



Bug #105969


Scrolling is not possible while dragging a content element

Added by Kai Strecker 26 days ago. Updated 18 days ago.

Needs Feedback
Should have
Backend User Interface
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In the TYPO3 backend in the page module, you can drag-and-drop content elements to move/copy them. But while dragging a content element, you can not scroll the page. This is bad and unexpected, if you just want to scroll a bit down/up while dragging a content element.

In my opinion the user experience would be better, if the user could scroll while dragging a content element, because then the user has more freedom and more ways to move a content element and no unexpected behavior while working in the backend.

Actions #1

Updated by Andreas Kienast 26 days ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs Feedback

Ca you please tell which browser (and version) you're using? I cannot reproduce this in Chrome 132.0.6834.84 on macOS 15.2.

Actions #2

Updated by Kai Strecker 25 days ago

I am using Chrome 132.0.6834.84 on Windows 10. I can reproduce this bug in Firefox 134.0.2 (64-Bit) on Windows 10 as well.

I just tested it again, and sometimes I actually manage to scroll for a few pixels, but I am not able to reproduce this reliably.

Maybe I should also mention, that we have the extension installed. It overrides a little bit of the drag-and-drop code, but to me, it looks like this code change should not be the cause. Unfortunately, I currently don't have a TYPO3 13 system without the container extension installed to test this bug.

Actions #3

Updated by Andreas Kienast 18 days ago

I've tested this with EXT:container installed and still was not able to reproduce the issue. It may be related to Windows (perhaps active d&d prohibits scrolling by default on OS level). Unfortunately I only have Windows 11 24H2 at hand, maybe it's reproducible on this OS.

Actions #4

Updated by Andreas Kienast 18 days ago

I can confirm this to be an issue on Windows. Since this happens when dragging anything, e.g. buttons, I suspect this is an OS-level restriction which cannot get bypassed (easily).


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