Bug #105793
openErrors in the chain of Set dependencies should be handled consistently
I have 3 sets:
vendor/base-set had invalid settings.yaml file. Now `vendor/base-set` and `customer/site-package`, which depends on it where hidden from the site configuration selector in
the site configuration, however `customer/site-package-special`, which depended on `customer/site-package` but only indirectly on `vendor/base-set`was visible but did not work.
I would expect, that direct and indirect dependencies would be handled consistently.
Also it becomes hard to debug why a certain chain of dependencies does not work. The only way to get the error messages is to manually incllude them in the page configuration and then see the errors in the site configuraiton module.
The list provided by `ddev typo3 site:sets:list -a` does not indicate the faulty set dependencies either. In the case described here it displays customer/site-package-special but not the other two and gives no hint about why the other two are missig.
No data to display