I performed the following test with TYPO3 12, 13 and 14 (latest main); the results are always the same:
- fresh TYPO3 installation
- a "DRAFT" Workspace
Test procedure - test 1¶
1. in LIVE workspace:
1.1. Create a new page, unhide it
1.2. In the page, create a content element (any type), assign it a headline; save and close
2. switch to DRAFT worskspace
2.1. Go to the page created on step 1.2.
2.2. Do not open the content created on step 1.2.! Instead, in Page Module, use the toggle visibility switch (in the content element box, on the upper right corner)
Result of the test 1¶
- the CE is hidden in DRAFT workspace
- the pagetree is not reloaded, thus the page is not marked as "changed" (with different background on v.12 and a "dot" on v.13 and above)
to see the change on pagetree you have to reload it; the simpliest way is to use the "Reload tree from the server" item inside the kebab menu of the pagetree
Test procedure - test 2¶
3. in LIVE workspace:
3.1. Create a new page, unhide it
3.2. In the page, create a content element (any type), assign it a headline; save and close
4. switch to DRAFT worskspace
4.1. Go to the page created on step 3.1.
4.2. Open the content created on step 3.2.! Edit the headline, save it.
Result of the test 2¶
- the CE headline is changed in DRAFT workspace
- the pagetree is reloaded, thus the page is now marked as "changed" (with different background on v.12 and a "dot" on v.13 and above)
Additional note¶
As stated before, I suspect that the toggle visibility switch in the page module does not trigger a reload of the tree; instead if you edit the CE
and use the Access Tab > Visibility of content element and then save the CE, then the page is marked as changed.
- Reload the pagetree when using the toggle visibility switch on the page module (I don't think that I would like this solution)
- when you use the toggle visibility switch of the page module, trigger a "notification message" (toast) on the bottom right corner that warns the
user that the pagetree should be reloaded; offer a button to reload the pagetree, too (I'd prefer this onem I think)
What do you think?