Bug #105998
openLoading of Reports-Module very slow
Today I stumbled accross some odd behavior.
In a TYPO3 v11.5.42 Installation (I think this can happen in newer Versions too).
Having a big sys_refindex-Table:
When opening the reports-modul I see this query in the db-processlist wich is running extremly long (sometimes > 3 minutes):
SELECT count(*) FROM sys_refindex;
Here is the source of the query.
Changing this to a simple select (as in my understanding all informaiton needed is if there is any row inside this table:
SELECT hash FROM `sys_refindex` LIMIT 1
Would bring some speedup in this case.
I know, usually count(*) queries are fast, but there seems to be some special cases when those can slow down a system (see https://www.percona.com/blog/why-select-count-from-table-is-sometimes-very-slow-in-mysql-or-mariadb/)
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