



Bug #106013


Extbase Query Performance Issue

Added by Daniel Siepmann 12 days ago. Updated 5 days ago.

Should have
Target version:
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% Done:


Estimated time:
TYPO3 Version:
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Is Regression:
Sprint Focus:


We updated one project with one Extension to 13 and run into timeouts.
The issue could be tracked down to the transformation of the Extbase Query to the Doctrine Query.

We opened a PR within the Extension with a test to reproduce the issue:
The whole test is executed faster than one second in v12, but runs into timouts in v13: "2m 12s" for all tests in v12 vs. "47m 3s" on v13.

I can't attach the kcachegrind files as they are larger than the allowed maximum. But maybe the Screenshot already helps.

It seems right now not possible to execute Extbase Queries with multiple or concatenated contains over a sys_category relation. This seems to be a regression in v13.


kcachegrind.png (285 KB) kcachegrind.png Daniel Siepmann, 2025-01-29 12:47
Actions #1

Updated by Garvin Hicking 12 days ago

Are you maybe able to check the SQL query that would get executed? Could it be the joins are missing groupBys or so?

Maybe through database-side query logging or slow queries. Then we could check the SQL resultset for abmormal dataset sizes or recursion or contained IDs that could cause extbase infinite recursion through language overlays or so...?

Actions #2

Updated by Garvin Hicking 12 days ago

(Given that the SQL query even gets built - or it times out beforehand even, do I understand right?)

Actions #3

Updated by Daniel Siepmann 12 days ago

Yeah, it times out before it is ready build. It seems like the parsing of constraints doesn't scale well anymore. The more constraints, the longer it takes.

E.g. in the test, reducing the available sys_category entries would lead to a time that you won't notice.

Actions #4

Updated by Georg Ringer 12 days ago

  • Status changed from New to Accepted
  • Assignee set to Stefan Bürk

stefan will look at that as soon as he is back online

Actions #5

Updated by Daniel Siepmann 12 days ago

This is the executed SQL on v12:

SELECT count(*)
  FROM `tx_events_domain_model_date` `tx_events_domain_model_date`
  LEFT JOIN `tx_events_domain_model_event` `tx_events_domain_model_event`
    ON `tx_events_domain_model_date`.`event` = `tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid`
 WHERE (((((((not(`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IS NULL)) AND (`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`uid` > 0))) AND (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '1') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '2') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '3') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '4') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '5') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '6') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '7') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '8') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '9') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '10') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '11') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '12') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '13') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '14') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '15') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '16') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '17') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '18') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '19') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '20') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '21') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '22') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '23') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '24') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))))) AND (((`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`start` >= '1660158000') OR (`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`end` >= '1660158000')))))
   AND (`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`sys_language_uid` IN (0, -1))
   AND (`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`pid` = 2)
   AND (`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`t3ver_oid` = 0)
   AND (((`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`t3ver_state` <= 0) AND (`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`t3ver_wsid` = 0) AND (((`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`t3ver_oid` = 0) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`t3ver_state` = 4))) AND (`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`hidden` = 0) AND (`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`starttime` <= 1738223280) AND (((`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`endtime` = 0) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`endtime` > 1738223280)))))
   AND (((((`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`deleted` = 0) AND (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`t3ver_state` <= 0) AND (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`t3ver_wsid` = 0) AND (((`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`t3ver_oid` = 0) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`t3ver_state` = 4))) AND (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`hidden` = 0) AND (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`starttime` <= 1738223280) AND (((`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`endtime` = 0) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`endtime` > 1738223280))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IS NULL)))
   AND (((`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`t3ver_wsid` = 0) AND (((`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`t3ver_oid` = 0) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`t3ver_state` = 4)))))

Actions #6

Updated by Garvin Hicking 12 days ago

Ouch, this looks bad. Can you say where exactly this gets issued? I assume on an extbase domain repository relation property mapping? Your tests only executes a subrequest, I guess that one uses a specific extbase findBy/findAll() method?

This might help Stefan to easier setup a reproducible example if we can recreate the extbase circumstances.

Haven't look into it myself, feels a bit like this query should not have X subqueries but rather X left outer joins with a single query to return the UIDs for a "uid in (....)" condition...?

Actions #7

Updated by Garvin Hicking 12 days ago

Guess is at work here?

     $categories = GeneralUtility::intExplode(',', $categories, true);
        foreach ($categories as $category) {
            $constraints[] = $query->contains('categories', $category);

Wonder if you could use $query->in('categories.uid', $categoryUids instead to make it perform more efficiently?

Actions #8

Updated by Daniel Siepmann 12 days ago

Yes exactly. From my understanding this won't be possible, as one event can have multiple categories assigned, that's why one needs to use contains().

This is a query from v13, when I remove some sys_category form the database:

SELECT count(*)
  FROM `tx_events_domain_model_date`
  LEFT JOIN `tx_events_domain_model_event` `tx_events_domain_model_event`
    ON `tx_events_domain_model_date`.`event` = `tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid`
 WHERE ((((((not(`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IS NULL)) AND (`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`uid` > 0))) AND (((((((`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '1') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '2') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '3') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IN (SELECT `uid_foreign` FROM `sys_category_record_mm` WHERE (`uid_local` = '4') AND (((`sys_category_record_mm`.`tablenames` = 'tx_events_domain_model_event') AND (`sys_category_record_mm`.`fieldname` = 'categories'))))))))) AND (((`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`start` >= '1660158000') OR (`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`end` >= '1660158000'))) AND (`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`sys_language_uid` IN (0, -1)) AND (`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`pid` = 2) AND (`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`t3ver_oid` = 0) AND (((`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`t3ver_state` <= 0) AND (`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`t3ver_wsid` = 0)) AND ((`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`t3ver_oid` = 0) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`t3ver_state` = 4)) AND `tx_events_domain_model_date`.`hidden` = 0 AND `tx_events_domain_model_date`.`starttime` <= 1738226160 AND ((`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`endtime` = 0) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`endtime` > 1738226160))) AND (((`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`deleted` = 0 AND ((`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`t3ver_state` <= 0) AND (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`t3ver_wsid` = 0)) AND ((`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`t3ver_oid` = 0) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`t3ver_state` = 4)) AND `tx_events_domain_model_event`.`hidden` = 0 AND `tx_events_domain_model_event`.`starttime` <= 1738226160 AND ((`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`endtime` = 0) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`endtime` > 1738226160))) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_event`.`uid` IS NULL))) AND (((`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`t3ver_wsid` = 0) AND (((`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`t3ver_oid` = 0) OR (`tx_events_domain_model_date`.`t3ver_state` = 4))))))

The v12 query works in under 1 second. So the query in general doesn't seem to be an issue in v12.
But I'm also happy if there is a better approach.

Actions #9

Updated by Garvin Hicking 12 days ago

The ->in() condition when combined with a grouping of the model's uid should be able to "fold" multiple join results, but you're probably right this would be a workaround for the query creation process, and the difference from v12 to v13 in query generstion needs to be found.

I'll be silent now and let Stefan have a look first, but maybe this small sidequest rings a bell for him ;-)

Actions #10

Updated by Garvin Hicking 11 days ago

(Stefan: I've added a POC to show what I mean with a "better" query for finding categories which would not use recursion. However I think this is just a sidequest/optimization; the root cause for this where Doctrine DBAL probably creates large resource exhaustion due to resursive object generation is still left. But I think, a `contains` here is not a good query to execute)

Actions #11

Updated by Daniel Siepmann 8 days ago

Thanks, that might solve the issue when you only care about "or", e.g. if any of the given categories is assigned to events. But that won't work with an "and" if an event should be assigned to all of the categories, right?

Actions #12

Updated by Daniel Siepmann 5 days ago

We now have your workaround for OR in our project, this works fine, as the project itself only uses the OR feature of the extension. Thanks for helping out.


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