Bug #105702
openTranslation Wizard allows proceeding without choosing mode
Steps to reproduce:
In TYPO3 12 translate a page and then translate the content (via the "translate" button in the page module). In the translation wizard, the two options "translate (connected mode)" and "copy (free mode)" are shown. Unlike in the documentation the "Next" button is already active and allows to proceed without choosing on of the two options.
If you choose an option, everything works fine.
If you don't choose, the translation wizard shows and endless spinner and have to be aborted.
As the documentation shows a different behaviour (inactive button unless an option is choosen), I would say this is a regression.
In TYPO3 13 the behaviour is correct.
Updated by Garvin Hicking 6 days ago
(Note, the popup modal has been redone in v13, so I'm not sure if a v12-only bugfix is likely in a component that has been considerably altered)