Feature #106022
openimplement CRUD for backend usergroup permissions
I need a usergroup which should be able to edit a content element but neither delete it nor be able to create a new content element.
As I see it, the TYPO3 backend user management is not making this possible. The only options I have for page content is
- no access
- read
- read and write
When chosing the last option a user can write but also delete and create new content - which is not what I want.
It would be better to implement CRUD here, so that for user groups these options are available:
- no access
- read
- update
- delete
- create
It would also be desirable to have it not only for page content in general but also for each content element in particular.
But maybe I overlooked something here and it also can be done via USER TSconfig. Unfortunately I found nothing in the documentation.
Updated by Michael Perlbach 9 days ago
ยท Edited
I was able to prevent deleting content for a user by setting its USER TSconfig to:
options.disableDelete.tt_content = 1
But to my surprise, the option
options.disableNew.tt_content = 1
does not seem to be available - although it seems to have been intended for implementation in TYPO3 version 10.
Updated by Garvin Hicking 5 days ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
Hi Michael,
there is no `disableNew` implementation, can you tell where you think it was available in v10?
There was an option "disableNewContentElementWizard", but that was for the wizard only, and it was removed so that the new content element wizard should instead be controlled with explicitly adding/removing specific content elements.
(I am unsure if you can lock-down TYPO3 content creation to fully forbid inserting new elements, so I leave this issue open to decide this)
Updated by Michael Perlbach 5 days ago
I think it refers to this here: https://forge.typo3.org/issues/87321
I did not say that this option was part of TYPO 10. It was somehow intended for TYPO3 10 - but then it seems to have been dropped in favour of other priorities.
However: It would be consistent and helpful if this option was available.
Updated by Garvin Hicking 5 days ago
- Related to Feature #87321: Edit Record: New Button cannot be disabled for Editors added