Feature #105570
openUserfriendly frontend editing
First of all:
I love TYPO3 and I personally get along with the backend very well! But for a "normal" editor, who has to change every now and then some content, it would be super nice, that he/she browses the website and does changes on the fly, without seeing the backend at all.
Up to TYPO3 v11 there was the awesome extension "friendsoftypo3/frontend-editing" (https://github.com/FriendsOfTYPO3/frontend_editing/) which was loved by my editors! Unfortunately this extension did not make it's way to the core and now it's not compatible with TYPO3 v12 anymore.
So it would be super nice, if we would get back something like "friendsoftypo3/frontend-editing" and integrate it in the core. With this feature all editors would love TYPO3 even more!
Here is the video, how the extension worked for editors:
Thanks a lot for everyone, who contributes to this great project!