Bug #105749
openUnable to use "&"/ampersand character within URL parameters of "rte_ckeditor" link wizard/popup
When trying to use the "buttons.link.queryParametersSelector" optin within the "rte_ckeditor" extension, its possible to add custom parameters to a URL. But is seems not to be possible to add a "&" character. Using the ViewHelpers "uri.typolink" or "link.typolink", the result is always a mixed up URL.
Entered data in the "queryParametersSelector" field within the backend:
Output of saved (raw) data within the fronend:
t3://page?uid=123 - - - test=begin&end
Result after using the ViewHelper/s:
That of cause was expected, because the string "&end" is treated as an additional parameter "end". But trying to use the URL encoded form "%26" of the "&" character is not possible: After commiting the added URL parameters by exiting the wizard, the "%26" character is immediately replaced by the standard "&" character.
So it is not possible to enter and save the parameter in the already encoded form "test=begin%26end".
What would be the correct way to use "&" characters within URL parameters? In the meantime, is there a workaround?
Updated by Garvin Hicking about 2 months ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
& is pretty much regarded as a separator; are you able to use a different character, maybe semicolon or a comma? (And maybe even do URL rewriting - unsure however if the chash calculation will make this impossible)
Without having investigated this I suppose this also acts as some kind of sanitizing to prevent special character insertion. Other characters like = ( ) ? etc are also likely affected.