## LOGIN BOX plugin.tx_newloginbox_pi1 { storagePid = detailsPage = showForgotPassword = showPermaLogin = email_from = email_fromName = replyTo = templateFile = EXT:newloginbox/res/newloginbox_00.html // Allowed Referrer-Redirect-Domains: domains = } plugin.tx_newloginbox_pi1._CSS_DEFAULT_STYLE ( ) plugin.tx_newloginbox_pi1._LOCAL_LANG.default { } plugin.tx_newloginbox_pi1._DEFAULT_PI_VARS { } ## USER LISTING plugin.tx_newloginbox_pi3 { CMD = pidList = recursive = groupSelectmode = groupSelection = } plugin.tx_newloginbox_pi3.listView { customProcessing { image = IMAGE image.file { import = uploads/pics/ import.field = image import.listNum = 0 maxW = 200 maxH = 300 } /* Example for custom processing of username field: username = TEXT username.field = username username.wrap = | */ } results_at_a_time = 50 maxPages = 20 show.email = 1 show.email_in_details = 1 show.email_in_details_when_logged_in = 1 alwaysPrev = 1 tableParams_list = } plugin.tx_newloginbox_pi3.singleView.customProcessing < plugin.tx_newloginbox_pi3.listView.customProcessing plugin.tx_newloginbox_pi3._CSS_DEFAULT_STYLE ( .tx-newloginbox-pi3-listrow TH { background:#ccc; padding:0 .5em; white-space:nowrap; } .tx-newloginbox-pi3-listrow TD { background:#eee; padding:0 .5em; } .tx-newloginbox-pi3-singleView TH { background:#ccc; padding:0 .5em; text-align:right; white-space:nowrap; } .tx-newloginbox-pi3-singleView TD { background:#eee; padding:0 .5em; } ) plugin.tx_newloginbox_pi3._LOCAL_LANG.default { # Example for setting the list field header of a column called "date_of_birth": # listFieldHeader_date_of_birth = Date of birth } plugin.tx_newloginbox_pi3._DEFAULT_PI_VARS { } # TYPO3 CVS ID: $Id: ext_typoscript_setup.txt 3976 2006-10-28 20:42:37Z stradarius $