Bug #104505
Updated by Christian Ebert 4 months ago
Please close the issue. I found the cause. When using the uid instead of the slug in link generation in view it works
When upgrading to 11.5.37 and also 11.5.38 url generation which previously worked does not work anymore. Instead of the expected "nice url" with the slug /produkte/conloc) a classic url is generated (produkt?tx_egoshop_productfamily[action]=show&tx_egoshop_productfamily[controller]=Productfamily&tx_egoshop_productfamily[slug]=conlocuv651&cHash=59812a3971b0d92a0a91dc1626048583)
Link generation in view
{f:uri.action(extensionName:'Egoshop', pluginName:'Productfamily',controller:'Productfamily', action:'show', pageUid:'{settings.productfamily.detailPagePid}', arguments:'{slug:productfamily.slug}')}
Site Configuration*
type: Extbase
extension: EgoShop
plugin: Productfamily
routePath: '/{slug}'
_controller: 'Productfamily::show'
defaultController: 'Productfamily::show'
slug: '----'
type: PersistedAliasMapper
tableName: tx_egoshop_domain_model_productfamily
routeFieldName: slug
*Table definition*
CREATE TABLE tx_egoshop_domain_model_productfamily (
uid varchar(190) NOT NULL,
pid int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
productfamily_id varchar(255) NOT NULL,
slug varchar(255) NOT NULL,
category VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
name varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
optionsorting varchar(45) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
description text,
isBlacklabel tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
sys_language_uid int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
imported_at datetime,
KEY language (sys_language_uid),
INDEX category (sys_language_uid, category),
INDEX productfamily (sys_language_uid, productfamily_id)