Task #64589
closedCleanup ResourceFactory
Should have
File Abstraction Layer (FAL)
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This is a list of problems I spotted while reviewing the ResourceFactory. Some issue might need own tickets, but some might just be easy cleanups.
Requires some thinking about the API.
general: clear local cache method (e.g. to save memory on bulk operations) general: why are create object methods public? 78: creates a driver -> gets a driver 88: do not recreate instance of singleton 89: getDriverClass? what for? 105: getDefaultStorage should be a first class citizen of StorageRepository, Cache the result [O(n) instead of O(1)] 128: why $fileIdentifier handling in this function instead of a dedicated function? Used only 1 or 2 times in core, same for $recordData, at least cached, but that part is hard to miss in between all the unrelated code 167: createStorageObject inside a getter? -> move to own method, also gets rid of $recordData here 186: pointing to PATH_site/fileadmin? or fileadminDir 274: use API for delete clause 307: $storageConfiguration --> $storageConfiguration !== NULL 329: missing PhpDoc 372: (sting)$identifier !== '' 400: wtf has this to do with processed files? -> variant should not be findable in the repository 405: create inside a getter? really needed here? 446: strpos($input, ':') > 0 ??? === 1 instead? 450: after having extracted the storage uid already, why not using getFileObjectFromStorageAndIdentifier 451: move elseif up one level 467: use getFileObjectByStorageAndIdentifier() with storage 0 instead 470: same here 481: method should be moved near getFileObjectFromCombinedIdentifier() 509: same here 523: why does this method does not handle legacy paths? 543: remove $storage parameter, require to have $fileData['storage'] set instead, change exception accordingly 613: use API for delete clause