Bug #87316
Updated by Josef Glatz almost 6 years ago
h1. Problem/Description The LocalConfiguration.php get's is updated when you load the "Manage Language Packs" module in the new install tool of TYPO3 >= v9.5. h2. Background * I have AdditionalConfiguration.php which persists some of the TYPO3_CONF_VARS. * If the "Manage Language Packs" module is opened and loaded from the server (you have to re-open/-load the Maintenance module before) In my case @EXT/extConf/backend@ and @EXTENSIONS/backend/loginHighlightColor@ was updated with the value of AdditionalConfiguration.php !change-example.png! h1. Acceptance Criteria It's not really a big issue, but it would be perfect, if the files are only modified if you intend to change that (and get notified about the change).