<=5) { $this->multiplySize = (double)$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['multiplyDBfieldSize']; } } /************************************** * * Writing to localconf.php * **************************************/ /** * This functions takes an array with lines from localconf.php, finds a variable and inserts the new value. * * @param array $line_array the localconf.php file exploded into an array by linebreaks. (see writeToLocalconf_control()) * @param string $variable The variable name to find and substitute. This string must match the first part of a trimmed line in the line-array. Matching is done backwards so the last appearing line will be substituted. * @param string $value Is the value to be insert for the variable * @return void * @see writeToLocalconf_control() */ function setValueInLocalconfFile(&$line_array, $variable, $value) { if (!$this->checkForBadString($value)) return 0; // Initialize: $found = 0; $this->touchedLine = ''; $commentKey = '## '; $inArray = in_array($commentKey.$this->localconf_editPointToken,$line_array); $tokenSet = ($this->localconf_editPointToken && !$inArray); // Flag is set if the token should be set but is not yet... $stopAtToken = ($this->localconf_editPointToken && $inArray); $comment = ' Modified or inserted by '.$this->updateIdentity.'.'; // Search for variable name: if (!$this->localconf_addLinesOnly && !$tokenSet) { $line_array = array_reverse($line_array); foreach($line_array as $k => $v) { $v2 = trim($v); if ($stopAtToken && !strcmp($v2,$commentKey.$this->localconf_editPointToken)) break; // If stopAtToken and token found, break out of the loop.. if (!strcmp(substr($v2,0,strlen($variable.' ')),$variable.' ')) { $mainparts = explode($variable,$v,2); if (count($mainparts)==2) { // should ALWAYS be.... $subparts = explode('//',$mainparts[1],2); $line_array[$k] = $mainparts[0].$variable." = '".$this->slashValueForSingleDashes($value)."'; ".('//'.$comment.str_replace($comment,'',$subparts[1])); $this->touchedLine = count($line_array)-$k-1; $found = 1; break; } } } $line_array = array_reverse($line_array); } if (!$found) { if ($tokenSet) { $line_array[] = $commentKey.$this->localconf_editPointToken; $line_array[] = ''; } $line_array[] = $variable." = '".$this->slashValueForSingleDashes($value)."'; // ".$comment; $this->touchedLine = -1; } $this->messages[] = $variable." = '".htmlspecialchars($value)."'"; $this->setLocalconf = 1; } /** * Writes or returns lines from localconf.php * * @param array Array of lines to write back to localconf.php. Possibly * @param string Absolute path of alternative file to use (Notice: this path is not validated in terms of being inside 'TYPO3 space') * @return mixed If $inlines is not an array it will return an array with the lines from localconf.php. Otherwise it will return a status string, either "continue" (updated) or "nochange" (not updated) * @see setValueInLocalconfFile() */ function writeToLocalconf_control($inlines='',$absFullPath='') { $writeToLocalconf_dat['file'] = $absFullPath ? $absFullPath : PATH_typo3conf.'localconf.php'; // Checking write state of localconf.php: if (!$this->allowUpdateLocalConf) { die("->allowUpdateLocalConf flag in the install object is not set and therefore 'localconf.php' cannot be altered."); } if (!@is_writable($writeToLocalconf_dat['file'])) { die($writeToLocalconf_dat['file'].' is not writable!'); } // Splitting localconf.php file into lines: $lines = explode(chr(10),trim(t3lib_div::getUrl($writeToLocalconf_dat['file']))); $writeToLocalconf_dat['endLine'] = array_pop($lines); // Getting "? >" ending. // Checking if "updated" line was set by this tool - if so remove old line. $updatedLine = array_pop($lines); $writeToLocalconf_dat['updatedText'] = '// Updated by '.$this->updateIdentity.' '; if (!strstr($updatedLine, $writeToLocalconf_dat['updatedText'])) { array_push($lines,$updatedLine); } if (is_array($inlines)) { // Setting a line and write: // Setting configuration $updatedLine = $writeToLocalconf_dat['updatedText'].date('d-m-Y H:i:s'); array_push($inlines,$updatedLine); array_push($inlines,$writeToLocalconf_dat['endLine']); if ($this->setLocalconf) { t3lib_div::writeFile($writeToLocalconf_dat['file'],implode(chr(10),$inlines)); if (strcmp(t3lib_div::getUrl($writeToLocalconf_dat['file']), implode(chr(10),$inlines))) { die('typo3conf/localconf.php was NOT updated properly (written content didn\'t match file content) - maybe write access problem?'); } $this->messages[]= 'Configuration written to typo3conf/localconf.php'; return 'continue'; } else { return 'nochange'; } } else { // Return lines found in localconf.php return $lines; } } /** * Checking for linebreaks in the string * * @param string String to test * @return boolean Returns TRUE if string is OK * @see setValueInLocalconfFile() */ function checkForBadString($string) { if (ereg('['.chr(10).chr(13).']',$string)){ return FALSE; } else return TRUE; } /** * Replaces ' with \' and \ with \\ * * @param string Input value * @return string Output value * @see setValueInLocalconfFile() */ function slashValueForSingleDashes($value) { return str_replace("'","\'",str_replace('\\','\\\\',$value)); } /************************************* * * SQL * *************************************/ /** * Reads the field definitions for the input sql-file string * * @param string $sqlContent: Should be a string read from an sql-file made with 'mysqldump [database_name] -d' * @return array Array with information about table. */ function getFieldDefinitions_sqlContent($sqlContent) { t3lib_div::debug('getFieldDefinitions_sqlContent'); $lines = t3lib_div::trimExplode(chr(10), $sqlContent,1); $isTable = ''; foreach($lines as $value) { if ($value[0]!='#') { if (!$isTable) { $parts = explode(' ',$value); if ($parts[0]=='CREATE' && $parts[1]=='TABLE') { $isTable = $parts[2]; if (TYPO3_OS=='WIN') { // tablenames are always lowercase on windows! $isTable = strtolower($isTable); } } } else { if (substr($value,0,1)==')' && substr($value,-1)==';') { preg_match('/(ENGINE|TYPE)=([a-zA-Z]*)/',$value,$ttype); $total[$isTable]['extra']['ttype'] = $ttype[2]; $isTable = ''; } else { $lineV = ereg_replace(',$','',$value); $parts = explode(' ',$lineV,2); // Make sure there is no default value when auto_increment is set if(stristr($parts[1],'auto_increment')) { $parts[1] = preg_replace('/ default \'0\'/i','',$parts[1]); } // "default" is always lower-case if(strstr($parts[1], ' DEFAULT ')) { $parts[1] = str_replace(' DEFAULT ', ' default ', $parts[1]); } // Change order of "default" and "null" statements $parts[1] = preg_replace('/(.*) (default .*) (NOT NULL)/', '$1 $3 $2', $parts[1]); $parts[1] = preg_replace('/(.*) (default .*) (NULL)/', '$1 $3 $2', $parts[1]); if ($parts[0]!='PRIMARY' && $parts[0]!='KEY' && $parts[0]!='UNIQUE') { $total[$isTable]['fields'][$parts[0]] = $parts[1]; } else { $newParts = explode(' ',$parts[1],2); $total[$isTable]['keys'][($parts[0]=='PRIMARY'?$parts[0]:$newParts[0])] = $lineV; } } } } } $this->getFieldDefinitions_sqlContent_parseTypes($total); t3lib_div::debug($total); return $total; } /** * Multiplies varchars/tinytext fields in size according to $this->multiplySize * Useful if you want to use UTF-8 in the database and needs to extend the field sizes in the database so UTF-8 chars are not discarded. For most charsets available as single byte sets, multiplication with 2 should be enough. For chinese, use 3. * * @param array Total array (from getFieldDefinitions_sqlContent()) * @return void * @access private * @see getFieldDefinitions_sqlContent() */ function getFieldDefinitions_sqlContent_parseTypes(&$total) { $mSize = (double)$this->multiplySize; if ($mSize > 1) { // Init SQL parser: $sqlParser = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_sqlparser'); foreach($total as $table => $cfg) { foreach($cfg['fields'] as $fN => $fType) { $orig_fType = $fType; $fInfo = $sqlParser->parseFieldDef($fType); switch($fInfo['fieldType']) { case 'char': case 'varchar': $newSize = round($fInfo['value']*$mSize); if ($newSize <= 255) { $fInfo['value'] = $newSize; } else { $fInfo = array( 'fieldType' => 'text', 'featureIndex' => array( 'NOTNULL' => array( 'keyword' => 'NOT NULL' ) ) ); } break; case 'tinytext': $fInfo['fieldType'] = 'text'; break; } $total[$table]['fields'][$fN] = $sqlParser->compileFieldCfg($fInfo); if ($sqlParser->parse_error) die($sqlParser->parse_error); } } } } /** * Reads the field definitions for the current database * * @return array Array with information about table. */ function getFieldDefinitions_database() { t3lib_div::debug('getFieldDefinitions_database'); $total = array(); $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_select_db(TYPO3_db); echo $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_error(); $tables = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->admin_get_tables(TYPO3_db); foreach($tables as $tableName) { // Fields: $fieldInformation = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->admin_get_fields($tableName); foreach($fieldInformation as $fN => $fieldRow) { $total[$tableName]['fields'][$fN] = $this->assembleFieldDefinition($fieldRow); } // Keys: $keyInformation = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->admin_get_keys($tableName); foreach($keyInformation as $kN => $keyRow) { $tempKeys[$tableName][$keyRow['Key_name']][$keyRow['Seq_in_index']] = $keyRow['Column_name']; $tempKeysPrefix[$tableName][$keyRow['Key_name']]= ($keyRow['Key_name']=='PRIMARY'?'PRIMARY KEY':($keyRow['Non_unique']?'KEY':'UNIQUE').' '.$keyRow['Key_name']); } } // Compile information: if (is_array($tempKeys)) { foreach($tempKeys as $table => $keyInf) { foreach($keyInf as $kName => $index) { ksort($index); $total[$table]['keys'][$kName] = $tempKeysPrefix[$table][$kName].' ('.implode(',',$index).')'; } } } t3lib_div::debug($total); return $total; } /** * Compares two arrays with field information and returns information about fields that are MISSING and fields that have CHANGED. * FDsrc and FDcomp can be switched if you want the list of stuff to remove rather than update. * * @param array Field definitions, source (from getFieldDefinitions_sqlContent()) * @param array Field definitions, comparison. (from getFieldDefinitions_database()) * @param string Table names (in list) which is the ONLY one observed. * @return array Returns an array with 1) all elements from $FSsrc that is not in $FDcomp (in key 'extra') and 2) all elements from $FSsrc that is difference from the ones in $FDcomp */ function getDatabaseExtra($FDsrc, $FDcomp, $onlyTableList='') { t3lib_div::debug('getDatabaseExtra'); $extraArr = array(); $diffArr = array(); if (is_array($FDsrc)) { foreach($FDsrc as $table => $info) { if (!strlen($onlyTableList) || t3lib_div::inList($onlyTableList, $table)) { if (!isset($FDcomp[$table])) { $extraArr[$table] = $info; // If the table was not in the FDcomp-array, the result array is loaded with that table. $extraArr[$table]['whole_table']=1; } else { $keyTypes = explode(',','fields,keys'); foreach($keyTypes as $theKey) { if (is_array($info[$theKey])) { foreach($info[$theKey] as $fieldN => $fieldC) { if (!isset($FDcomp[$table][$theKey][$fieldN])) { $extraArr[$table][$theKey][$fieldN] = $fieldC; } elseif (strcmp($FDcomp[$table][$theKey][$fieldN], $fieldC)) { $diffArr[$table][$theKey][$fieldN] = $fieldC; $diffArr_cur[$table][$theKey][$fieldN] = $FDcomp[$table][$theKey][$fieldN]; } } } } } } } } $output = array( 'extra' => $extraArr, 'diff' => $diffArr, 'diff_currentValues' => $diffArr_cur ); t3lib_div::debug($output); return $output; } /** * Returns an array with SQL-statements that is needed to update according to the diff-array * * @param array Array with differences of current and needed DB settings. (from getDatabaseExtra()) * @param string List of fields in diff array to take notice of. * @return array Array of SQL statements (organized in keys depending on type) */ function getUpdateSuggestions($diffArr,$keyList='extra,diff') { t3lib_div::debug('getUpdateSuggestions'); $statements = array(); $deletedPrefixKey = $this->deletedPrefixKey; $remove = 0; if ($keyList == 'remove') { $remove = 1; $keyList = 'extra'; } $keyList = explode(',',$keyList); foreach($keyList as $theKey) { if (is_array($diffArr[$theKey])) { foreach($diffArr[$theKey] as $table => $info) { $whole_table = array(); if (is_array($info['fields'])) { foreach($info['fields'] as $fN => $fV) { if ($info['whole_table']) { $whole_table[]=$fN.' '.$fV; } else { if ($theKey=='extra') { if ($remove) { if (substr($fN,0,strlen($deletedPrefixKey))!=$deletedPrefixKey) { $statement = 'ALTER TABLE '.$table.' CHANGE '.$fN.' '.$deletedPrefixKey.$fN.' '.$fV.';'; $statements['change'][md5($statement)] = $statement; } else { $statement = 'ALTER TABLE '.$table.' DROP '.$fN.';'; $statements['drop'][md5($statement)] = $statement; } } else { $statement = 'ALTER TABLE '.$table.' ADD '.$fN.' '.$fV.';'; $statements['add'][md5($statement)] = $statement; } } elseif ($theKey=='diff') { $statement = 'ALTER TABLE '.$table.' CHANGE '.$fN.' '.$fN.' '.$fV.';'; $statements['change'][md5($statement)] = $statement; $statements['change_currentValue'][md5($statement)] = $diffArr['diff_currentValues'][$table]['fields'][$fN]; } } } } if (is_array($info['keys'])) { foreach($info['keys'] as $fN => $fV) { if ($info['whole_table']) { if ($fN=='PRIMARY') { $whole_table[] = $fV; } else { $whole_table[] = $fV; } } else { if ($theKey=='extra') { if ($remove) { $statement = 'ALTER TABLE '.$table.($fN=='PRIMARY' ? ' DROP PRIMARY KEY' : ' DROP KEY '.$fN).';'; $statements['drop'][md5($statement)] = $statement; } else { $statement = 'ALTER TABLE '.$table.' ADD '.$fV.';'; $statements['add'][md5($statement)] = $statement; } } elseif ($theKey=='diff') { $statement = 'ALTER TABLE '.$table.($fN=='PRIMARY' ? ' DROP PRIMARY KEY' : ' DROP KEY '.$fN).';'; $statements['change'][md5($statement)] = $statement; $statement = 'ALTER TABLE '.$table.' ADD '.$fV.';'; $statements['change'][md5($statement)] = $statement; } } } } if ($info['whole_table']) { if ($remove) { if (substr($table,0,strlen($deletedPrefixKey))!=$deletedPrefixKey) { $statement = 'ALTER TABLE '.$table.' RENAME '.$deletedPrefixKey.$table.';'; $statements['change_table'][md5($statement)]=$statement; } else { $statement = 'DROP TABLE '.$table.';'; $statements['drop_table'][md5($statement)]=$statement; } // count: $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('count(*)', $table, ''); list($count) = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_row($res); $statements['tables_count'][md5($statement)] = $count?'Records in table: '.$count:''; } else { $statement = 'CREATE TABLE '.$table." (\n".implode(",\n",$whole_table)."\n)"; $statement .= ($info['extra']['ttype']) ? ' TYPE='.$info['extra']['ttype'].';' : ';'; $statements['create_table'][md5($statement)]=$statement; } } } } } t3lib_div::debug($statements); return $statements; } /** * Converts a result row with field information into the SQL field definition string * * @param array MySQL result row. * @return string Field definition */ function assembleFieldDefinition($row) { $field[] = $row['Type']; if (!$row['Null']) { $field[] = 'NOT NULL'; } if (!strstr($row['Type'],'blob') && !strstr($row['Type'],'text')) { // Add a default value if the field is not auto-incremented (these fields never have a default definition). if (!stristr($row['Extra'],'auto_increment')) { $field[] = 'default '."'".(addslashes($row['Default']))."'"; } } if ($row['Extra']) { $field[] = $row['Extra']; } return implode(' ',$field); } /** * Returns an array where every entry is a single sql-statement. Input must be formatted like an ordinary MySQL-dump files * * @param string $sqlcode The sql-file content. Provided that 1) every query in the input is ended with ';' and that a line in the file contains only one query or a part of a query. * @param boolean If set, non-sql (like comments and blank lines) are not included in the final product) * @param string Regex to filter SQL lines to include. * @return array Array of SQL statements. */ function getStatementArray($sqlcode,$removeNonSQL=0,$query_regex='') { $sqlcodeArr = explode(chr(10),$sqlcode); // Based on the assumption that the sql-dump has $statementArray = array(); $statementArrayPointer = 0; foreach($sqlcodeArr as $line => $linecontent) { $is_set = 0; if(stristr($linecontent,'auto_increment')) { $linecontent = eregi_replace(' default \'0\'','',$linecontent); } if (!$removeNonSQL || (strcmp(trim($linecontent),'') && substr(trim($linecontent),0,1)!='#' && substr(trim($linecontent),0,2)!='--')) { // '--' is seen as mysqldump comments from server version 3.23.49 $statementArray[$statementArrayPointer].= $linecontent; $is_set = 1; } if (substr(trim($linecontent),-1)==';') { if (isset($statementArray[$statementArrayPointer])) { if (!trim($statementArray[$statementArrayPointer]) || ($query_regex && !eregi($query_regex,trim($statementArray[$statementArrayPointer])))) { unset($statementArray[$statementArrayPointer]); } } $statementArrayPointer++; } elseif ($is_set) { $statementArray[$statementArrayPointer].=chr(10); } } return $statementArray; } /** * Returns tables to create and how many records in each * * @param array Array of SQL statements to analyse. * @param boolean If set, will count number of INSERT INTO statements following that table definition * @return array Array with table definitions in index 0 and count in index 1 */ function getCreateTables($statements, $insertCountFlag=0) { $crTables = array(); foreach($statements as $line => $linecontent) { if (eregi('^create[[:space:]]*table[[:space:]]*([[:alnum:]_]*)',substr($linecontent,0,100),$reg)) { $table = trim($reg[1]); if ($table) { if (TYPO3_OS=='WIN') { $table=strtolower($table); } // table names are always lowercase on Windows! $sqlLines = explode(chr(10), $linecontent); foreach($sqlLines as $k=>$v) { if(stristr($v,'auto_increment')) { $sqlLines[$k] = eregi_replace(' default \'0\'','',$v); } } $linecontent = implode(chr(10), $sqlLines); $crTables[$table] = $linecontent; } } elseif ($insertCountFlag && eregi('^insert[[:space:]]*into[[:space:]]*([[:alnum:]_]*)',substr($linecontent,0,100),$reg)) { $nTable = trim($reg[1]); $insertCount[$nTable]++; } } return array($crTables,$insertCount); } /** * Extracts all insert statements from $statement array where content is inserted into $table * * @param array Array of SQL statements * @param string Table name * @return array Array of INSERT INTO statements where table match $table */ function getTableInsertStatements($statements, $table) { $outStatements=array(); foreach($statements as $line => $linecontent) { if (eregi('^insert[[:space:]]*into[[:space:]]*([[:alnum:]_]*)',substr($linecontent,0,100),$reg)) { $nTable = trim($reg[1]); if ($nTable && !strcmp($table,$nTable)) { $outStatements[]=$linecontent; } } } return $outStatements; } /** * Performs the queries passed from the input array. * * @param array Array of SQL queries to execute. * @param array Array with keys that must match keys in $arr. Only where a key in this array is set and true will the query be executed (meant to be passed from a form checkbox) * @return void */ function performUpdateQueries($arr,$keyArr) { if (is_array($arr)) { foreach($arr as $key => $string) { if (isset($keyArr[$key]) && $keyArr[$key]) { $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->admin_query($string); } } } } /** * Returns list of tables in the database * * @return array List of tables. * @see t3lib_db::admin_get_tables() */ function getListOfTables() { $whichTables = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->admin_get_tables(TYPO3_db); return $whichTables; } /** * Creates a table which checkboxes for updating database. * * @param array Array of statements (key / value pairs where key is used for the checkboxes) * @param string Label for the table. * @param boolean If set, then checkboxes are set by default. * @param boolean If set, then icons are shown. * @param array Array of "current values" for each key/value pair in $arr. Shown if given. * @param boolean If set, will show the prefix "Current value" if $currentValue is given. * @return string HTML table with checkboxes for update. Must be wrapped in a form. */ function generateUpdateDatabaseForm_checkboxes($arr,$label,$checked=1,$iconDis=0,$currentValue=array(),$cVfullMsg=0) { $out = array(); if (is_array($arr)) { foreach($arr as $key => $string) { $ico = ''; if ($iconDis) { if (stristr($string,' user_')) { $ico.= '(USER) '; } if (stristr($string,' app_')) { $ico.= '(APP) '; } if (stristr($string,' ttx_') || stristr($string,' tx_')) { $ico.= '(EXT) '; } } $out[]=' '.nl2br($ico.htmlspecialchars($string)).' '; if (isset($currentValue[$key])) { $out[]=' '.nl2br((!$cVfullMsg?"Current value: ":"").''.$currentValue[$key].'').' '; } } // Compile rows: $content = '


'; } return $content; } } if (defined('TYPO3_MODE') && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_install.php']) { include_once($TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]['XCLASS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_install.php']); } ?>