Bug #99264
ArgumentCountError by usage of f:translate viewhelper
Added by Alex Kellner about 2 years ago.
Updated almost 2 years ago.
If I try to make the "old" extension work again in TYPO3 12, the error occurs:
ArgumentCountError, 6 arguments are required, 1 given
in .../vendor/typo3/cms-extbase/Classes/Utility/LocalizationUtility.php line 132
The call that throws the exception seems to be this markup in Fluid:
<f:translate key="date">test</f:translate>
Error occures in a backend module in TYPO3 12.0.0
- Description updated (diff)
Specified description
Same happens with this markup:
<f:translate key="LLL:EXT:luxletter/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:date">test</f:translate>
Another update:
Seems to rely on the locallang value - maybe a problem with "%"
<trans-unit id="date">
<source>%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M</source>
This helps:
<trans-unit id="date">
<source>Y-m-d, H:i</source>
Also CDATA helps:
<trans-unit id="date">
<source><![CDATA[%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M]]></source>
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
can you please test the dev version of core. Looks like #98924 which I ran into with ext:news and fixed it
- Related to Bug #98924: Harden LocalizationUtility with arguments added
I would try, but if I go on dev-main, I cannot login into backend any more (cache flush and db compare did not help). Problem here:
#1264023823 InvalidArgumentException
"luxletter.localhost.de-8ca9805574671b9c-table-be_sessions" is not a valid cache entry identifier.
Alex Kellner wrote in #note-5:
I would try, but if I go on dev-main, I cannot login into backend any more (cache flush and db compare did not help). Problem here:
Can you please provide a stacktrace (and optionally create a new ticket for this)? Fixing this issue seems to be a low-hanging fruit.
Please see #99276 for a bugfix.
Thx, works now as expected in 12.1.0
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
closing the issue now, thanks for confirmation alex
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