


Bug #92485

Updated by Tymoteusz Motylewski over 3 years ago

Due too missing index in the fe_login felogin_forgotHash column, on big databases > 100k feusers queries to forgot password takes a long time to process. 

 An index to fe_users should be added: 

 ALTER TABLE fe_users ADD INDEX felogin_forgot_hash (felogin_forgotHash); 

 Without the index on the big db the queries take several seconds: 

 UPDATE `fe_users` SET `password` = ?, `felogin_forgotHash` = ?, `tstamp` = ? WHERE `felogin_forgotHash` = ? 
 ^^3895 ms 

 SELECT * FROM `fe_users` WHERE (`felogin_forgotHash` = ?) AND ((`fe_users`.`disable` = ?) AND (`fe_users`.`starttime` <= ?) AND ((`fe_users`.`endtime` = ?) OR (`fe_users`.`endtime` > ?))) LIMIT ? 
 ^^2582 ms 

 SELECT COUNT(`uid`) FROM `fe_users` WHERE (`felogin_forgotHash` = ?) AND ((`fe_users`.`disable` = ?) AND (`fe_users`.`starttime` <= ?) AND ((`fe_users`.`endtime` = ?) OR (`fe_users`.`endtime` > ?))) 
 ^^874 ms
