Bug #64015
closedTAGS ALLOWED OUTSIDE P & DIV - has no effect?!
Hi developers!
The above function has no effect.
If an additional TAG is added according to instructions.
RTE.default.proc.allowTags: = addToList (iframe)
RTE.default.proc.entryHTMLparser_db.allowTags: = addToList (iframe)
RTE.default.proc.allowTagsOutside: = addToList (iframe)
styles.content.links.allowTags = b, i, u, a, img, br, div, table centers, pre, font, hr,
sub, sup, p, strong, em, li, ul, ol, blockquote, strike, del, ins, span, h1, h2, h3, h4,
h5, h6, address, iframe
The <iframe> TAG is still enclosed in a <p> TAG.
I have also tested it without additional RTE configuration.
I mean, I tested it with a change in the original file extension "rtehtmlarea" - no effect.
What is also strange is if the file "rtehtmlarea \ Configuration \ Paget \ proc \ pageTSConfig.txt" setting
"#allowTagsOutside = address, article," is disabled, the specified TAGS be created anyway without <p> TAG?