Bug #79370
Updated by Alexander Schnitzler almost 8 years ago
<pre> @ if ($TSconfigProp['overrideWithExtension']) { if (ExtensionManagementUtility::isLoaded($TSconfigProp['overrideWithExtension'])) { $onclick = 'window.location.href=' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue(ExtensionManagementUtility::extRelPath($TSconfigProp['overrideWithExtension']) . 'mod1/index.php?cmd=crPage&positionPid=' . $pid) . ';'; return $onclick; } } </pre> @ I am not sure but I think this "hook" has been put there for templavoila in the first place. Back then, it was quite normal to put modules in folders like mod1, but these days, as we have getModuleUrl, this hook is outdated and very likely to be non-working with modern extensions. Therefore I'd either remove that hook or refactor it, so it resolves the path to the module dynamically.