Bug #53738
Brocken Backend after JS Compression
Added by Tim Lochmüller about 11 years ago.
Updated almost 11 years ago.
Hey guys,
I got a broken backend with the current GIT trunk. The reason is, that the compression of the JS files, add sytax errors to the files.
Can anybody confirm this issue?
I add same braces to solve this issue. (patch attached)
- Category set to Pagetree
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
What is your local configuration. Cannot reproduce this currently.
What I also want to know is in which browser this happens.
Current 6.2 git master and current Firefox stable (extensions: Firebug and web Developer Toolbar).
I check the configuration... BE|CompressionLevel is zero?!
Are there any other manipulation mechanisms that transofrm the javascript?
We believe you, but can you please find out about your settings.
BE compression level has nothing to do with this. It just controls (if the zlib extension is installed) whether the "compressed" JS file is again compressed with gzip.
// decide whether we should create gzipped versions or not
$compressionLevel = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS'][TYPO3_MODE]['compressionLevel'];
// we need zlib for gzencode()
if (extension_loaded('zlib') && $compressionLevel) {
$this->createGzipped = TRUE;
protected function writeFileAndCompressed($filename, $contents) {
// write uncompressed file
GeneralUtility::writeFile(PATH_site . $filename, $contents);
if ($this->createGzipped) {
// create compressed version
GeneralUtility::writeFile(PATH_site . $filename . '.gzip', gzencode($contents, $this->gzipCompressionLevel));
Sorry... my fault. It was no clean installation... Anybody overwrite the ResourceCompressor->compressJsFile function and add JSMin compression. Bad idea, even if it worked before.
So this is not a core bug and should be closed!
Thanks for the hint!
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
great to know it's not a bug ;-)
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